Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 514: The status quo of the wizard tower, devour advanced


When Eli placed the silver key on the wall, the wall immediately rippled like water waves.

"My lord, it's inside!" Dylan's eyes were full of enthusiasm.


Eli nodded, then took a step back, and a clone suddenly condensed out.

After the avatars condensed, they slowly opened their eyes, and said to Dylan beside him, "Go in and have a look.

"It's my lord." Dylan fully understood Eli's behavior, after all, he had been with him for so many years.


Walking into the rippling walls like water waves, a wave of space caged them. "My lord, the inside of the wizard tower has merged into a large space. This is the space wave when entering the main hall!" Dylan felt the familiar wave, and said .

Hearing that, Eli nodded.

Three seconds later!

They have appeared in another area. "This is?" Eli looked up.

There is a huge space in front of me, with an area of ​​over a thousand acres. The surrounding walls are densely covered with countless complicated lines, and there are consoles one after another on the ground, with a prominent console in the center.

Is this the core control area of ​​Wizard Gray Tower?


Eli reached for his lips, but he didn't dare to underestimate it.

"My lord, here!" At this time, Dylan in the distance ran to the highest console at some point and waved him to go.

Eli walked over, only to find that there was actually a keyhole on the side of the console, which matched exactly with the key he was holding.

"My lord, as long as you insert the key and operate it, you can get the final authority!" Dylan added.

It's all here, no hesitation!

The next second, Eli inserted the key into it.

With the insertion of the key, Eli felt the ground start to tremble instantly, and the screens in front of him also began to flicker one by one, like ancient black and white screens, and between the screens, a human witch spirit in a black dress walked slowly. out.

"Sola, long time no see!" Dylan shouted happily.

"Oh, Dylan?" Wu Ling glanced at Dylan, a little surprised, then turned his head to look at Eli, and then looked a little puzzled, but when he saw the key, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"This is Master Eli..." Dylan on the side quickly introduced.

Soon, under the introduction of Dylan, the two parties also got to know each other.

Eli also understood that the witch spirit Sola in front of him was the chief witch spirit of the original wizard tower, a role like a housekeeper, with the ability to mobilize most of the wizard tower's power.

And Sola also understands the status quo of today's world, as well as things about Eli and Dylan.

"Things are impermanent. Who would have thought that the great wizarding world would become like this."

Sola sighed, and gradually looked at Eli and said: "In this case, my lord, I will hand over the authority of the remaining Wizard Tower to your lord.

"Okay!" Eli nodded, understanding the most critical step.

Accompanied by a wave of data floating from Wu Ling's body, Eli received all of them!

hours later.

Eli opened his eyes, but the way he looked at Sola was complicated.

"Is the situation in the Wizard's Tower really that bad?" he asked.

"My lord is not here. If the situation is good, I won't be unable to deal with the creatures within the range of the Wizard Tower. But when my lord is here, I believe it will be resolved." Sola sighed as if he understood what he was talking about.

"It's terrible!" Eli's mouth twitched.

Just now, he obtained all the authority of the Wizard Tower, and he also understood that the current situation of the Wizard Tower can only be described in one word, it is a mess.

99% of the mobile devices are damaged, 90% of the weapon system is damaged, the energy system is completely damaged, the external communication system is completely damaged, and 80% of the internal communication is damaged.


It can be said that the Tower of the Gray Wizard is now completely a lump of iron that cannot move!

It's completely different from what he thought, killing the Quartet as soon as he got it.

Anything that rules the wizarding world is a lie!

But if it is repaired, it can be done, but the ghost knows how many years it will take!

"My lord, anyway, the situation of the wizard tower is like this for the time being. But after the master has obtained the authority, he can order some mechanical creations of the wizard tower to start self-repair, but some important systems may still need a real alchemist!" Sora sighed. road.


Eli nodded, looking helplessly at the screens in front of him!

. . . . . .

Eli left. He left very simply. That afternoon, he left the secret realm, and then took Vivi. As for Eli, who returned to the land of greenery with Alida in Rika, there is no comment on what happened next, and Let the two of them pretend that they didn't go out this time.

Both of them naturally agreed to the Wizard's Tower, and Eli sat on the recliner, looking out the window, thinking about the Wizard's Tower.

He temporarily left Dylan and a clone in the Gray Wizard Tower to take care of some repairs and destroy some monsters, and he decided to come back first before saying, "The restoration of the Wizard Tower has a long way to go, it seems that I have to go to the Green Wizard Tower at that time." Wild, let the dwarves surrender, but this matter has to be considered in the long run, at least not for a short period of time, at least one or two years.

There must be some news from within the Warlock Alliance, so I must not do anything during this period, at least not let other people focus on me, and I will pretend that nothing happened!

The wizard tower is too big, even Eli dare not release the news, otherwise he will face the pressure of the whole world and it will be really troublesome at that time.

But even so, he still felt a lot of pressure.

He needs to be stronger "No, continue to implement the previous idea quickly!

Under pressure, Eli decides to do something about it!

He quickly walked down the wizard's tower, then walked towards the laboratory and entered a laboratory.

At this time, in the laboratory, there were two sealed living warlocks on the two crosses. Eli ignored the two, but took out the seventeen people who had been harvested this time.

"I have to deal with these people quickly!" Eli looked down at these people.

The reason why he stayed was actually related to his methods.

Devouring power!

Before Wanhua's advancement was different, she could absorb different rules and finally support her own rules, so Eli naturally thought of devouring other warlocks to harvest the rules.

Anyway, he did this kind of thing when he was in the second ring.

"Let's bring Patriarch Price first." Eli looked at the "familiar" warlock for a moment.

Eli stretched out his hand, a shadow appeared in his hand, and then a gap opened, UU Reading A tentacle slowly stretched out, and then pulled his corpse into it.

Digest, devour!

Eli slowly closed his eyes, feeling the change.

Half an hour later he opened his eyes again, with joy shining in his eyes.

"Success!" Eli took a deep breath and looked into his body.

At this time, in addition to the two regular flowers, there are three more fiery red flowers exuding the rich power of the rule of the fire element. Just like the former Patriarch Price!

it works!

Eli clenched his fists tightly, but in the next second, he seemed to remember something.

"Damn, forgot to touch the corpse!

Eli closed his eyes in pain!


It hurts so much!

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