Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 525: Continent shakes, all parties react

outside world!

Under the dark sky, about twenty wizards stayed in the air, including Alida, but no one spoke or made any sound.

The whole sky was as quiet as a land of silence.

Finally, Alida couldn't bear it any longer, she turned her head to look at Jinji who was beside her and asked, "Jinji, what do you think your lord's chance of winning is?

With a worried face on his face, Jinji first glanced at Alida and then sighed: "My lord, I don't know, but my lord's winning rate may not be as high as I imagined!

Jin Ji said it very tactfully, but someone beside him was very direct, a man with a gloomy face said unceremoniously: "No more than 30% at most, I think everyone should pack up and prepare to leave, while there is still some time!

"Sabo, what are you talking about?" Kyle reprimanded him directly, his eyebrows raised high!

What did I say? Isn’t what I said the truth? Don’t you have points? There are hundreds of people, not one, but twenty. If you don’t believe me, you think we can win. "The warlock named Sabo is a sacred tree warlock, but he directly refuted it, which shows that he was very flustered at this time.

"You..." The old man Kyle stared at him, and he was not polite when he scolded Sabo directly.

The two fifth rings scolded each other in the sky without the demeanor of a strong man.

Alida watched this scene helplessly.

A single question actually caused them to quarrel internally. It can be seen that the hearts of these five rings are far from calm or even panic, that's why they are like this.

In fact, although she believed in Eli, but in her heart...

But at times like this, she couldn't panic, so she coughed and said, "Both of you are five rings, arguing in front of hundreds of thousands of people in the city of blood, the impact is not very good!

Her words had an effect after all.

The two glanced at her, Kyle stopped talking, and Sabo on the side also showed resentment, but he didn't speak, and remained silent in the corner.

For a while, the scene was silent again.

"Hey!" At this, Alida sighed, and looked down at the ground. At this time, in the city of blood, countless people raised their heads and looked at the sky. In the distance, there were countless people kneeling in front of the statue of Eli. What are you praying for!

Apparently, they weren't the only ones worried.

In fact, this is just here. I am afraid that at this time, more than half of the continents are paying attention to this battle.

What happened?" Suddenly, Alida squinted her eyes. He saw that countless warlocks on the ground seemed to have discovered something and stood up one by one, and began to cheer.

Could it be...

She turned her head suddenly, and looked towards the sky, the originally dark Tianmu suddenly brightened up, the shadows gradually dissipated, and the sunlight in the sky also slowly scattered from it, and amidst the light, Eli slowly moved towards It flew down to the ground.

And behind him, in the shadows and darkness, only the blood-colored mist and the breath of death can be seen, and the figures of the more than one hundred people are completely gone.

"Where's the enemy?

Not only him, but everyone around her also looked at Eli, but no one spoke.

The brains of high-level warlocks are very fast. Looking at the scene in the sky, I can't help but imagine, but looking at the complete Eli, and the disappearance of the enemy, could the adults really defeat them?

is it possible?

Is this reasonable?

One by one opened their mouths wide, and felt that the world view was beginning to shatter.

Eli flew down slowly and came in front of everyone.

"My lord, are you alright?" Alida stood up and asked looking at the intact Eli.

"It's okay, the enemies are all gone." Eli nodded.

Hearing the confirmation, Alida's throat moved slightly, and she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Solved? Did your lord kill those one hundred warlocks?" Sabo asked directly.

Everyone gasped at the same time and looked at Yi Cai in awe.

There is no need for Eli to lie to them about this sort of thing, no doubt!

But is this too far off the mark!

"How strong is your lord?" The white-haired Kyle looked at Eli's young appearance and expressed the biggest doubt in his life. He didn't understand, he didn't understand!

Sabo, who asked the question, stopped talking. Thinking of what he said before, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He just hoped that no one would tell Eli about it.

Jinji breathed a sigh of relief. This is my lord!"

Just looking at Eli's relaxed look, he immediately sighed.

too strong!

Everyone couldn't help being shocked in their hearts, but they were Wuhuan after all, so they all held back.

But on the ground, all the Warlocks of Blood City were almost going crazy at this time.

"My lord has won, my lord has won!

"I knew it, my lord can't lose. I don't know what a group of old guys are thinking? They're going to be taken care of by my lord!"

"Great, is it over?

As if going crazy, countless people celebrated in the streets, and there were children running on the streets, loudly announcing the result of the war, as if they had won the battle.

Their reaction was not without reason. After all, since the establishment of the Bloodline Alliance, the entire continent has been instantly connected as one, and there have been changes in the system. This has changed the atmosphere and appearance of the mainland. Everyone can feel that. An upward feeling.

Let them go back to the kind of rule they used to, they will never be willing anyway!

And just today, they encountered the biggest crisis since the establishment of the alliance.

But fortunately, Master Eli stood up again, killed the enemy, and ended the crisis.

In the blink of an eye, you can see that there are a lot more warlocks in front of the statue of Eli. Of course, not only here, but the rule of the Jiping Bloodline Alliance has become like this.

The whole continent is seething.

Amina family!

The old Serona sat on the seat, his cloudy eyes seemed to see the cheering family members outside through the hall, and a smile appeared on his face.

Compared with before, the Amina family at this time was the first to join the Tower of Bloodline, and it has almost grown into a second-tier power at this time, which is exactly the same as before, and he is gradually approaching his old age.

And all of this stems from that afternoon "My lord!" He sighed deeply.

Who would have thought that the sorcerer who easily suppressed him back then would have grown to where he is And the Tower of Veins, a force that is not even at the top level, has now grown into the number one force in the mainland.

And all of this happened in just a few hundred years!

"After today's battle, the Alliance only needs to deal with the Lich Tower, and I don't know if I don't understand the day when the mainland is unified." He sighed deeply, and then slowly closed his eyes.

he is too old!


The head of the White-haired Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce's face was ashen, and his body was motionless!

"Is this the end? This can be won? It's too exaggerated." The old voice was almost trembling at this moment, it's unbelievable!


Up to now, he still can't accept Eli's victory.

"How could he win? Shouldn't he? How could he win, how could he win!..." On his face, there was a half-smile, half-cry, and he kept mumbling without stopping.

Not far away, his former subordinates looked at this scene with a look of unbearable expression.

How did the former president become like this?

Like crazy.

But they also understand that there will be no chance for them to rise again in the future, and I am afraid that they will all leave one after another in the near future.

The Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce will be completely turned into history!

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