Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 526: The 'betrayal' of the lich, the trapped David


The smooth mirror surface slowly dissipated, turning into thousands of spiritual light spots.

In the ancient castle, the icy soul fire was burning in the cold wind. Although they were not afraid of the cold, at this moment, all the liches only felt that their hearts were cold.

"How is it possible, how could he be so strong?" Scourge Lich's voice trembled, and his body trembled even more.

"We underestimated his strength, by far!" Bone Dragon Lich also had a bitter face, and his tone was low.

The strength shown by Eli in front of him is really shocking. It is already two latitudes away from the combat power shown by the warlock coalition, and there is no comparison. That's why those warlocks were easily killed by Eli.

But how could Eli be so strong, how could...

They gritted their teeth, a little dazed and helpless.

Dazed is the dazed about Eli's strength, and being at a loss means that Eli's strength is so strong, and there are ways to restrain them. Can they really defeat Eli and solve the blood alliance?

No, it's not that they want to solve the problem of the Bloodline Tower now, but that the Bloodline Tower will attack them sooner or later. Will they be able to stop it then?

"My lord, what shall we do next?" The Scourge Lich looked up at the Lich King who had been silent all this time, and everyone also looked up at the front. what.

After being silent for a few seconds, he glanced at the crowd, and said slowly, "Ten years later, after digesting the previous wave of power, and then Dao, gather the power, and launch a general attack on the Warlock Alliance!

Total attack?

The souls of all the liches trembled suddenly, and they all looked at him in disbelief.

"My lord, we may not be opponents of the Bloodline Alliance now. It would be too inappropriate to start a war."

A Deng Yao retorted directly.

"Indeed, let's make peace, wait for us to develop!

"Too impulsive!

Many liches expressed their opinions one after another. The bone dragon lich and the natural disaster lich also didn't know what they were thinking, but their expressions seemed calm on the surface. They were not willing to start a war.

But the Lich King Siping didn't pay attention to everyone's plans, and said calmly: "Ten years later, a war will start, everyone, let's end the meeting.

After the words fell, he got up directly, regardless of the crowd, and walked directly towards the back of the castle, leaving many liches looking at each other.

Silence, after a few seconds of silence, Scourge Lich glanced at everyone, and then said: "Since your lord has said so, let's carry it out, everyone should leave first.

Many liches looked ugly, but they also got up and left the city one after another. The natural disaster lich also took a look at the ancient castle in the dark depths, and then left the castle.

Then the door slowly closed.

But after he left, he didn't return to his territory directly, but took a look around, and came to a place where the cold wind was howling, where an iceberg stood, and under the iceberg, a huge figure was already waiting for him.

"Bone Dragon!" Scourge looked directly at the figure and said.

"It's me." The bone dragon lich slowly stepped out of the snow and nodded.

"So what the **** are you asking me to do?" asked the Scourge Lich, frowning.

Just before leaving just now, this guy suddenly sent him a message quietly.

"Do you want to die?" Suddenly, the Bone Dragon Lich asked the Scourge Lich:?

He became cautious in an instant, and the cold flames all over his body burned.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just telling you one thing. The bone dragon lich looked at his old friend like this, and then looked at him seriously: "You know, we were all found by him within a hundred years, and then transformed into Lich's.

And before that, adults don’t know how long it takes to transform into a lich. We all know what the aftermath of transforming into a lich will be. The soul will gradually degenerate. I just transformed into a hundred years, but I feel more and more that I am no longer me. One can imagine what the adults are like now.

But my goal is to live longer. If I fight with Eli, it will be very tragic. My lord may not be sure, but we are definitely likely to die. To be honest, I don’t want to fight, how about you?

"Of course I don't want to!" Scourge Lich frowned and asked, "Then what do you mean now, we signed the contract at the beginning, and there is no way to change it.

This time he didn't answer, but changed the subject: Your lord is a lunatic, he just wants to complete his great cause and purify the world as it used to be. I once sneaked into his room and read part of his diary , I learned that he was once a wizard!

"Wizard?" Scourge Lich was taken aback.

The Lich King was once a wizard, which is a big new world.

"Yes." Bone Dragon nodded, and continued: "He used to be a wizard, but his life was miserable, almost spent being captured and attacked by warlocks.

But by chance, he entered a fragment of the outside world, I don't know what he found in it, but after that, the Lich Law was born!

"What are you trying to say?" The Scourge Lich was completely confused at this moment!

The bone dragon lich said: "What I want to say is that the dream of adults is that the world will return to the age of wizards, the age of spell casters, and the age where everyone lives in harmony.

That's why he has no scruples about practicing lich law, but do you think we liches are spellcasters?"

He looked up to the other side, and the Scourge Lich shook his head and said: "No, we can only be regarded as half spellcasters at most, after all, Liches are almost not a species like humans.

"Yes!" Bone Dragon Lich nodded, and said: "That's true, this is the contradiction, the world will never return to the way it used to be, not to mention that Lich can't give birth, so the idea of ​​adults is just a delusion , but it's been so long since he transformed into a lich that he probably doesn't even know what he's doing at this point.

He's just a paranoid, a dreamer who's gone the wrong way!

At this moment, he unceremoniously expressed his views on David.

"So..." Scourge Lich narrowed his eyes.

"It's the other way around." At this moment, the bone dragon lich no longer covered up, and then took out two feathers, saying: "These are the feathers of two filthy birds, which I once harvested in the Warlock Alliance. This can help We lift the curse.

Since David is a lunatic, then we might as well replace him, and then devour all the liches, so that our strength will be unprecedented, and then solve Eli, and then find a chance to leave this world!


The Scourge Lich gasped.

After all, isn’t it just about backstabbing? Use the entire Lich Tower as the promotion resources for the two, then eliminate Eli and the Lich King, and finally leave this But if all the Lich If the demon devours them, their strength will directly leap forward. Even Eli is absolutely impossible to be their opponent. Everything is at your fingertips.

He fell silent, lost in thought. The Bone Dragon Lich also waited quietly by the side, no longer speaking.

After half an hour, the Scourge Lich slowly raised his head to look at him and said, "Okay, I agree!

The bone dragon lich showed a smile!

. . . . .

At this time, David who was far away in the castle slowly opened his eyes and said slowly: "David, it turns out that Eli is your teacher, which is interesting and interesting, but he is still alive now, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this person. There is a secret!

"no, you can not......"

Another voice came from his body, and the soul fire trembled.

The Lich King faintly felt as if his body was out of control, and instantly a black shadow-like breath escaped towards his body, and then he calmed down, and the voice also stopped.

"Everything is going according to plan, everything is, except for one thing that went wrong with Eli, but it's not a big deal.

You have been in control of the situation before, but now I will be up to you." He shook his head and let me do it, you sleep for a while and walk towards the depths of the castle.

Outside the castle.

The cold wind howls and never stops!

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