Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 71: Dainichi Nyorai

The "Amitabha Sutra" has more enlightenment for the Fa-rectification than the Great Tragedy. For a time, the Fa-rectification is full of brilliance and the sounds of the Buddha are around. A lot of big **** came out in breath.

The huge light of the Buddha seemed to break through the surrounding array.

Shakyamuni looked and waved his hand.


All the breath of the Buddha was detained.

"Huh?" Shakymoni suddenly looked, and picked it out.

"call out!"

Suddenly, there was an additional bead in the palm of the hand, and there was an eye above it, looking around.

"This is it?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Oh, you are being watched here, Buddha means!" Shakyamuni frowned.

"Surveillance?" Gu Hai's face sank, and Detective took over the beads in Shakyamuni's hands.

"It should be a very powerful Buddhist and Taoist person, and it should be monitored shortly, there are not many pictures of memory inside!" Said Shakyamuni Shen.

"Should come for the Fa-rectification!" Gu Hai Shen cried.


"However, Fa-rectification has been reincarnation several times in this life, but he has been unable to do so. As a phage, although he cares about the major gates, he did not take it too seriously, because he reincarnate several times and never live?


?? Hundred years old, but this time is different, this world's Lingshan Holy Land, the South China Sea Purple Bamboo Forest, seems to be extremely fond of him! "Gu Hai frowned.

"Zhu bamboo forest in the South China Sea?" Shakyamuni's face sank.

"what happened?"

"On the other side of the earth, the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea is the Bodhisattva Guanyin Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva Guanyin Bodhisattva is a reincarnation of the Fa-rectification, but unfortunately, it has disappeared, and there is one in this world, haha, bad intentions!" Shen said.


"For you, I don't know the specific situation, and I don't plan to understand for the time being. Although the Master has been reincarnated to your Fairy Vault, this place is too dangerous. I will take him back to our Fairy Vault and help him restore his memory!" Shakyamuni looked at the ancient sea.

"It can be! But, since he came from the heaven of heaven, why is he reincarnated here? Oh, by the way, listen to a bodhisattva. The six heavens of heaven, the past Buddhas, are all passed on to a virtual shadow, called Wuliangshou , So I suspect he is the reincarnation of Wuliangshou Buddha! "Gu Hai recalled.

Shakyamuni nodded: "That's right!"


"Our immortal world, Buddhism is also transmitted to Amitabha. He founded the Elysium, which is the greatest Buddha of Buddhism. He later died, and the Elysium collapsed. In fact, only I know that he disappeared that year. I once asked Master where to go, and he said that there is a new world, and he needs to carry forward the Buddha's Word and save all beings! "Said Shakyamuni Shen.

"New World? At that time, Amitabha discovered the six immortal domes?" Gu Hai Shen chanted.

"It should be right, and if I guessed right, he should have entered the void, and from the void, he found six immortals, and used Dafa to preach the Buddha here, unfortunately, when he arrived at the six immortals, At the time of the dome, it may have reached its limit and everything was consumed by nothingness. It was only the two immortal Buddhas who kept chanting his sacred name before awakening him to reincarnation here! "Explained Shakyamuni.

"Except for my current method, it is not easy to cross two fairy spheres!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Yes, except for you, there is no connection between the two immortal vaults! It's strange!" Sakya Muni sighed.



"Yi has found it here! And the idea has invaded, but it was blocked by my realm Fu Xi!" Gu Hai looked.

"What?" Shakyamuni's face suddenly changed.

Then, Gu Hai told Shakyamuni about a scene he knew 800,000 years ago.

Shakyamuni's pupils shrank, "I see, I see. No wonder the earth, how abnormal it is!"

"This news is useful to you?" Gu Hai asked.

"Haha, it's more than useful. Thank you for reminding us. Otherwise, I don't know it until the disaster comes!" Shakyamuni's eyes changed for a while.

"Since Faming Ming is the reincarnation of Amitabha, it should be extremely important to you and to me. It is really not safe to stay here. The bead watched just now. If it was not you, it might have leaked today. You can take him back, but You know the rules of my channel, one for the other, and the physical difference between the two should not be too big, otherwise the Fa-rectification cannot stand it! "Gu Hai shook his head.

"Anyway, I have a piece of gold. I'll wait for you to let him put on the pressure in the passage. Thank you for your generosity this time. I'll send you an assistant later. He will fully assist in You, rest assured! "Said Shakyamuni solemnly.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

Shakyamuni took out a puppet to the ancient sea. Then folded his hands, slowly stepped into the passage of the two fairy vaults.


In a blink of an eye, Shakyamuni returned.

When Shakyamuni returned, he wanted to send another person back to replace the two immortal vaults of the Fa-ming. It was like the celibate of the past, and one person had to pass in order to use the passage again. However, it is Long Shenwu, and now the channel can be reused.

Gu Hai waited patiently. On the other side, countless Buddha sounds, lights, and spirits were rapidly converging into the body of the Dharma. It seems that Fa-rectification has realized the "Amitabha Sutra".

At this moment, two golden domes suddenly emerged again.


Magnificent light, all around instantly.

Gu Hai turned his head and looked at the entrance of the passage, slowly walking out of a golden man.

The appearance of the man and Shakyamuni is somewhat similar, but Shakyamuni is more restrained, but the man is sharp, with a majesty above him, exudes, even the ancient sea is suddenly sinking in his heart.

"Da Lei Yin Temple, big day is here?" Gu Hai frowned, surprised.

But it is the former earth fairy world, the Buddha of the Nine Dragons at the Great Leiyin Temple in the West, and the Nine Dragons that pressed Sun Wukong under the Wuzhi Mountain. Earth fairy world, one of the top group of strong.

"At the command of the Buddha Shakyamuni, Da Ri Ru Lai, here comes to assist Mr. Gu!" Da Ri Ru Lai is a respectful gift to Gu Hai.

"Oh? It's Shakyamuni who asked you to come here? You are a Buddha created by Shakyamuni? It's like Laozi blasted Sanqing?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"The Buddha of Shakyamuni is the master of all Buddhas, the Buddha of the mother-in-law. And I, the body of Shakyamuni, also known as 'Villusana Buddha,' preside over the wife-in-law of Shakyamuni World, you can also see me as a Buddha created by Shakyamuni Buddha! "Day Sunrui solemnly saluted.

"I've seen Da Ri Nu Lai Buddha! Next, I have to trouble Da Ri Nu Lai Buddha." Gu Hai was happy for a while.

"Mr. Gu doesn't need to be polite. I will do my best to explain the ontology. I also thank you for finding the Amitabha for the ontology, the source of my Buddha!" ​​Da Riru solemnly said.

"Okay, with the help of your Excellency, I will be as powerful as a king!" Said Gu Hai with a hint of happiness in his eyes.

Da Riru nodded and turned to look at Zheng Faming aside.


The Fa-rectification of the body of Fa-rectification suddenly opened his eyes, and a light of Buddha appeared in his eyes. The light of the Buddha was so clear that he could feel the boundless wisdom.

"The Buddha of Shakyamuni Buddha, such as Da Ri, has seen Amitabha!"

"Oh?" Fa-ming Ming froze slightly.

"Fang Faming, I thought about it. Now, the Holy Land of Lingshan and the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea are looking for you. It is extremely unsafe. I want to place you at Shakyamuni. He will help you to recover the lost memory. Help you recover, there is also very safe! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

Zheng Faming looked at Gu Hai and nodded: "Mr. Gu, I listen to you!"

"Well, please put on this puppet and step into this passage, you will see Shakyamuni again!" Gu Hai handed out the puppet.

"Good!" Zheng Fa nodded brightly.

Put the cricket on your body.


A golden light emerged from the puppet, and immediately integrated into the body of the Fa-rectification.

"Please!" Gu Hai invited.

Fa-rectification nodded, walked slowly to the entrance of Liangxianqiong, and before crossing into the immortal-qiong, Fa-rectification suddenly had a meal.

"I need to talk to Mr. Gu!" Zheng Faming said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at Zheng Faming in doubt.

"Thank you, Master, for me!" Zheng Faming solemnly said.

"Relax, I'll tell him!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Also, maybe everyone has misunderstood Master Gou Chen, his song is not so bad!" Zheng Faming frowned.

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered slightly.

"He should have accidentally got the source of the Qin Tao Law!" Zheng Faming explained.

"The source of the Qin Tao rules?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, you ca n’t hear him singing. It ’s not really unpleasant. It ’s just that ordinary people ca n’t bear it. If you can endure that uncomfortableness and pass everything at a critical point, you will find that the singing voice will be the most beautiful voice in the world. And those who listen will receive the blessing of the law and the baptism of the soul! "Zheng Faming explained.

Gu Hai was a little surprised, really fake?

After speaking, Fa-rectification nodded his head and stepped into the passage. After a while, when it was determined that Zheng Faming had reached the Qiongxian Qiong, Gu Haicai's hand closed the passage between the two circles.

"The source of the rules?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Although there were countless doubts in my heart, I still pressed down and looked at the big Sun Ri.

"If you come to the Buddha in the big day, then you bother to live in the borderless sky. Soon, my Dahan Emperor will compete in the Holy Land of Lingshan in this world, or there is a great danger, you need to be surprised!" Gu Hai Solemnly.

The atmosphere around the Big Buddha, such as the Buddha, suddenly converged and turned into an ordinary burly man.

"Everything is waiting for Mr. Gu to arrange!" Da Riru nodded.

"Thank you!" Gu Hai thanked.

Dairi Rulai folded her hands and smiled.

Gu Hai waved his hand.


The big burst of valleys burst out.

At the moment of dispersal, the pitying Bodhisattva flew over again.

"Ancient Emperor, was that the Immortal Buddha just now? What about people?" Liansheng Bodhisattva said anxiously.

However, there was no figure of Fa-rectification around him anymore. There was only one burly man wearing a golden monk robe.

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