Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 72: Contributing to Silver Moon

Except for the ancient sea and this burly monk, the valley was empty!

"What about people? Ancient emperor, what was the Fa-rectification just now?" Liansheng Bodhisattva said anxiously.

"Pooh Bodhisattva, please be calm and restless!" Gu Hai frowned.

Others were curious and looked at Da Riru, who did not know who this was.

"Lingshan Holy Land and the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea both want to seize the Fa-ming. I have sent it to a safe place. As for the place, the mercy Buddha is sorry!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"But ..." Lian Shengbo was eager.

"Falunfaming, after all, it's Famingfaming, let's think about it first, and rescue the ancient man now!" Gu Hai once again advised.

The pitying Bodhisattva thought about it, and smiled slightly, okay!

Although he is no longer entangled in the Fa-rectification, the poor living Bodhisattva is still in his heart.

"But the ancient Han is being suppressed by Jiang Rulai now. I don't even know where he is!" Lian Shengbo smiled bitterly.

"Poor Bodhisattva, please follow me back to the palace and tell the situation carefully again!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh?" Li Shengbo nodded doubtfully.

"Ancient Qin!" Gu Hai looked at the ancient Qin.

"Children are here!" Gu Qin nodded.

"In the palace, on the west side, pack up a Jiayuan and come out!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes, just, how is the new Jiaziyuan named?" Gu Qin wondered.

The ancient sea looked towards Da Riru.

"Give me a temple enough, temple name, Daxiong Baodian!" Da Riru nodded.

"Daxiong Baodian?" Ancient Qin and Liansheng Bodhisattva both showed a daze.

Daxiong Baodian, isn't Jiang Rulai's dojo?

"Do it!" Gu Hai said.

"Yes!" Gu Qin immediately led someone away.

Ancient sea, compassion bodhisattva, and big sun came back to the palace.

When he flew to Chongtian Temple Square, he saw Da Riru grabbing Ling Xu.


Suddenly, seventeen purple beads emerged from the void, and it came to the palm of Da Ri as soon as possible, and on top of these beads, there seemed to be an eye.

"This is, Jiang Rulai's" Stealing Light Buddhism "? Hidden in Xu Mi for surveillance purposes, there is no mana fluctuation, no one can find it except himself. How do you ...? The Buddha was surprised.

However, they saw that as soon as Da Ri came to pinch his hands, a crowd of Buddha beads shredded into pieces.

"Little Dole!" Da Riru shook his head.

The pitying Bodhisattva stared blankly at Da Riru, his face impenetrable.

"Poor Buddha, you repeat it, don't leave out the details!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Well, the ancient Han is also the reincarnation of the good Rulai. You know the ancient emperor. After I rebuilt Nalanda Temple, I also recruited some disciples to serve the ancient Han. They are extremely devout to the ancient Han. They are fanatics. But I do n’t know why. Once they went out to return to fate, they all changed, and they lied to me to open the Xiao Xu Mi fantasy where Nalanda Temple is located. Suddenly, Jiang Rulai came in with a large number of people from Lingshan. Did not escape, no, the ancient Han almost escaped at that time! "Liansheng Boss frowned slightly.


"At that time, the ancient Chinese chanted a weird six-character mantra, and the light was shining in all directions, as if there were countless Buddha shadows appearing, the Buddha's light was shining, the Buddha and the Buddha were countless. Han almost escaped by chaos, but, after all, he was unlucky and was left alone when he ran away, and I took advantage of the six-character truth and left by the light of countless Buddha shadows! "Bei Shengbo said bitterly.

"Six-character truth?" Gu Hai looked.

"Yes, it was created by the ancient Chinese. It seems to be called 唵 唵 ........." There are three more I can't remember, the truth comes out, I ...!

"Well, what a pity!" Gu Hai said with a look.

"Yes, that's it. This six-character mantra contains countless Buddhism, non-Buddhist Tao power, can't realize, ancient emperor, how do you know ...?" Pity Bodhisattva was surprised.

"I passed it to him!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Uh?" Liansheng Boss looked rigid.

Ancient sea? ?


??How can it be? Ancient sea also practices Buddha?

The ancient sea looked towards Da Riru.

"Six-character Daming mantra? Hey, what is it? May I bring all the blessings of the bodhisattva of mercy? In this way, it should be that the ancient Han Xiu was too weak. Jiang Rulai? "Da Ri Rulai frowned.

"Maybe, can you find him?" Gu Hai looked at Da Riru.

"He has blessed with the six-character Daming curse, and he is definitely bodhisattva himself. I try to see if he can be sensed!" Da Riru solemnly said.

"Well, Noble Palace, no one will bother you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Da Riru nodded.

Gu Hai and his party brought Dayi Rulai to the Daxiong Hall where Gu Qin had just packed up.

Day to come in.


The gate of the hall closed and closed, and Da Rirui closed it alone.

On the one hand, the pity buddha showed a blankness. According to the truth, his Lando Temple is the oldest Buddhist temple. It has been recorded for a long time. How do you feel that you are so ignorant of the Buddha in front of the man just now?

"Poor Buddha, rest for a while, we will soon find the ancient Han!" Gu Hai comforted.

The compassionate Bodhisattva looked at the ancient sea with a complex look, and finally nodded—

The great emperor emperor dynasty, the **** city. In a small courtyard.

Long Sanqian, Yun Mo, Sima Changkong, Shangguanhen, Mosquito Taoist, listened to Jinyiwei newspaper.

"Dragon gods, will the prince Long Aotian be dismissed?" The mosquitoes frowned and looked at Jin Yiwei in front of him.

"Yes, it seems that Long Ao's zenith hit the dragon god's coffin, and the dragon god's coffin dismissed him and assigned him to the frontier! Where exactly he went, his humble job is still under investigation!" Said Jin Yiwei solemnly.

"Well, it's easiest to find him flawed, that is, Aotian. This is all right, and he has already dealt with it. Mr. Yinyue, although he is short-sighted, he's not smart!" Long Sanqian showed coldly.

"Furthermore, the DPRK and China have recently moved extremely frequently! Many officials feel inexplicable!" Said Jin Yiwei again.

Long Sanqian nodded: "Yes, he doesn't know anything about North Korea. He must constantly move to understand the line of North Korea. This is not the Great Emperor's Dynasty, not so easy to master!"

"The ancestors were not stupid, but sometimes they didn't look far enough!" Yun Mo smiled bitterly.

Anyone who can realize Qin Tao to that point is really useless?

"You said, the three emperor dynasties and the three major gates on the border of Dahan sent messengers to see the dragon gods?" Mosquito frowned.

"Yes, what to talk about, I haven't found out yet!" Said Jin Yiwei with a grin.

"You don't need to inquire. After eight days, Your Majesty sacrifice to the deceased people in Sanshan City. They want to target Dahan once again and invite the Emperor to take the shot, and they will definitely invite the people in Lingshan Holy Land to take the shot!" Road.

"So, within eight days, we have to deal with everything!" Shangguanhen frowned.

"If I guess correctly, the three emperor dynasties and the three Zhongzong gates may even have the emperor or the suzerain come to persuade Mr. Yinyue!" Long Sanqian eyes narrowed.

"Yes, just now, there is a suzerain!" Said Jin Yiwei respectfully.

Everyone was silent.

"Within eight days, handle everything well, so it seems that we can count the plan!" Long Sanqian said in a voice.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at Long Sanqian.

"Shangguan Supreme can change, if not, become an emissary of the Holy Land of the Holy Mountain, invite Mr. Yinyue to go to Lingshan to discuss business, or mix with these six forces to invite Mr. Yinyue out together, as long as he is out of the city Without luck, we can ambush him, as long as he hurts, as when I forced him to change his third brother's body! "Long Sanqian's eyes narrowed.

"This is fine!" Shangguan Mark nodded.

"That's right! Although it's a bit more difficult to fight him, you can give it a try!"

On the other hand, Sima Changkong suddenly shook his head and gave a slight smile: "Don't have to worry so much!"

"Oh?" Everyone looked at Sima Changkong in doubt.

"I remember His Majesty said that Shangguanhen Supreme Practices Eight or Nine Xuan Gongs, Mr. Yinyue can't exchange souls with you?" Sima Changkong laughed.

"Good!" Shangguan Mark nodded.

"The matter is even less troublesome, as long as Shangguan is supreme, one person is enough!" Mosquito said with a smile.

"I'm alone?" Shangguan marks stunned slightly.

"Yes, you just need to be a mosquito!" Sima Changkong laughed.

"Become a mosquito? Mr. Sima, what do you mean? Do you need Shangguan's supreme change?" The mosquitoes frowned.

You are a mosquito demon, why do you need to change it?

"No, you are different. I want Shangguan Supreme to be trapped by Mr. Yinyue. If you are trapped, he can change your soul, but Shangguan marks are different!" Sima Changkong laughed.


"Mosquitoes, you only need to cooperate with Shangguan Mark Supreme, as for the rest of us, we don't need to take any action at all!" Sima Changkong laughed.

"Oh?" Everyone looked--

In the evening, the dragon shrine again hosted a banquet in the palace and hosted the messengers of the six major forces.

"Ha ha ha ha, as long as you can persuade the Holy Mountain Holy Land, oh, promised!" Dragon God 嬴 laughed and looked at the messengers.

"Thank you Emperor!" Said the envoys of the six forces and raised their glasses.

Ryujin-chan raised a huge bottle of wine, like a toast to form an alliance.

But at this moment, a tiny mosquito had already dived into the dragon bottle of wine.

Long Shenzhang raised the wine bottle, laughing at the moment, not paying attention to the mosquitoes deep in the wine.

"Grumlong, Grumlong!"

Suddenly, Dragon God drank all the wine in the bottle. Together with the mosquitoes in the wine glass, they went down together.

The stomach of the dragon **** has a very strong digestive system. Not to mention alcohol, even if a creature swallows a monster in Xiatian Palace, it can be digested quickly, but this is not as simple as Xiatian Palace, but it is not bad to have King Kong Shangguan marks of the body.

Shangguan marks turned into mosquitoes and was swallowed by the dragon god.

The abdomen of the Dragon God's Wing was not Kong Xuan's self-proclaimed world, it was just a stronger stomach.

The Shangguan mark entered the stomach of Dragon God's Puppet, and suddenly it became the original shape. A powerful tearing squeezing rushed straight to the dragon gods and the five internal organs.


A painful puppet of Dragon God, suddenly kicked the table in front of him to the ground.

"Miscellaneous things!" The dragon **** suddenly shouted in anger, and the whole hall shook suddenly.

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