The golden elixir was suspended in the air, with floating precious light, drawing the shape of the Big Dipper, extremely mysterious, worthy of being the golden elixir that senses the heaven and earth...


Lin Dong was in the middle, the golden elixir was suspended in the air, and gradually fell down, finally falling from the top of the head and entering the body.

A sacred breath...

A mysterious fairy light...

The two penetrated the limbs and bones in the body...

Lin Dong felt that his internal organs, eight extraordinary meridians, and twelve regular meridians were constantly opened by a powerful force, and the whole person burst into a strong white light.

In the eyes of outsiders...

Lin Dong closed his eyes, accompanied by a burst of white light, floating in the air, as if he had practiced some peerless martial arts, sacred and extraordinary, supreme and holy...

This scene made everyone doubt life...

Millions of chickens stared, breathing rapidly, and couldn't believe it. This was a terrifying unknown field that surpassed the power of science.

One by one, they picked up their keyboards...

"Fuck...Fuck...Fuck...Is this the legendary immortality? It looks awesome. It is said that in the novel of Xiuxians, he entered the Jindan stage and punched Ultraman..."

"Brother...Is Ultraman stronger, or is the Jindan stage stronger?"

"What do you know? Didn't Ultraman get defeated? Now I just want to catch Master Lin and throw him into the rice cooker to make an elixir of immortality..."

"Haha...the above must be a scientist from a certain research institute. Come home! Remember to give me the bones, I want to make soup too..."

"Fuck..... Can you guys be human? When Master Lin succeeds in advancing, he will kill people thousands of miles away, and the little cow can't escape even if he takes a plane..."

"Brother... I have kidney stones, how can I be as awesome as Master Lin? The aunt next door told me that the Yuanying stage is the dream of men, so why should people go to pick lychees?"

"Stop making trouble... Master Lin has ascended..."

Millions of local chickens didn't even have food to eat, but they took their keyboards to fight, kept talking, and almost broke the website.

Diba, Yang Mi, Wang Yan, and Wang Linglong stood in front of them, not daring to breathe. They were too excited. They didn't know how Lin Dong would play....

After a while...

Lin Dong opened his eyes and slowly fell to the ground. He looked unfathomable and his sharp eyes were enough to look down on the world...

The Qing Dynasty was destroyed...

It's hard to give birth to a heavenly realm. It's conceivable...

"How is it? Woohoo... Damn scumbag. Others say that after eating the golden elixir, they will ascend to heaven. You, a guy, abandoned them after having sex..."

Dibba howled sadly, as if he was abandoned, which made people speechless.

"Why are you crying? A scumbag is a scumbag. It is said that Huangdi ascended to heaven by riding a dragon. As long as we hold his thighs tightly, it will be fine..."

Yang Mi cooperated seriously.

According to legend, after Huangdi built the big tripod, he sensed that the heaven and earth were about to ascend, and a real dragon came down to earth to meet him, so he climbed on the dragon head and ascended...

Some ministers were anxious...

They also hugged the dragon's whiskers, dragon horns, and dragon bodies, and followed Huangdi to ascend to the sky. I don't know if they immigrated to the outside of the solar system, or really flew to the sky on a dragon...

"Asshole... What kind of plane did you make?"

Wang Yan didn't tolerate Lin Dong, and almost kicked him.

Lin Dong slowly stood up, with his hands behind his back, looking mysterious, quite like a banished immortal, very calm, and said: "It's just that my own strength is many times stronger, I feel invincible..."

"That's it?" Wang Yan asked back in disbelief.

"No... When I just broke through, I traveled outside the sky and saw some future changes..." Lin Dong continued to be mysterious.

"What future changes?" Wang Yan was curious, and the other three women were also staring at him, as if they were going to eat Lin Dong.

"Ahem..." Lin Dong coughed and said, "In the future... I seem to have four wives. As for what it will look like? I just took off the red headscarf and came back..."

Lin Dong answered seriously.

The four girls looked at each other and blushed. They naturally understood that the damned hooligan was teasing them. He was simply not knowing how to live or die....


"Okay... Crows take a plane..."

"Monkeys steal peaches..."

"Lotus scissor legs..."

The four girls rushed over at once. Fortunately, Lin Dong closed the live broadcast room immediately, otherwise it would be exposed today. A live broadcast actually messed with several beauties. The whole network needs to be cleaned up.....

After the live broadcast room was closed....

The millions of chickens were boiling...

They started to chatter, wishing they could bring a camera and broadcast a live show...

Lin Dong was pressed to the ground by Diba, his nostrils were dug by Wang Linglong's jade fingers, his chest was stepped on by Wang Yan's jade foot, and the rest of his legs were pressed down by Yang Mi...

"You sneaked up on me, you don't follow the ethics of martial arts..." Lin Dong was speechless, these women were taking advantage of me...

"I let you have wild thoughts, and you still want to take down the four of us. Do you really think you are the emperor?" Wang Yan was complacent, this guy had to be taught a lesson.

Women are indeed tigers, you can't mess with them...

No matter how good your martial arts are, as long as you are reasonable, you can't deal with women...

After a fight...

Lin Dong left Daxia Entertainment in a mess, they were really a group of tigresses, unreasonable, so he had to retreat.

After this breakthrough, Lin Dong felt an unprecedented sense of comfort. With one step, he could reach a height of 100 meters. With one move, he could even blow up a bus...

This is the Heaven Realm...

His strength has expanded at least ten times, as if he had undergone a complete transformation. This is not a realm that humans can reach at all...

No wonder no one has made a breakthrough in the entire Qing Dynasty for three hundred years. It is too difficult...


The scene of Lin Dong fusing the golden elixir was immediately a sensation on the entire Internet, and everyone was shocked...

In a national laboratory, in a DNA research institute, a group of high-end biologists from around the world gathered to establish a research institute for the study of longevity for the rich.

All over the world, when some of the rich people on the list reach a certain age, they basically set up a research institute to study the continuation of life to extend their lifespan...

This group of people are busy all day long...

Suddenly, a research room supervisor rushed in and summoned everyone, full of excitement.

"Everyone put down all your work..." The excitement that the research room supervisor could hardly conceal.

"Supervisor...what's the matter?"

"Yeah! Is there any major breakthrough? It's really a miracle..."

"I think it's a bonus. I wonder how much it will be this year? I also want to have a baby with my girlfriend..."

" long as it's not 996, it's fine. We are busy every day. When will we have something to look forward to?"

There are about a hundred people in the whole laboratory, and there are many animals around. Most of them are monkeys and mice. One is close to humans, and the other can be used as an experimental subject.

"Look at what this is?"

The head of the laboratory excitedly opened a video, which was exactly Lin Dong's skills, including the process of fusing the golden elixir.

"Fuck...Newton's coffin lid can't hold it down anymore..."

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