"Teacher Lin... In this case, we won't be polite... Some time ago, South Korea developed a new material conductor. Once successful, it will change the world pattern. Is this true?"

In the elite class, there are naturally elites among the elites, with their mouths raised, and they look like the Dragon King is in charge and everyone has to bow their heads.

Lin Dong glanced at the other party, a sunny boy wearing black glasses, doing chemistry at the table, a very professional guy.

From the flattering and admiring eyes of the rest of the people, it is obvious that the other party has a very high status. This is a real top scholar.

As for this topic, as long as Lin Dong pays attention to the information on the Internet, he can basically watch and eat melons...

When the Korean country submitted the theory, it caused a global sensation and there was an uproar for a while...

This is a subversive existence...

Countries began to conduct experiments one after another...

As a result, most of them shook their heads...

Including many bigwigs came out to deny it...

This is a variable conductive material...

Currently, my country's circuit high voltage is the largest, most dense, and most advanced in the world, and it is truly far ahead.

After the transformer and the high-voltage line are transformed, the electricity can be transmitted from the north to the south, and even exported across borders...

It seems that the power supply in South Vietnam is backward. When the power production is insufficient and industrialization cannot be carried out, it asks my country for help to transmit electricity, and needs an equivalent report...

Once this conductor experiment is successful...

It's like installing a base station in Kunlun Mountain...

No wires are needed...

Electricity can be exported all over the country...

Including communications...

Various energy sources are constantly...

There is even a terrifying plan to establish a transmission site on the moon, that is, outside the moon...

This kind of high-tech transmission is just like a pile of things in science fiction movies...

"This thing is theoretically possible, but in actual operation, it is a technological change that spans at least three hundred years. So far, we can't do it at all..."

"Because we don't have this kind of material yet, but the technology has no potential, everyone just works together..."

Lin Dong argued one by one and started writing on the blackboard. After about half an hour, the whole blackboard was filled with formulas, and the results became more and more mysterious.

Another half an hour passed...

The students were dumbfounded...

If this guy continues to deduce, I'm afraid there will be a transformation that spans the ages...

Before they knew it...

It was time to end the get out of class...

Lin Dong let out a breath...

"That's all for today, you guys review first..."

Lin Dong waved his hand, which really scared the students...

It took more than an hour to finish this class, and the students who were originally aggressive opened their mouths wide to swallow the punches. The original show of power turned into one who dared not ask questions.

The new teacher is really scary...

Lin Dong raised his lips and left the classroom with a smile, leaving the students looking at each other in bewilderment...

Not long after Lin Dong left, a group of students were still studying the things on the blackboard. An old man in his sixties came in. He knew that there was a new teacher tutoring today. I wonder how it went?

If he was a stupid guy...

He immediately drove him away. As a vice principal, he attached great importance to the elite class...

"What's wrong with you?" As soon as he entered the department, a group of students were taking notes, a little surprised.

"Principal...please move aside, the new teacher is too powerful..." A petite and cute girl said with shining eyes.

"What's powerful?"

The vice principal turned his head and looked at the blackboard. According to today's technology, electronic teaching has long been realized, and chalk is rarely used for writing. When he saw a theory,

He was shocked...

This is a semi-mature theory, which is already shocking...

This incomplete theory alone is enough to drive a group of scientists crazy. Once it is realized, it will be the fifth scientific and technological revolution.

How is this possible?

As the vice-president, he is also an important figure in national science and technology. For the first time, he was so deeply shocked that his breathing became a little faster. It was really amazing...

"You say... Is it really written by the new teacher? What's going on?" The vice-president asked hurriedly.


Everyone nodded, and the class monitor began to explain. After about ten minutes, the dignified vice-president was stunned.

"Teacher Lin said... So far,It is such a pity that we can only deduce here... We still need to work hard in the future to find the real solution. "

The monitor took a deep breath. It was so exciting. Just half a theory was enough to make Lin Dong famous in the whole scientific community.

He immediately made a phone call....

"Immediately call those with medals on their shoulders, those with degrees, and those who make decisions, all to come to the elite class, immediately... quickly..."

The vice-president gave the order, with an almost excited look on his face.


Lin Dong left the classroom....

Millions of local chickens have been watching the live broadcast room...

"Family members... Although I can't understand it, there are many words on Lin Da Shen's blackboard, and the earthworms are densely packed. I declare that Lin Da Shen has successfully pretended..."

"Fuck... Who do you think you are? You pretended successfully. I just sent it to Mr. Zhang Chaoyang. He is the CEO and will definitely be able to explain it."

"Fuck... You are not cool enough, do you rely on many helpers? It's really a slap in the face! ”

“Haha..... Stop talking..... Who said that the most useless person is the anchor? He has made no contribution at all. Now that I see the integrity of Lin Da Shen, is he a human being...?”

“Not bad.... Who can compete with Lin Da Shen when he comes out? A small sideline can become a global problem. The dog next door is simply shocked....”

“I am a cow hitting a telephone pole. It is awesome and lightning. Lin Da Shen has made the anchor a technology, an art, and a cross-era product...”

“Awesome.... Is this the meaning of live broadcasting? I will be Lin Da Shen’s lackey in the future. I will blow him up and become a brainless fan...”

“You have the strength of Shui Dong above....”

“Stop talking nonsense.... I just posted Lin Da Shen’s theory. Do you know? That friend is a professor of National Engineering. He said that once the news is released to the world, he will definitely be the next candidate for the Nobel Prize..."

"Damn it... Don't lie to me that I didn't study much..."

This group of guys are just talking nonsense without any thoughts...

Everyone is shocked...

If I could go back to being a teenager, I would definitely beat the PE teacher to death first...

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