After Lin Dong had a meal in the cafeteria...

He turned off the live broadcast...

Putting on a baseball cap, he planned to travel around Yanjing. This ancient imperial city, which has been transformed since the Ming Dynasty, witnessed the glory of two dynasties. Every Chinese son and daughter wanted to see it.

Except for those who have been living in Yanjing, after all, they are too familiar with it...

Isn't tourism just going to a place that is unfamiliar to you?

Lin Dong started today's half-day tour....

I was also cheated a little by the sect, which is really not worth it...

In the elite class, a group of professors with flowers came in aggressively and saw the blackboard theory. They were stunned for a moment, after all, it was too unfamiliar theory.

"You can verify it one by one and see how it goes? Can it be passed down as a new half-theory?"

The vice president asked a group of guys to start the action. There were about 30 people, each of whom was a professor who made outstanding contributions in the field of national science and technology.

They began to verify step by step, the keyboards were clacking, almost smoking, and they kept verifying.

They were all very excited because this theory was so awesome...

Probably that night...

A group of people were exhausted and disappointed. It was too far-fetched and unrealistic. However, this theory was far beyond their level.

"Principal... It's such a pity... It can only be half a theory. If it was a real theory, it would be promoted all over the world. This half theory is just a little short of becoming a real scientific theory..."

A senior professor sighed. From the initial excitement to the final disappointment, the gap was too big...

Everyone also shook their heads and left unhappily...

The vice-president was also helpless...

It was a wrong decision after all...

The students in the elite class also hoped...

But there was nothing unusual about the admiration for Lin Dong. Instead, it was a kind of passion and admiration.


Lin Dong took a day trip around Yanjing. After eating, he went to sleep. Anyway, he had nothing to do. After resting up, he continued to attend classes the next day...

As a result, he tossed and turned, but he was not sleepy at all. As a master of the Heaven Realm, he was already full of energy and spirit. Even if he didn't sleep, it would not affect his life.

After a while, his eyes were empty...

"By the way... Isn't it a photolithography machine? I'll work out a theory and do something later..."

Lin Dong started to write, and wrote out the theory step by step on a piece of paper. The new photolithography machine, the carbon ash theory, and a different idea gradually became clear.

If it were someone else...

The design of this step would take at least half a year...

Lin Dong made a deduction and it was soon morning. The result was more than half, which was really helpless...

"Forget it... I'll design it when I get back..." Lin Dong stretched his waist, washed a few times and went out.

I opened the live broadcast room...

The local chickens in the morning only cost a million...

This amount of traffic is really amazing.

"Family... It's such a pity that Master Lin's theory has been overturned... After all, it's only half a theory. If you add a little more, even if it's less than two-thirds, it will be enough to make the scientific community regretful."

"That's such a pity... Anyway? Master Lin's pretense has been too powerful. For those guys who are just sitting there doing nothing, he is simply a one-punch man..."

"This is Master Lin's amazing ability. I wonder what theory he has today? I can't help it..."

"Haha... Anyway, I don't understand it. I just like your shocked faces..."

"Everyone, stop making trouble... Master Lin is going to pretend again..."

"Haha... I just laughed... He is just an unlearned guy who came to the university and randomly took things. Yesterday's theory was proved to be invalid, and now he is messing around again."

"Now, whether it's a star, a host, or some keyboard warriors, they brag all day long, but they can't build a lithography machine. What's the use?"

"It's just... The decline of the country is all caused by this group of people... ”

“Yes... now a certain country is imposing sanctions on us. They are really a group of businesswomen who don’t know the hatred of losing their country and still sing the song of the back garden across the river...”

“What the hell... what kind of people are they? They are actually slandering Master Lin...”

The originally good barrage suddenly became crazy, and a group of black fans poured in, shocking everyone. I don’t know who is leading the rhythm?

Lin Dong ignored them and entered the elite class. Today, everyoneNot as lax as the day before, everyone straightened their backs and started today's class.

"Good morning, teacher..."

A group of students immediately stood up and shouted.

It seemed like they had really returned to a certain era...

This was a carefree and simple time...

"Today, you can still express yourself freely. I don't know anything about textbooks, but my theoretical knowledge is definitely richer than any of you. Even in a certain country, I can be a Harvard professor..."

Lin Dong said shamelessly.

Everyone's eyes lit up, because now all kinds of books and everyone's theories have been read a lot. If possible, they also want to study abroad...

"Teacher... I have a question. If we want to learn more about the development of science and technology, can we really only go abroad?"

A very serious student asked.

Lin Dong immediately became serious and said, "Science has no country, but people have a country. Our ancestors returned to China at all costs to contribute to the country, which led to today's glory. So... I just need you to serve the motherland well..."

"As for further study of science and technology, I can't accompany you for a longer time, but I can solve some problems today..."

Lin Dong answered proudly, and he never regretted entering China.

All the elite students were excited...

Which young person doesn't have a surging heart to serve the motherland, but it's a pity that once they enter the society, they will be bewitched by all kinds of sweet words and eventually go on a path that deviates from themselves.

A century-old education is people-oriented.

It takes a hundred years to cultivate people, starting from childhood...

This is the motherland is a square array...

Lin Dong is very optimistic about this group of students...

Immediately, a student stood up, full of righteousness and passion, and said: "Teacher... Our country lacks cutting-edge talents in science and technology, and has always lagged behind a certain big country. Is there really no way?"

"A certain ASML president said: Even if we are given the blueprint, we can't build a lithography machine, because this is a gathering of the real cutting-edge technology of mankind, and it requires dozens of countries around the world to build it..."

"Is it really so?"

The student asked very seriously, and also hoped to get a possible answer.

Lin Dong looked at this classmate, including everyone in the class, and said solemnly: "No..."

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