While Lin Dong was in class...

A person opened the door of his dormitory and wanted to check the situation. After all, a new person came to live in the professor's dormitory building and needed to check the situation.

Because Lin Dong was a mobile population, he had already registered. Someone came in every day to patrol and clean up, just like a hotel. No valuables could be placed. If there was a need, report the situation.

The person who came was Wang Dezhi....

After looking around, he found a piece of paper on the table. The ghostly talismans on it attracted the other party at once. After taking a look, he gradually examined it, and his blood boiled...

This is a lithography machine theory...

It's just a few steps away from completion, a brand new system...

He breathed a little faster...

If the owner of this draft gets it, it will be a very scary asset.

In some higher education institutions, there is often a thing called replacing other people's research results.

"If I report it and apply for a patent, will I be a first-class national hero and become famous..."

Wang Dezhi pushed his glasses, his heart surged, as if he saw a big trend of fame and fortune.

But he was melancholy.....

Because this patent belongs to Lin Dong...

It's two-thirds of the finished product...

If he applies for it and succeeds step by step, it means it is his masterpiece...

Should I claim it and take it for myself first?


Lin Dong said no, which made all the students shocked and unbelievable. This is the greatest scientific and technological achievement of mankind, and there is no such thing as overtaking on a curve.

This is an idea that all major cutting-edge technology powers in the world agree on, because there are countless patents involved, and a chip design alone is a terrifying program that makes people's scalps numb.

This is the greatest culmination since the birth of science.

No country can complete this masterpiece alone.

"Teacher... This is too scary? How could anyone design it alone? There are so many talents involved..."

"It's not just about throwing money at it. It also requires chemistry, mathematics, design, computers... It's simply impossible..."

All the students in the class are among the elites in the country, so they naturally understand the reason.

Lin Dong's move is just to brag...

"Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean I can't do it. Now let me show you how this theory works?"

So, Lin Dong wrote and drew on the blackboard, and began to deduce each step.

About an hour later...

The whole blackboard could not be written...

Even if Lin Dong needed a very small font, he couldn't carry a lot of theory. If he hadn't deduced it once last night, he wouldn't have been able to write it so smoothly.

A group of students followed the idea and deduced step by step...

There was even a young man named Wei Dongyi...

He looked at it in great shock...

Usually he kept silent in class, but once he spoke, it must be that the teacher made a mistake...

If Wei Dongyi was not wrong, then the textbook was wrong...

This is an extremely terrifying academic master...

Now he is deeply impressed by Lin Dong...

The millions of local chickens in the live broadcast room were all stunned...

This is too shocking!

"Family members... who can understand this! This is too horrifying, shocking, and completely subverts my cognition. Is Master Lin using the Yongle Canon to deduce this?"

"Upstairs... I see you are such a weird guy, I am really angry, like a crazy dog, just like a bunch of keyboard warriors..."

"Yes, yes... Recently on the Internet, a bunch of weird people said that the Yongle Canon made the West develop the lithography machine, which is really ugly..."

"I have to say... Is Master Lin so amazing? He actually deduced the theory of lithography machines, and it is a brand new direction. I am simply shocked..."

"Family members... who can verify this? Is this true..."

"Do you believe that the anchor can make a photolithography machine, or do you believe that I am the Qin Shi Huang..."

"What photolithography machine? It's a joke. It was built by an anchor. I can blow up the earth... What a bunch of ignorant people who are self-indulgent..."

"That's right... saying that anchors and celebrities can't make anything practical is just a bunch of gimmicky trash. Do you really think that photolithography machines are that simple?"

They started to chatter...

It's like seeing a beggar telling you, I am the crown prince, transfer me ten thousand taels of gold, this kind of topic will only be regarded as somethingLiar.

After all, a theory requires a large number of people to deduce it step by step...

What is science...

First raise a question, then verify, and draw a conclusion. The process is meticulous and does not allow any mistakes...

This is a group of guys, sneering and belittling Lin Dong.

Unknowingly, it is time to end the get out of class again...

"Okay... That's it for today."

Lin Dong ended today's theory because the blackboard could no longer write down. Only one-third of the content was enough for this group of academic masters.

All students seemed to be living in a dream....

I have seen many professors, national senior researchers, and academicians, but I have never seen Lin Dong's dimensionality reduction attack.

It was like a poetry meeting, a group of people started to compete, wrote a bunch of random things, and everyone was talking about it with relish, and then a guy who spoke eloquently appeared, and attacked every second...

Lin Dong exhaled a breath of turbid air, it turned out that being a teacher is a stressful job...


Daxia Entertainment...

Wang Yan, Diba, and Yang Mi, and the still missing Jiang Ruyan, and a little white fox looked at the live broadcast room, opened their mouths and widened their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

Why are you so good?

"Sister Yan... I am not dreaming! Is this damn Lin Dong really going to attack the universe and build a spaceship? I now suspect that this guy is an alien..."

Dibba swallowed his saliva, it was completely a metaphysical attack on science, and he played it in a variety of ways.

"I suspect he is not a human. Humans can fly over rooftops and walls, understand all kinds of metaphysics, and now they are working on a lithography machine theory. Damn... This is a monster!"

Wang Yan couldn't help but complain. Why is the gap between people so big?

She is also a person above others. Compared with Lin Dong, the difference seems to be huge now.

"I think this guy is not a human. He is too abnormal..." Jiang Ruyan took a deep breath.

"Don't you know whether Lin Dong is a human or not? Since he was caught in the anti-pornography campaign, this guy has been a pervert." Yang Mi took a deep breath and felt numb...

Woo woo...

Xiaobai swung his four tails, fluffy white, to show his approval.


Wang Qiankun on the side of the police station...

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