In the police station...

Wang Qiankun held a printout and pressed it down, looking at this guy with a confused face and no desire for life. He actually went to be a desert traveler. Is this looking for death?

"Xiao Linzi... do you want to make a will or something? Remember to leave the account, money, and reputation to my daughter. After all, I have been your girlfriend for a while."

Captain Wang Qiankun looked at Lin Dong and said seriously.

The corners of Lin Dong's mouth twitched. When did Captain Wang become so shameless? It was really unlike what he could say.

The people present were also stunned. They didn't expect that the serious Captain Wang Qiankun would have such a humorous day.

"What are you looking at? Recently, two men and one woman died in the desert. It was because of the problem with the satellite navigation that they got lost in the desert and eventually died of lack of water..."

"By the time the police found them, they had already turned into mummies. This is fate. If you are not careful, you will be finished..."

Wang Qiankun looked at Lin Dong very seriously.

The rest of the people nodded. It was true. The danger of the desert was not something that ordinary people could bear. If you were not careful, a sandstorm would roll up. Who could resist it?

Could it be like in a martial arts TV series, where a group of martial arts masters faced a sandstorm and rushed out in anger, using their supreme internal strength to resist it?

That was because they had never seen a terrifying sandstorm...

"Don't worry..." Lin Dong waved his hand and set off proudly. The system task must be completed.

Everyone could only remain silent. This trip to the desert was almost impossible for everyone to help. After all, it was too difficult...


Lin Dong went to Daxia Entertainment again...

"What? You want to travel in the desert? Are you crazy?" Wang Yan exclaimed unwillingly after hearing this.

"Damn Lin Dong... Don't seek death, okay? What will happen to us little wives in the future?" Diba looked at him with a look of desire, which made everyone's face hot. What kind of tiger and wolf words were these?

"Lin Dong... the desert is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will never come back. Think about your parents, your family, and us..." Yang Mi also tried her best to persuade him.

Including Xiaobai holding Lin Dong's thigh with his claws, looking pitiful, like an abandoned woman in the boudoir.

"Don't worry, how could a master of the Heaven Realm get lost in the desert? Do you really think I am a soft persimmon?" Lin Dong said speechlessly.

With his cultivation, a week without food and water is enough, and he is not afraid of anything at all. After all, a master of the Heaven Realm can almost reach the level of fasting.

Seeing Lin Dong with a serious face, the three women forced a smile. This guy is really messing around.

"Okay... I have booked a ticket. The time is almost up. I will miss you." Lin Dong waved and left.

After watching Lin Dong leave, although he was reluctant, he still breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was worried.

"What did that guy say about concubines just now? Let's kill her." Wang Yan immediately realized.

"It's Diba..." Yang Mi looked at Diba fiercely.

"Sisters... what are you going to do? I made a slip of the tongue, really a slip of the tongue..." Diba shrank his neck and kept backing away.

"Hit her..."


Dibba was pressed down by the two women and began to tear. Xiaobai stood on her and kept jumping. It was a harmonious scene.


Lin Dong walked for three days...

The title of the live broadcast room has been modified...

(Experience the Desert State, infinite possibilities. As a desert traveler, start a vigorous desert trip from the Western Regions.)

Standing on a small sand dune...

Lin Dong was thin...

Carrying a schoolbag...

A rural straw hat...

Thousands of native chickens climbed up one after another. After seeing the amazing scene, they were stunned and exclaimed.

"Fuck... What's going on with Master Lin? Is the great king of the desert born?"

"This figure... This flirt... This operation... Let me see the beginning of the Straw Hat Pirates. Back then, he was just a teenager, grinning from ear to ear, starting a great era..."

"Master Lin's opening at this moment, could it be that he wants us to see what a great era is? This is the pioneer..."

"The desert is a magical place from ancient times to the present. Have you really seen a place where people are eaten without leaving any bones?"

"My grandfather was one of the Lop Nur plan back then. He never returned. It was really a dangerous place..."

"Stop talking... Master Lin must be different..."

"How to play here if you bring a girl with you?"

"Some time ago,Didn't two men and one woman die? They must have died of thirst. This is the humbleness of life..."

"Stop talking... Let Master Lin go into the desert and see what kind of place eats people. I don't know how many people have been swallowed from ancient times to the present..."

Everyone was excited...

Lin Dong walked in a vast land, and the surroundings were a bit ancient. He saw a vendor from a distance and shouted to attract travelers around.

"Che Gao...Che Gao..."

The boss shouted with a unique voice.

"Fuck... Is this the Che Gao where one knife makes Ma Yun cry and the other knife makes Jian Lin crazy? ”

“Don’t mess around, anchor. You may fall here before you even enter the desert...”

“Haha... You are really regional black. These cakes are not expensive and are also local specialties. I believe everyone will like them...”

“The cake incidents on the Internet in recent years have indeed brought bad news. Please respect and don’t spread rumors...”

All the local chickens were laughing. The comments were messy. At least some people told the truth. After all, some black-hearted merchants caused regional black.

“Boss... give me a little to try...” Lin Dong said with a smile.

“Young man... first time here!” The boss looked at him with a smile, and one hand kept shaking.

“Boss... I have something to do. Let’s eat later! "Lin Dong ran away...

"Ah..." The boss shook his head.

Lin Dong bought a large map and asked some guides nearby about the situation nearby. It is indeed suitable to enter the desert in the next few days.

After preparing everything...

Lin Dong carried a large schoolbag and two camels and began to go deep into the direction of the desert. As a southerner, he naturally felt the dry weather.


"The yellow sand wears golden armor after a hundred battles, and I will not return until I conquer Loulan..."

"Our first goal is to see Loulan. It is said to be an important scenic spot. I wonder if I need a ticket to enter? I would like to ask the nearby people for some popular science."

Lin Dong chose to go alone without any guide, because even if he got lost, he was sure to get out.

As a Feng Shui master who knows astronomy and geography, and is good at geomancy and stargazing, he is naturally not afraid of anything...

Bringing others with him would be a burden...

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