After this sandstorm, everything suddenly became strange and unpredictable. They immediately found something wrong because the North Star was gone....

From Kunlun Mountain, the Big Dipper fell vertically, representing the orthodoxy of the earth, a way to immortality, because in mythology, Kunlun Yaochi is the place of ascension.

"It's over... It's really over..." Cang Lanzi shook his head bitterly, watching Luogeng lose balance and panic.

"Mr. Cang Lanzi... What happened?" The number one female Ultraman was really upset.

"We have lost our sense of direction. Sooner or later we will get lost in the desert and eventually die in it. This is the desert's dead soul roaring, so that we can never escape..."

Cang Lanzi looked around in panic, and a piece of sand was rolled up.

"What nonsense, what a charlatan." The foreign captain cursed and took out the most advanced compass, but it was really out of order.

Everyone was shocked. Even though they were special forces soldiers and the king of foreign mercenaries, it was the first time they encountered such a strange thing.

"No... We must not sit and wait for death. Let's get in the car and take a look around." The number one female Ultraman ordered, and everyone got into the car one after another and began to look for a way out in the wind and sand.

As a result, after walking around, they returned to the original place.

"Did we encounter some kind of ghost wall?" The number one female Ultraman looked up.


Lin Dong watched them from a distance, turning around all the time, quite speechless.

Millions of chickens were laughing...

"Family members...are they a bunch of idiots? What are they doing spinning around? It's hilarious..."

"Stop don't know how to speak, it makes everyone look like you, without any culture. This is the legendary ghost wall that can trap a cow to death without turning east or west. It's so scary..."

"It is said that the ghost wall is caused by a magnetic field. Does the desert have one too? Isn't there a powerful mountain watcher? This is too bad..."

"Haha...but Could it be that the guy who is just a show-off and lives a life of idleness accidentally cheated a big order? "

"No... You are wrong... The ghost wall in the desert is not the kind in the mountains. Suddenly, it is the natural weirdness in Lop Nur. Some people have never walked out of it in their entire lives..."

"Fuck... Is it so scary?"

"Have you heard of the Pisces jade pendant?"

In an instant...

In the live broadcast room of millions of native chickens, it suddenly came, and the sound of a pin drop could be heard. Everyone was furious, because this is the biggest suspense case since the founding of the People's Republic of China, which has been popular all over the world.

They breathed rapidly, their scalps tingled, and they shuddered.

This little-known past...

It is another creepy true story...

The weirdness of Lop Nur has been forming a life forbidden zone for decades. Countless people at home and abroad have entered to pan for gold and finally disappeared strangely.

Even those who are alive are basically in madness and madness, and eventually die of exhaustion. It is really terrifying.

Lin Dong looked up, and the whole space was filled with a faint sadness. The Big Dipper in the sky disappeared without a trace. I'm afraid it wasn't a ghost wall...

At this time...

A gust of wind and sand rolled up...

Everyone was shocked. Could something big happen?

"This little brother... looks unfamiliar! Do you have any water?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, which surprised Lin Dong. It was unbelievable that a person appeared without anyone noticing.

Millions of local chickens were all furious.....

How did this person appear?

Wang Yan, Diba, Yang Mi, Gongsun Yue and other women were all tingling. There must be something strange again, because there were ghosts around Lin Dong, but they were sensible people...

Wang Qiankun from the police station changed his face, because this person looked a little familiar, but he couldn't think of him...

Lin Dong glanced at the other party, who was exhausted, and handed him a kettle. The other party drank without hesitation, which was really refreshing.

After a while...

"Why did you come to Lop Nur?" The other party found a place and had a good chat with Lin Dong.

"I followed them in..." Lin Dong pointed to the front, and a group of guys were still doubting their lives.

"Oh... So you are a team to explore Lop Nur. This is indeed a very good place, but some areas are not safe. You have to be careful."

The other party smiled widely. He was probably middle-aged, very easy-going, comfortable to look at, very upright, and very sunny.

"By the way...I wonder what you are doing here?" Lin Dong was also a little surprised by the person who appeared out of nowhere.

"Hehe... I am a geologist. I just came to Lop Nur to check the terrain. I just came out to find water. I didn't expect to meet you..."

The middle-aged man showed a mouthful of white teeth. He looked very easy-going and very capable.

Lin Dong frowned. It was really surprising that a middle-aged man appeared in the middle of the night. He was wearing old clothes and was very capable. He was also a geologist.

"How was the investigation?" Lin Dong was also curious.

The other party suddenly became alert and looked very timid. He hid himself immediately and smiled: "What can I do? Thousands of years have passed. Lop Nur is no longer there, and the ancient Loulan has become a thing of the past..."

"Now Hami is no longer the country it used to be. There are only a few tribes. It is really a time of change that makes it difficult to guard against. "

The middle-aged man laughed and started chatting with Lin Dong, as if he hadn't been so arrogant for a long time.

Lin Dong kept listening, most of the stories belonged to several decades, similar to his grandfather's generation, and he was really listening to an old soldier narrating.

"Now we are taking the postgraduate entrance examination. In the future world, there will definitely be a victory for us..." The middle-aged man was very excited and full of passion.

"Yes..." Lin Dong nodded.

After chatting for about half an hour...

"Okay... I still need to find water and go back to the army later. You should be careful too. I hope we will meet again if we have the chance." The middle-aged man laughed, took a body of sand and dust, and continued to set off.

Lin Dong watched the other party walk into the darkness step by step and disappear completely. He was very shocked, because his current strength was enough to hear a few kilometers away...

This person came mysteriously...

Leaving strangely...


"This is a day when I am confused. Who is this person? Why do I have a creepy illusion? But it's very real, it's incredible..."

Lin Dong looked at the live broadcast room and laughed as he told the story. After all, in the desert, a mysterious man walked out in the dark and suddenly asked you for water.

I was so angry...

"I don't even know if I ran into something or not. I can't see through it. This is unacceptable."

Lin Dong is very confident in his own ability. How could he be wrong?

Millions of chickens chirped...

"Mr. Broadcaster... You must have seen a ghost..."

"Don't be so angry, okay? It's the middle of the night, don't you need to sleep? Are there any girls who can sleep tonight?"

"I'm already trembling. Is there a man? I'm afraid of ghosts..."

"Damn... Isn't it fun to watch a live broadcast? Why did it run into a horror movie? ”

Millions of local chickens were all standing on end. It was too horrifying. They were all terrified.

Lin Dong was about to stop watching the live broadcast when a bullet screen popped up and he noticed it all at once....

“Master Lin... I just checked online. In the mysterious incident in Lop Nur, there was also the Pisces jade pendant that I reminded you of before. What do you think of...?”

This was a very horrifying statement.




“Mom... I want to sleep with you tonight....”

The entire network was shocked and immediately checked the situation. They were even more frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

Including Wang Qiankun, who was driving, who almost overturned on the highway and stopped at the emergency stop. He was sweating profusely, was terrified, and terrified.

“Captain Wang... what’s going on? "Old Chen asked in shock.

"Old Chen... Do you remember that year, during the Lop Nur incident, there was a man who went to the east to find a well..." Wang Qiankun breathed heavily.

"What..." Old Chen almost jumped up.

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