After hearing this, Lin Dong immediately thought of a bizarre story from Penglai Ghost Talk on Tianya Forum. On the Internet, suspense themes are very popular.

I never expected that I would encounter such a real horror today.

"Everyone, stop making a fuss... It must be a mistake that led to this farce. We must believe in science. The Pisces jade pendant and the mysterious incident in Lop Nur were originally rumors."

Lin Dong criticized it harshly in the live broadcast room. His righteous look made everyone wonder if it was a long-planned fake.

But don't you know much about Lin Dong's supernatural events?

Millions of chickens are very upset anyway...

"Family members, please stop making trouble..."

"Yes, yes, yes... Let's see how to get out of this space next. It's too weird..."

"Hey... They seem to have driven away..."

"Hurry up, host, maybe you can really solve this mystery..."

"Since I watched Uncle San, I have begun to doubt my life. I hope Master Lin can turn suspense into something that everyone can understand..."

"Not bad..."

It seems that the chickens can't sleep...

Especially after seeing part of the truth, they began to feel uneasy, panic and subverted, just wanting to see the real truth come out.

Lin Dong immediately followed...


"Mr. Cang Lanzi... What's going on? Luogeng has returned to normal. Could it be that we have walked out of the hateful ghost wall?"

The number one female Ultraman said solemnly.

"It was definitely not a ghost wall just now, but a spatial disorder. Anyway, I can't explain it clearly. There are too many weird things in this area..."

"In Feng Shui, there is no real explanation. After all, there are many strange things in Yin and Yang."

Cang Lanzi took a deep breath. Even though he knew the skills of various families, he was not proficient in them. It was really difficult.

"Damn old man... How long will it take to reach the destination?" The foreign captain in front looked at Cang Lanzi unhappily.

This guy has been pretending to be unfathomable, but he encountered a small problem and couldn't solve it. It was really disappointing.

Cang Lanzi took Luogeng and looked at it, and then looked at the sky. There was still no Big Dipper, but he had a sense of direction.

"It should be not far away... The ancient city of Loulan, along with Lop Nur, is also a relic that has been developed, with a large number of ships..."

"We are now heading to the real ancient ruins, the real ancient city of Loulan..."

Under Cang Lanzi's introduction, they gradually went deeper into a desert and saw an ancient riverbed from afar. It was unknown how many years it had endured and turned into a winding road section.

Soon they entered a mysterious area...


Cang Lanzi shouted.


The car stopped under a winding passage. From a distance, there was an ancient building, which surprised everyone. Could it be a destination?

"What is that?" The number one female Ultraman asked nervously.

Cang Lanzi took out an old notebook and flipped through it gently. She really saw an ancient building in the notebook.

"This is a temple, a place for ancient sacrifices. Let's go and take a look." Cang Lanzi took a deep breath and looked very nervous.

"What's inside?" Female Ultraman No. 1 naturally noticed something unusual and asked cautiously.

"Hmph... What do you know? There is a secret to ancient Loulan here." Canglanzi snorted and went alone.

"You two stay here to guard, we'll go." The foreign captain asked two people to guard, and took the remaining six people and their weapons to follow.

A group of people carefully entered an ancient temple soon. All the mud walls were made of thousands of years. When they entered, they were hit by a gust of dust.

Some ancient statues were stored around, with fangs on their faces, revealing a grim and hideous look, like evil spirits crawling out of hell, terrifying and gloomy.

Gradually going deeper into it, the entire dilapidated temple was permeated with a depressing atmosphere...

Canglanzi searched according to the notebook, step by step into the deepest part of the temple, and saw a statue of a goddess, and immediately asked everyone to push it away.


A dark passage was revealed...

Everyone looked at Canglanzi. This guy's notebook was too scary. If you were not careful, you would find a dark passage.

"This is the notebook of our Guanshan Taibao lineage. Every time we go to a place, we need to record it. This is one of the places our ancestors have been to."

After Canglanzi explained, he jumped in with a flashlight. The others went deeper, leaving twoSomeone is guarding the door.


Lin Dong is standing outside....

He has been following closely behind. When he sees an ancient temple, his brows are furrowed. He looks forward and finds a gust of cold wind coming.

"This place is very strange. The older generation has told you that you should never be curious about houses in the deep mountains and old forests. Do you know why?"

Lin Dong looked at the live broadcast room and said coldly.

"Why? Isn't it popular..."

"You know nothing... It is said that some mountain spirits and wild monsters live here. Have you seen Lanruo Temple? A group of sneaky people are making trouble..."

"You know even less. These old houses in the mountains have been in disrepair for a long time. If they collapse accidentally, who can save you?"

"Hmph... A group of guys pretending to know. Is your knowledge brought by those little melons and dates on a certain audio? You lead the trend without knowing anything..."

"Fuck... You seem to know a lot..."

"Three generations can't live in one house. Do you know why?"

"Why? Is there anything dirty?"

"Go ask your grandfather..."


"Come out and fight..."

It's really scary that among millions of chickens, they mess around when they disagree with each other...

After all, this weird situation cannot be really explained for a while, anyway, it's very weird.


Suddenly, a gunshot rang through the night, startling Lin Dong. He immediately looked closer and saw a group of people running out of the house.

"Put the bomb quickly..." A mercenary shouted anxiously, heartbreakingly.

"Put it..." The foreign captain's face was full of tears, and he roared and threw a grenade in.

There was a mercenary in the temple, who was dragged in alive, and then a terrifying big head crawled out of the temple.


A bomb went off, smoke billowed, and everyone ran out frantically, breathing heavily, terrified.

In this operation, one person was taken away, leaving only ten people, and everyone was terrified.

"Let's go..."

After the foreign captain took a fierce look at Cang Lanzi, he packed everyone into the car and headed deep into the temple.

Lin Dong was confused, but he was very curious about the things in the temple, so he approached step by step and looked into the ruined temple...



Under the dim light...

A terrifying figure was eating a human head. The bloody scene almost scared millions of chickens to death, and they screamed non-stop.

Lin Dong saw the other party at a glance. It was a terrifying guy. It looked human, opened its mouth like a zombie, and was covered with sharp thorns.

It was fastened by a chain around its neck, greedily sucking the head, as if it was very satisfied.

Lin Dong's hair stood on end....

How could it be like some ghosts and monsters in ancient scrolls, with hideous faces, skin and bones, and a big mouth, roaring like a beast.

Lin Dong quietly left....

Even in the live broadcast room, millions of chickens couldn't help but cover their mouths across the screen, terrified.


"If my guess is correct, this thing is an ancient evil ghost, a kind of demon, a ghost in Painted Skin..."

"There is also a cruel thing in hell..."

After Lin Dong said this lightly, he stopped discussing it. After all, it was too exciting...

It turns out that these things are not fabricated by the ancients, but are real. How thrilling and fascinating.

No wonder the ancients could draw what ghosts look like!

Because they really saw...

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