
What a creepy and chilling thing this is. Now, when hearing Lin Dong introduce ghosts and monsters, millions of chickens are trembling with fear.

"Mom... I want to go to the toilet, what should I do if I don't want to go now? I'm too anxious... What if I reach out a hand under the toilet?"

"Fuck... Why are you talking about this at night? I'm driving past the mass grave now. I'm alone. I'll be home after crossing this hill..."

"Brothers... Stop it... There are no ghosts in the world. It must be some special effects made by Master Lin. The ghosts painted by the ancients are definitely not real..."

"When Wu Daozi's painting of the eighteen layers of hell was hung in Chang'an, no one dared to commit a crime for three months. What do you think?"

"The theory of ghosts and gods has always been a mystery. Whether it is a means of the rulers or a serious matter, it is no longer traceable, because the ancient sacrifices have always existed..."

" Let’s not talk about it… Master Lin followed him again… The strange Lop Nor is really a creepy place…”

“Is there an ancient city of Loulan that is beyond the gods and ghosts?”

The millions of chickens were so sleepless that they rolled into their quilts in fear, and they were so curious that it was too hard to bear…

In any case, they had to choose to finish watching…

Lin Dong rode a camel and followed him all the way…


In the car in front…

“Captain… let me shoot this guy. If he didn’t want that mural, how could he kill Corolla? That thing must be a demon from hell…”

A team member raised the gun in his hand and was just one shot away from shooting Cang Lanzi. He was really gnashing his teeth and was furious. A teammate died for no reason.

Especially watching his teammate being pounced on by the hideous and terrifying monster, even his bones were bitten and dragged into the temple.

It was a thrilling explosion...

"If you mess around again, I'll be the first to throw you down." The foreign captain gritted his teeth and said.

You can't mess around now. You still need to rely on the old man. If you can't handle it, I'm afraid everyone will be buried in this desert.

"Don't you want to explain it?" The number one female Ultraman looked at Cang Lanzi and said.

Canglanzi took out the mysterious image drawn from the underground secret room. It was a nine-story tower with three levels: upper, middle and lower. The temple fair showed a magical scene...

The upper level was a queen...

The middle level was the people...

The bottom level was Shura Hell....

"This is the ancient belief of the Western Regions. The queen represents heaven, like a witch who can contact heaven. The lower level belongs to the human world, and the bottom level is hell..."

"In ancient Loulan, there is a legend about the queen. Our destination this time is this mysterious nine-story tower, also called the Heaven Sacrifice Tower..."

"According to legend, the ancient Loulan queen can communicate with heaven and earth, trigger endless desert storms, and open up Lop Nur..."

Canglanzi explained one by one.

Everyone was horrified when they heard the mystery. Did such a terrifying existence really exist in the ancient Western Regions?

It is said that people are also used for sacrifices...

It is really frustrating...

Everyone suddenly realized that they had a little understanding of Cang Lanzi's ability. This old man is capable...

Everyone kept going...

"According to the notes of my clan, the entrance is five kilometers away. Everyone should be careful..." Cang Lanzi said seriously.


Everyone nodded.

"Mr. Cang Lanzi... Can you let me see your tomb-robbing notes?" Female Ultraman No. 1 said cautiously.

"It's not a tomb-robbing note, it's my clan's adventure notes..." Cang Lanzi corrected the other party seriously.

"Yes... yes... yes... adventure notes." Female Ultraman didn't want to argue with these old antiques.

After all, this was originally a tomb-robbing note from someone else's family. It was really a thrilling adventure note, which was the accumulation of several generations.

However, this trip to Loulan caused the Guanshan Taibao lineage to lose many soldiers and generals, and from then on, they would never set foot in the Western Regions again...

Canglanzi dared to go against the decision of his ancestors, so he must have a secret that he could not tell anyone, but I don’t know what it is?

Female Ultraman No. 1 was very cautious and entered the desert. If she was not careful, she might be murdered. She had to be cautious.

"Okay... I'll show you..." Canglanzi handed it over with a smile without any taboo.

Female Ultraman took it up to look at it. In addition to some strange ghost paintings, there were some strange paintings that made her touch it.I was confused.

"You said: The queen is still alive... What do you mean?" Ultraman said solemnly.

"I don't know..." Cang Lanzi shook her head.

"What about this sentence? The desert is alive..." Ultraman looked at the next sentence.

"I don't know, because after this trip, it became bad news for our Guanshan Taibao lineage. The elders who escaped were also crazy and died soon."

Cang Lanzi shook her head, feeling embarrassed and helpless.

After the female Ultraman looked through it, the news about Loulan in the Western Regions was very strange...

"Loulan people are not people..."

"The earth has veins..."

"There is an identical person who replaced you..."

These weird words made the female Ultraman look confused. What on earth is going on?

It was completely incomprehensible, unpredictable, and chilling.

"Give it to you..." The female Ultraman could only send it back, looking at the wind and sand in the sky. The night had entered the middle of the night. The very cold sky was permeated with a weird atmosphere.

Lin Dong followed closely behind....

After walking about five miles, they finally saw a valley, which was formed by layers of ancient sand. After going deep into it, there were actually some ancient buildings...

"This area is probably the Lost City..." Cang Lanzi looked around solemnly.

"What is the Lost City?" Everyone asked curiously.

"There are many civilizations in this desert, among which Loulan is a part of it, and the rest of the civilizations have long been buried in the endless sand..."

"According to legend, there is a race older than Loulan, which we named the Xian Gu Clan. According to legend, they are the true descendants of Kunlun Mountain and control unknown civilizations..."

"Later, the Xian Gu Clan declined and gradually became the Thirty-Six Kingdoms in the Western Regions. Step by step, in the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor sent people to the Western Regions to find ways to live forever..."

"This lost city is a city of the Xian Gu Clan, and later it was changed into the ancient city of Loulan. These are all secrets discovered by our clan..."

Cang Lanzi introduced them one by one, very seriously. After all, these unknown stories are often submerged in the long river of history.

According to legend, there are immortals on Mount Kunlun, who are descendants of the Queen Mother of the West...

Later, in the Biography of King Mu of Zhou, he traveled all the way west and entered the Western Regions, stepped onto Mount Kunlun step by step, and made an appointment with the Queen Mother of the West on Yaochi...

This bizarre myth is full of confusion and is very magical...

To this day, no one can investigate the bizarre things in the Biography of King Mu, even though the author Guo Pu is also a Feng Shui master, a truly accomplished person, it is really weird...

Because the Zhou Dynasty was originally a magical dynasty...

This is a dynasty that transitioned from slavery to civilization...

This part of history is basically a mythological story. The birth of some myths often requires reality to be set off step by step.

The Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties have always been a transition period from hunting to farming, especially some big guys, who will mythify themselves.

Especially after the appearance of the Investiture of the Gods, many myths and legends were created for the cycle and the supermarket...

"There are snakes..."

Suddenly someone shouted, waking up the number one female Ultraman. She looked around and saw some red snakes crawling out of the sand walls around her. There was a black and white spot on their necks, rustling and extremely strange.

This group of guys came from all directions...

"Don't mess around, these are ancient species, huge, and you will die on the spot if you are bitten."

Cang Lanzi shouted, trembling.

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