Twenty-four hours passed quickly...

Before finding it, and preparing to call the police, a group of policemen arrived, leaving the old village chief confused. When he heard that they were watching the live broadcast, he suddenly realized...

"Now we have eliminated the cameras at various intersections, and no suspicious people or traces of children have been seen. Now it seems that we can only go into the mountains."

A policeman explained and looked at the mountains behind the village.

"Everything is arranged by the police uncles..." The old village chief naturally cooperated.

"I will go with you to see..." Lin Dong stood up and said.

"Okay..." The police uncle glanced at Lin Dong. This person's live broadcast has naturally been followed, and he must give him great respect.

"I will go too..." Tana also stood up and said firmly.

"Okay... But you have to follow us in." The police nodded.

This operation went into the deep mountains, and there were about fifty people. After all, the mountains are very primitive, and they need to act in groups. Each group needs a local, otherwise it will be difficult to get out if something happens.

Everyone started in a hurry....

Looking at the sun in the sky, it was already setting. At about four o'clock, everyone prepared flashlights, ate some dry food, and went into the mountains.

After all, human life is at stake, so no one delayed at all...

Lin Dong did not walk with the others, and walked alone. The police did not care about him, because he was too powerful and could not be controlled...

As soon as he entered the forest, Lin Dong jumped onto a towering tree and looked at the vast, dense forest in the distance...

Everyone became cautious...

Thousands of local chickens also saw it from the live broadcast room...

"Fuck... I just realized that these forests are really big. No wonder there are legends of wild men. I really hope there are no accidents..."

"Yeah! After all, there are many strange things in the mountains, and it is difficult to predict. It seems that when I was a child in my hometown, some people went out to hunt in the wild at night and saw a blood-red eye staring at you from afar..."

"Upstairs... Is there a possibility that it is an animal? Don't play tricks, okay?"

"Bullshit... I also have experience. The eyes of animals are all green, so there are no blood-red eyes... ”

“Don’t say... I’m peeing in the toilet, my home is in the countryside...”

“Tell me the location upstairs, I’ll stay at your house tonight...”

“Fuck... You’re so shameless when you see a girl...”

“Everyone, stop making trouble... Let’s just watch how Master Lin finds the child...”

Millions of chickens also know when to stop. Looking at the surrounding environment, there are layers of mountains and dense trees, and there is not even a road. The team needs to crawl...

Lin Dong walks directly on the road to clear...

He can cross the treetops directly, and finally shakes his head, because he needs to find the child, and wants to see every corner...

Night falls...

And the afterglow of the setting sun shines through the leaves...

The chirping of birds gradually disappears...

The rest is silence...


Lin Dong saw the cave in front of him, which was relatively large, and immediately walked over to take a look. He took out a lighter and looked around. Surprisingly, there were still traces of fire.

There were a pile of bones around...

There were also some footprints in it...

Lin Dong was shocked by the clear view. It was obvious that someone was living there. Could it be that there were really some wild people?

He took a step forward and climbed up a towering tree. He looked around and the entire Yunyun Mountain Range was in his sight. It was extremely spectacular...

The setting sun in the west was extremely bright and gradually went deeper into the mountains. It was the rhythm of the dark sky. The later it got, the more intense the search work became...


Suddenly, Lin Dong looked into the distance and saw a black figure jumping out of the jungle in the mountains. He was dressed in black and crawling like a human.

Millions of chickens screamed...

"There really are wild men... Look, that's a wild man, it's so scary, the legend is true, there are really wild men living there, anchor, hurry up and catch up..."

"What? There really are wild men, where are they? Why can't I see them?"

"I told you to stop picking up girls in the comment section, there really was a wild man just now, but it was just a back view, it's so scary..."

"It is said that if you catch a wild man and hand it over to the country, you can get a fortune of millions, you will really become a millionaire..."

"Haha... It depends on Master Lin..."

"I don't think it's a wild man..."

"Could it be a girl..."No way?"


"What kind of logic is this..."

"The girl who is dreaming, is she really the legendary, 30 million single dogs?"

"In fact... the wild man may also be a female..."




The controversy among the millions of chickens continues. In fact, everyone on the Internet is a hero, a second-generation ancestor, a playboy, and they tease the girls severely.

Lin Dong naturally saw this scene. As the sky darkened, he naturally accelerated his jump and followed. He saw the black shadow from afar, constantly disappearing in the jungle...

Even if he jumped with light skills, he could not keep up with the night, because the black curtain fell and completely disappeared from his sight...

Lin Dong landed in the position of the black shadow. There was really a big footprint in a pool of mud, almost like a person, Could there really be some wild man?

Such legends have been circulating for decades, but now they have disappeared because of cameras everywhere...

I didn't expect to see traces of wild men...

This primeval forest is too big, and Lin Dong walked for a while before finally giving up...

Returning to the cave, he looked around and saw what kind of animal bones the large group of people had...

Are you really afraid of cannibals...

Without any gains, Lin Dong walked around, and around eight or nine in the evening, he had to give up the search...

Just after returning to the village, I heard exciting news because the child was finally found...

"How did you find it?" Lin Dong said excitedly.

"Teacher Tana found it..." a villager answered, but he didn't look that excited.

"Anything else? "Lin Dong immediately realized something was wrong.

"After this child was found, earthworms and bugs were found in his mouth, and there were dead mice around him..."

"Now that he has come back, he is not in his right mind, often laughs for no reason, and says that earthworms and mice are delicious..."

This is the answer of a policeman.

Lin Dong's face changed drastically. This is the rhythm of being possessed by evil spirits. If it is not handled properly, he may become unconscious, gradually lose his mind, and slowly die...

Millions of local chickens are furious...

"Fuck...Fuck...Is it so evil? ”

“When I was a child, my grandmother told me that there were some mountain ghosts and the five ghosts in the mountains, such as fox spirits, snake spirits, and toad spirits. After they turned into humans, they would trap lost hunters and feed them a meal of earthworms...”

“It was really evil... There are many rumors of this kind, especially in the deep mountains and old forests, some mountain ghosts and goblins like to transform into human forms, confuse some scholars, and poison them to death...”

“These are all ghosts and monsters. I feel that they are the actions of wild people, just to make children become the next wild people...”

“Don’t worry about these gods and ghosts, see how Master Lin handles it...”

Millions of native chickens are very nervous, after all, it involves a child...

“Woo woo... My son! What happened to you? "

As soon as I arrived at the door of this family, I heard a heart-wrenching pain. A group of people were comforting him and said they would send him to the hospital tomorrow.

"Let me take a look..." Lin Dong stepped forward and said.

"You..." Not only the child's parents, but also the villagers looked at each other in bewilderment. After all, Lin Dong was just an assistant teacher.

"Mr. Lin Dong is a master of traditional Chinese medicine..." A policeman interrupted, obviously, he often watched live broadcasts.

"What?" Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. This kid was only in his twenties. Although he was a teacher, he was so powerful.

Lin Dong ignored them and began to check the child's condition...

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