Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 1 The Mysterious Smith

"Where am I?" Zhou Yi woke up suddenly.

The brain is in chaos, as if it is filled with paste, filled with the memories of a 7-year-old British boy, which are short and warm, painful and sad, and finally numb.

"My name is Ryan Smith." Suddenly it changed from Chinese to English, and from a deep and rich man's voice to a clear boy's voice, as if there were two people talking in this small room.

"I am a wizard, a scion of a small British family. My parents died due to magic experiments when I was 5 years old."

"I was left to live with a house elf." The companion remembered in a clear voice, and his head felt like a bottle of ice water was poured from the top of his head.

‘I’ was born on July 31, 1980, the same birthday as Harry Potter, who defeated Voldemort. Soon after, Voldemort came to the streets, and the family's life became more comfortable. The Ravenclaw parents had free time to start their own little experiment.

"Hey, Jack." A life with two big bat-like ears and a pair of protruding green eyes as big as tennis balls appeared in front of Ryan.

"Master Ryan, if you need anything, I'll ask for your service."

"Give me a cup of black tea and light a candle. I want to sit for a while." Ryan rubbed his temples.

After sorting out the memory, a strange feeling filled my mind.

Under this feeling, Ryan could even see his soul, shining like a bright moon, surrounded by some diamond-like debris, which were slowly being pulled in and integrated into the moon.

And his thoughts, accompanied by an invisible tentacle, touched this "star".

Then he was suddenly ejected, and a blue-light panel appeared in front of him. Ryan looked at the house elf Jack and found that only he could see it.

On the upper right is the full-length portrait of Ryan Smith. If you click on it with your mind, you can see more carefully. He is not like a 7-year-old boy with a height of 149cm, short black hair, silver-white eyes, fair skin, and... A hint of baby fat.

Under the status bar, there is a series of numbers.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 5 (normal human limit is 10)

Constitution: 20 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Special mutant mental power: 10 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Skill: Thinking lv.1 (3%)

The sudden discovery of his skills caught Ryan's attention.

After noticing the skill column, I suddenly understood the origin of the skill. As long as I do something wholeheartedly, the skill will be generated, and there is no upper limit for breakthroughs.

After roughly understanding the principles of the panel, I turned my attention to the columns of strength, constitution, and special variant mental power.

"It's so uncomfortable to watch. Isn't it called magic in the original work?" Ryan struggled in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the panel also turned into magic power according to his own thoughts.

In a blink of an eye, it was already dawn. I looked at the sun and said to myself, "There are still 4 years left in Hogwarts. You wait for me. I'm coming."

Smith, a common British surname, originally meant a person who made things with metal materials. It has always been an important profession in history, and in the magical world, it is a rare family that is proficient in alchemy. This surname has a magical power, and every Smith is the most inconspicuous person in the crowd.

In a room made of silver-white metal, the walls are covered with wonderful magic words. Directly opposite the entrance is the portrait of an old man who looks kind. Starting from the old man, there is a dense golden family tree. The earliest one is that the old man can even Dating back to the Middle Ages.

At the bottom is a lone name, Ryan Smith.

If you look closely, this name is made up of ouroboroses, which are constantly devouring their tails. The other names are also made up of various magical creatures, such as thunderbirds, phoenixes, and even trolls, but these magical creatures have long been Being motionless also represents death.

In this room, Ryan slowly flipped through a book called "Smith's Minutes".

It is filled with the inventions, production methods, materials, etc. of each ancestor.

A pure metal wand made of mithril mixed with hundreds of magical creatures, an invisibility cloak that is not invisible but consistent with the surrounding environment, and a wisdom hood that cools the scalp.

The greatest invention among them is this hut, which can be carried around by the contemporary owner of the house and is an alchemy room that only Smith can enter.

The magic text on its inner wall is the ultimate embodiment of Smith's inherited magic.

It was the invention of that old man, William Smith.

Every Smith must have an invention of his own before the age of 25, otherwise he will no longer be able to enter the hut. The predecessor's parents never started their own experiments due to economic reasons and Death Eater cholera.

The disappearance of Voldemort, the arrival of peace, and the recovery of the economy contributed to his own death.

George Smith was his father's name, and George's metal magic wand was the culprit that caused the death of his parents.

Metal wands, also known as guns, are another name in the wizarding world.

It has been three days since Ryan came into this world.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 7 (normal human limit is 10)

Constitution: 21 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Magic power: 10 (normal human limit is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.2 (5%) Body Transformation lv2 (70%) Alchemy lv1 (0.1%)

This is the result of three days. In addition to researching his identity information, Ryan also insists on getting up early every morning to read and exercise.

lv2 thinking has made Ryan's thinking quick and his memory greatly enhanced. He is also able to slowly recall some memories of his past life that he thought he had long forgotten.

The lv2 body transformation has allowed Ryan's body to develop in a more perfect and healthy direction.

After all, according to what Ryan slowly recalled about Harry Potter, whether it is the movie version or the novel version, positioning is still more important. If you hide quickly enough, even Avada Kedavra will not be able to catch up with you.

As for the importance of physical fitness, just like in the original book, Professor McGonagall is considered a powerful wizard. In the fifth Order of the Phoenix, he was hit by 4 or 5 coma spells. Because of his thinness and old age, he almost lost his life. But Hagrid, with his strong physique and giant bloodline, was hit by a spell. Nothing happened at all, but he stood out from the siege.

"Based on the past issues of the Daily Prophet that Jack has sent over the past few days, it can be roughly determined that he has not traveled through fan fiction. But it is also a pity that Snape, who can suppress demons at every turn, talks about the brains of trolls, and steals souls. Think about it, Dumbledore who put the veritaserum in the drinks and snacks can no longer be seen," Ryan said to himself.

"Voldemort's Horcrux is relatively easy to deal with. Ravenclaw's diadem is in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts. It can be destroyed by known fire and basilisk fangs. The diary can be directly controlled by Ginny in the second grade. To get it, you have to wait for Sirius to rehabilitate you, or go to Black's house to get Slytherin's pendant. The remaining four are more troublesome. Hufflepuff's cup is in Lestrange's vault, and the Resurrection Stone is also The ring is in Gaunt's old house, surrounded by the magic planted by Voldemort, and Nagini is always by Voldemort's side. Harry Potter can't kill her. "

In fact, the easiest thing is to write an anonymous letter directly to Dumbledore. Just be careful when picking up the Horcrux, the Resurrection Stone, and don't be tempted to wear it. The rest, except for Harry Potter and Nagini, are quick. I guess he can do it in a day.

Although Castle Smith blocked Voldemort's three invasions, under the magical magic, Smith, who is famous for being secretive, is still almost unknown to the pure-blood family and the public.

With such a wonderful magical power, I don't have to worry about being exposed when writing to Dumbledore. Even if I am exposed, it doesn't matter. Dumbledore's moral character is still relatively high.

But Dumbledore did it all. Why did he travel back in time? Besides, this is the real world. It’s better to be cautious and try it yourself first. A diary is the easiest. If it doesn’t work, tell him again.

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