Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 2 Completed Experiments

In the Smith Family Chamber of Secrets, each magical creature that makes up a member represents that person's magical nature.

This is the invention of Font Smith, the son of the ancestor William Smith. It records the status of each Smith family member and can detect the magical essence of each Smith.

What's more special is that it marks its nature through mythology or existing magical creatures (I guess William Smith is a guy who likes magical creatures like Hagrid), and its characteristics can be seen intuitively (but Ryan still has to compare it with Wundt Smith) "Exploring the Unknown Creatures" can be understood).

For example, the magical nature of the members of the Thunderbirds is revealed to be that the magical powers of Thunderbirds are better at calling the wind and rain, while the magical nature of Lane Ouroboros is almost endless resilience.

But for the wizards in Harry Potter, it's a bit tasteless.

After Ryan recalled the original work and read the Smith family's book collection, Ryan discovered that the wizard's magic is more like physical strength, while modern magic is a product of stability and low energy consumption. The original work never showed any Wizards have withdrawals for insufficient magic power.

Even Avada Kedavra, an ordinary little wizard can cast it, but it is not powerful enough. According to the fake Moody Crouch, it can only make him have a little nosebleed.

Moreover, the magic in this world, especially some advanced magic spells, emphasizes the need to have a specific emotion when casting it, which in fantasy terms is the state of mind.

For example, Avada Kedavra must have a strong and beneficial desire to kill, Crusader must have strong hatred or a desire to torture people, and it is best to get some kind of happiness from this behavior. The Patronus Charm requires the happiest and most positive emotions in life.

All in all, Ryan's magical nature only means that his resilience is stronger, and he is more suitable for some ancient magic that has been eliminated with high energy consumption and high power.

The magical nature of Ryan's father, George William, is closer to that of gunpowder, and he can easily manipulate flames to create explosions, which is close to Seamus, who in the original work can explode even if he uses Leviosa or the floating spell.

His invention of the metal wand made the most of his magical properties, thereby releasing powerful and beneficial magic bullets.

The inventions in the Smith family are all very useful, especially the mithril wand, which uses the blood of all common magical creatures and can adapt to anyone and increase the power of spells.

If Lane wants to take this invention out of Smith's alchemy room, he must complete a new invention.

Take the invention of Lane's father, George Smith, which was just one step away from being completed.

Ryan consulted the manuscripts of his father and mother, and found out that they were "gifted". Ryan's alchemy foundation was very broad and solid. With the control and transformation of material properties, coupled with the mathematics foundation in high school in his previous life, he quickly found the point of error. .

The only mistake was in the math. I miscalculated one digit and lost one ounce of the cooling potion.

To be honest, it is a pity. The alchemy hut is a magical item that can guarantee the wizard's safety to the greatest extent. Unfortunately, if an invention is not completed and certified in the hut before turning 25, you will no longer be able to enter it after the age of 25.

If it hadn't been for the appearance of Voldemort that left his father, George Smith, with no energy to invent, otherwise he would have been fine even if something went wrong in the alchemy hut.

We are just short of materials now, and the last ingredients will be almost there tomorrow.

The weather is fine, and we are in a castle in Nottingham Forest that ordinary people cannot label or detect.

Ryan stood in front of the window and started exercising for the day.

"One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four, second quarter of chest expansion exercise," Ryan muttered silently in his mind, and his body danced to the beat.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 9 (normal human limit is 10)

Constitution: 25 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Magic power: 15 (normal human limit is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.2 (39%) Body Transformation lv3 (1%) Alchemy lv2 (2%)

"Alchemy has almost advanced as I read various documents. Although my father's invention led to magical accidents, it was only due to his overconfidence and the poor mathematics in the wizarding world.

The metal wand, that is, the shell of the gun has been completed, and there is only one left to enlighten the spirit. The rest is waiting for Jack. After the alchemy circle is activated, just add the cooling potion at the critical time. Moreover, my safety can be protected to the greatest extent in the alchemy hut of my ancestor William Smith. "After the exercise, Ryan thought while drinking black tea.

"Jack, are your things ready?"

With a loud, echoing crack, the house elf Jack appeared in front of Ryan.

"Here, Master Ryan, the potion you want"

Ryan picked up a piece of hay, which was the most important part of the cooling potion, wormwood.

Together with narcissus root powder, it can be used to prepare a very powerful sleeping pill, one dose of water of life and death.

In the alchemy cabin, the alchemy array was slowly activated under Ryan's magic.

A gun made of obsidian, it looks a bit like an M1911 pistol, with strange lines constantly appearing on its surface.

"Bah, bah, bah." It's time, Ryan introduced the cooling potion into the alchemy array.

Ryan's magic also flows with the introduction of coolant, leaving beautiful lines on the metal wand.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, the magic text around the gun continued to absorb the light, and the gun body trembled like Parkinson's disease. Gradually, the buzzing sound disappeared as the alchemy was completed.

"It's done" Ryan was overjoyed.

As the saying goes, the divine object is self-concealed, and the gun gradually returned to its normal appearance.

Ryan picked it up, as if a stream of cold water flowed from his fingers all over his body.

For some reason, it may be because of the birth of Ryan's magic power. At this moment, Ryan's perception seems to have two selves, the gun is the man, and the man is the gun.

Aiming at the target that has been prepared long ago, injecting magic power, silver light bullets continue to pour out of the muzzle.

"Haha, look at my infinite recharge virtual flash." Ryan was very excited. This was the first time that he created a great magic item almost from scratch. And Ryan has only been here for less than a month.

However, the power is still not as powerful as his father expected. After all, the nature of his magic is explosive, but Ryan's is more durable and has stronger recovery ability.

Next, think about whether you still need to choose to take out the mithril wand. With the black knight who loves the gun, the wand is not very useful to be honest.

Just injecting magic power is a simple light bullet. What if it is a spell?

The Black Knight was tempered with his own magic power, and was highly adaptable. The light bullets or spells fired by the Black Knight were also faster than ordinary spells.

"Gutala, magic gun!" Ryan pretended to chant the spell, quickly pulled the gun from his waist, and silently chanted the spell in his heart: "Four pieces!" The silver crescent-shaped light blade shot out from the muzzle.

"So fast! And it's better than the spell cast with the magic wand, worthy of me."

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