Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 3 Diagon Alley

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 3 days passed.

In the past three days, Ryan tried many skills in using firearms. Thinking at level 2 not only made his thinking more agile, but he could also subconsciously recall some memories that he had swept away in his previous life.

The era when Ryan was still growing up in his previous life was an era when martial arts was popular, and there were all kinds of "martial arts secrets" in his home at that time.

Relying on the "unique talent" brought by the panel, as long as he succeeds once, he will succeed next time. If he devotes himself wholeheartedly, he will be rewarded. Ryan combined the few spells he just learned, and the fluorescent lights flashed and fell apart. New skills such as blazing flames, clear springs, and whirlwind sweeps have been developed.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 9 (normal human limit is 10)

Constitution: 26 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Magic power: 16 (normal human limit is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.2 (77%) Physical transformation lv3 (32%) Alchemy lv2 (22%) Charms lv1 (45%)

Potions lv1 (55%) Transfiguration lv1 (15%) Gunfighting lv1 (89%) Martial Arts lv1 (66%)

Gun fighting is a mixed skill developed by integrating magic, transformation, alchemy, martial arts and other skills. Now Ryan can be said to be fast and accurate with his guns.

Moreover, with the help of this core skill of thinking, he can also use precise movement calculations to launch the maximum damage attack at the position with the least damage. He can shoot into the blind spot anywhere around him and increase the power of the bullets by 20%.

Even with its own body as the center and the prototype geometry as the plane reference, all positions around it that can be attacked will be calculated, and every possible attack direction around the body will be shot, which can exist as both attack and defense at the same time.

Cooperating with the Black Knight, Ryan can now easily kill adult wizards.

It has been nearly three months since Ryan traveled through time. He discovered that his family is not only mysterious, but also a homebody. Whether it is food, clothing, or drinking, these have already been automated. Even if he does nothing, I won’t starve to death.

Every Smith is committed to a person or family's ability to survive alone in the wizarding world, and contributes to this from generation to generation.

Common pigs, sheep, beef, and even rabbit meat are also supplied by corresponding ranches around the castle. Clothing and fabrics are also produced by house elves and alchemy robots. Even common alchemy and potion materials are also produced by corresponding manors.

At the same time, Ryan also discovered that his family was not completely insulated from the magical world. Almost all the shops in Diagon Alley were secretly funded by his family. The magical contracts studied and developed from the ancient Greek period restricted everything, making everything Other wizards and even Gringotts knew that this dividend should be paid and should be transferred to the Smith family's vault, but they ignored this and a steady stream of cash flowed into the Gringotts Smith family's vault.

But it is also time to purchase a batch of books. For some reason, there are too few basic books at home at this stage. It cannot be said that there are none. Most of them are basic books related to alchemy. And those about magic are all high-end books like the Invisibility Book on Invisibility.

"Jack, let's go to Diagon Alley." Ryan grabbed the hand of the house elf Jack.

"Master, hold on tight." Ryan suddenly felt as if Jack's arm was about to break free from his hand, and the surroundings became dark. He was being squeezed hard from all directions and couldn't breathe at all. His chest seemed to be tightly constricted by several iron hoops. His eyeballs were pushed back into his head, his eardrums were pressed deep into his skull, and then——

He took in big gulps of air and opened his eyes that couldn't hold back tears. Ryan felt as if he had just been squeezed out of a very narrow rubber tube.

After a few seconds, he came to his senses and found that he had disappeared from home. The place where he and Jack now stood was a small, cramped but well-appointed cabin.

"Master Ryan, this is the Leaky Cauldron. The Smith family has always had a secret cabin here. When we leave here later, we can go to Diagon Alley."

Ryan followed Jack and pushed open the door. Down was a beautiful wooden staircase that led directly to the backyard of the Leaky Cauldron.

On the way, Jack explained that this passage does not pass through the bar of the bar, and is full of magic that makes the wizard ignore it, because the Smith family does not like too many people.

On the way, Jack took out a hat and put it on his head. Then the whole elf swelled and twitched, turning into a tall and handsome middle-aged man, who was the father of the original body, George Smith. appearance.

"Master, although elves are proud not to appear in the eyes of others, some businesses also need someone to handle and keep an eye on them. So your grandfather invented this hat, so that he can spend his time on greater causes. ”

Ryan couldn't help but complain, Smith is really a genius, no wonder he has so many inventions.

Jack, who looked like George Smith, took out the prepared wand and tapped the third brick from the left above the trash can. Then he took a step back and looked at the archway that opened on the wall leading to Diagon Alley.

What appeared in front of Ryan was a winding cobblestone street with no end in sight. This was Diagon Alley.

Finally coming to the magical world in a real sense, Ryan couldn't help but curl his lips.

At the entrance is Partridge's Crucible Shop, with a gleaming sign outside that reads:


All sizes

Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver



Opposite it is Sluggiggs Pharmacy, filled with a wide variety of potions, dragon liver, fox eggs, ooze grass, frog brains, chopped ginger root

Some strange shops that could only be seen in books and movies in the previous life kept appearing in front of him, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Magic Menagerie, Quidditch Boutique.

"Father, how about we walk around Diagon Alley first?" Ryan suggested, pretending to be a mature underage child. As soon as he finished speaking, Ryan couldn't help but think that he was the same in his previous life. No matter where he went, he would habitually walk around first.

"Okay." Jack, who looked like George Smith, didn't notice Ryan's expression change and nodded slightly.

Then, Ryan came to Florin's cold drink shop and ordered a cup of Harry Potter's chocolate with raspberries and crushed nuts ice cream.

He slowly walked around Diagon Alley. There were not many people in Diagon Alley now, and there was still some time before the current students started school.

However, the aesthetics of the wizarding world are really flawed. Except for some wizards with poor conditions, most of them wear bright and colorful wizard robes. In the previous life or the Muggle world, most of them were the colors commonly used by women, Ryan secretly complained.

Oh, oh, oh, I wonder if I will meet some characters from the original book.

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