Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Strange Werewolf

How can I put it? Madam Rosmerta is a witch with a lot of gossip. If she meets the super narcissistic gossip whore Rita Skeeter, who still calls herself a charming blonde at the age of 43, it is probably not a matter of time before they get together.

During the communication, the stories of various professors were told vividly, such as the little sparks between the professor of Transfiguration, the dean of Gryffindor McGonagall, and the keeper of the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid, and Dumbledore's peculiar hobby of sweets.

Ryan found that Madam Rosmerta thought Ryan was a little wizard who was studying at Hogwarts. After all, many of her gossips were jokes that only people who studied at Hogwarts could understand.

During the conversation, many residents of Hogsmeade and some students of Hogwarts came one after another.

Ryan was very grateful. If it weren't for Madam Rosmerta blocking him, he would probably fall into the dilemma of the London dessert shop again.

Unconsciously, he looked at his watch and it was already half past one.

Ryan, who expected to arrive early, politely said goodbye to Mrs. Rosmerta and prepared to wait at Honeydukes in advance to give Penelope a surprise.

When he arrived at Honeydukes, it was a sea of ​​people. Ryan regretted why he didn't dress up as a monster as the letter said, just to tease Penelope.

On Halloween, those who don't dress up are more conspicuous.

Ryan heard a short and fat little witch ask in a voice that she thought was very excited, "Jasmine! Do you know the handsome wizard over there? Which college is he from!"

"I bet 10 gold galleons that this guy is definitely not a student of Hogwarts!"

"Mom, I'm in love again!"

Sometimes, overly sensitive senses are a nuisance. Ryan can feel all kinds of eager and curious eyes constantly looking at him, and from time to time there are brave little witches, and even little wizards come forward to say hi.


"Sorry, I'm waiting for someone now." Ryan tried his best to restrain his impatience and replied politely. No, this voice.

"Penelope!" Ryan cheered up. Penelope dressed up as a vampire countess, pretending to be mature, but the baby fat on her face betrayed her, and her sweaty hair stuck to her cheeks.

"Huh, who told you to tease me on purpose." Penelope stuck out her tongue.

"Boss, two glasses of iced fruit juice." Ryan shouted to the boss.

"The secret passage is so long, you must be exhausted."

Next, Ryan kept asking Penelope about her well-being, and after the drinks came, he handed them to her attentively in the hope of attracting Penelope's attention and making him forget his embarrassing scene before.

"Penelope, do you know the werewolf over there?" Hearing Ryan's words, Penelope picked up the mirror and pretended to comb her hair.

I saw a short little wizard dressed as a werewolf behind me looking around here furtively.

Ryan winked and asked Penelope to follow and walk out of Honeydukes.

Then back to Kate's perspective, Kate saw Penelope suddenly walk out of Honeydukes with the handsome wizard. She pretended not to care at first. After about 3 breaths, Kate pretended to leave as well and walked towards the gate as if nothing had happened.

But after turning the corner, the two disappeared.

Kate couldn't help but feel a little anxious. At this time, a warm and strong body came up and caught Kate like a chicken. Kate's feet were in the air and she kept struggling.

"Tell me, who are you and why are you following us." A clear boy's voice said.

"Tell me who you are." This was a gentle and weak female voice, but it was Penelope.

Kate couldn't help but sigh, and the cry for help she was about to shout stopped. Fortunately, she almost thought she was kidnapped.

But the next second Kate realized that the little face under the hood was immediately pulled down. It was over, she was caught.

"Guess?" Kate wanted to struggle.

But the next second, the hood was pulled off, and it turned out to be a little girl with a baby face and black hair.

"Kate? - Kate Lewinster! What the hell are you doing!!!" Penelope was shocked. Ryan couldn't help but complain, I thought it was because of my appearance that I was followed, why do I feel a little strange and lost.


"Hehe you ghost!" Penelope had a headache.

Although it was only a while since school started, Penelope had already known what kind of person this roommate was. It didn't matter if other people knew about this, but if she knew, the whole Hogwarts would know, and every time she put on an innocent expression, pretending not to know.

"Well, well, I just came out for a walk, Halloween, and I don't know anything." Kate spoke more and more fluently. After being put back on the ground by Ryan, she raised her head and pretended to look up at Penelope's eyes seriously. Her big eyes were innocent and confused, but her short legs that twitched from time to time betrayed her.

"Penelope, let's find a place to sit for a while. How about the Three Broomsticks?" Ryan said when he saw the atmosphere was getting tense.

A few minutes later, Ryan and his group arrived at the door of the Three Broomsticks.

Mrs. Rosmerta was sharp-eyed and saw Ryan from a distance. However, she saw that there were two girls accompanying him. She winked at Ryan and pretended not to know him and asked, "Welcome to the Three Broomsticks. What would you like to order?"

"I want butter beer!" Kate, who had been pretending to be dead on the road, immediately revived and jumped to say her request.

"Can I see the menu first? What's on it?" Penelope said seriously.

"I don't care, Penello, you see first, I'm the same as you." Ryan said.

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"Menu? There is a blackboard next to the bar. Madam, you can take a look at it first." Mrs. Rosmerta pointed to the bar and went back to work.

Next to the bar, there was a blackboard. To Ryan, it looked more like a mobile phone screen in his previous life, but it was enlarged and glowed with a warm yellow light. There is a pumpkin head on the top and several large characters below.

Halloween set meal, Triple Broom special iced pumpkin juice, chicken sandwich, fried chicken legs.

Penello seemed to be very interested in the Halloween set meal, while Kate, who was standing aside, ordered a cup of butter beer and pasta while Penello was not paying attention, found a seat, and signaled the location to Ryan.

When Penello turned around and looked around, no one was gone.

"Penello, here." Ryan waved, "I'll be just like you."

Penello's head was full of black lines. The two guys asked Mrs. Rosmerta for two Halloween meals and went to Ryan first.

When Kate saw Penello coming, she ended her one-sided conversation with Ryan. She remained silent, slowly drinking butterbeer with a straw in her mouth, and paddling her calves in the air.

Penello sat next to Ryan, staring at Kate as if he remembered something.

The situation became anxious again. Fortunately, Mrs. Rosmerta came. She was holding a tray with a stack of sandwiches on it, and two small pumpkins on both sides. The tops of the pumpkins had straws that looked like branches and leaves.

"Here, your set meal is ready."

Rosmerta's wife's words broke the deadlock.

"Pen, Penello, look, this pumpkin juice looks like a pumpkin." Ryan wanted to divert Penello's attention.

"It's very similar, but Kate, can you tell me how you came to Hogsmeade? I'm very curious."

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