Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Strange Fantasy

Continuing the conversation, he faced Penello’s accusation.

"What about you, Mr. Lane, I have never seen him in school." Kate was not afraid of boiling water at this time.

"We all violated the school rules and came to Hogsmeade. The worst I can do is get him out, but don't blame me for the case of Rocky the Crying Boy last time." Penello threatened in a low voice with a red face.


The two of them were going back and forth, and Ryan had forgotten the purpose of his trip and was enjoying himself.

In a blink of an eye, it was already dusk.

"Penello, look outside." Seeing that it was late, Ryan could only interrupt in pain.

"It's almost night, how come time flies by so fast." Penello drank the pumpkin juice that was no longer iced to calm down her shock.

"Penello, let's go back quickly. We can make it in time for the party now." Kate said anxiously. It turned out that she had already finished the butterbeer by accident, and now she was so anxious to go to the bathroom.

Penello looked at Ryan and saw Ryan waving his hand, "We will meet again next time. Fortunately, you all finished the food and no food was wasted."

Ryan then said, "I have paid the money. There is a bathroom at Three Broomsticks. Kate, you can go first."

As soon as Ryan finished speaking, Kate couldn't wait to run to Mrs. Rosmerta, asked about the location of the bathroom, and then disappeared.

At this time, Penello seemed to have come back to his senses, her cheeks flushed slightly, "Kate is such a gossip, today's date, date." Penello paused for a while, "I will try my best next time."

Ryan stared into Penello's big blue watery eyes, and his heart was filled with an indescribable feeling. This was a feeling that he had never felt in his life when he was single in his previous life.

But I muttered to myself, if Penelo knew that I was 4 years younger than her, I would be doomed.

"Contact me more when I get back." Ryan said stiffly.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Ryan was so embarrassed that he almost dug out five rooms and one living room on the ground with his toes.

Seeing Ryan's stiff expression, Penello chuckled and gradually let go of his worries.

At this time, Kate happened to show up again, and it was time to say goodbye.

Parting is for a better encounter, Ryan comforted himself in his heart.


In the dim secret passage, Penelope and Kate walked one behind the other.

"Neinei, Peneiro, who is Ryan? Does he live in Hogsmeade?" Kate asked curiously.

"Shut your mouth." Penello turned around suddenly, "You ruined today's date and I'm not going to argue with you yet. I'll go back to Hogwarts and watch your mouth carefully later."

"Ryan is mine and can only be mine. Little Doudin, please go back and pay attention to me."

"Ah, Penelo, when you have a man, you forget about your friends, you forget your loyalty, you." Kate scratched the back of her head, carefully observed Penelo's expression, and noticed that Penelo's tight The little face has already relaxed.

What followed was endless Kate's unilateral harassment of Penello.

"Stop, I can only tell you briefly." Penello was so tormented that he had to agree.

"Yeah, yeah." Kate stopped as soon as she was pleased, staring with big eyes, like a cute big-eyed cat. Also, with an unlovable character like Kate, if she wasn't cute, she would have been beaten to death long ago. Penello didn't know why. It suddenly occurred to me.

"Me and Ryan"

Kate, on the other hand, kept interrupting very cleverly. Unknowingly, Penello had already forgotten that he just wanted to say something briefly.

Fortunately, Hogwarts has arrived, otherwise the clever Kate might have noticed Ryan's mysterious age problem. Ryan, who received Penello's letter the next day, was secretly grateful.

However, Ryan was a little surprised that there was no description of Kate, this weird little witch, in the original novel. Could it be because it didn't suit Harry's taste.

Ryan just arrived home at this time. In the bathroom, during this rare free time, Ryan began to think.

The seven Harry Potter novels, plus the movies, are constantly flipping through and passing through Ryan's mind.

I almost thought Harry Potter was me. He was a normal boy, not a time traveler like me.

He does not have an adult perspective, and most of the Harry Potter stories written from his perspective focus on boys who are more gregarious with him.

Unlike his precocious father, James Potter, he did not fall in love with a girl in the first grade and pursued her non-stop for seven years, while also inflicting continuous physical and mental blows to her childhood sweetheart.

But it's not quite accurate. In terms of love, it's more like they go to each other and interact with each other, but James always invites his brothers to go with him. Of course, the original book doesn't say it clearly. Thinking that maybe the impulsive Sirius couldn't see it, he called Lupine and Peter Pettigrew to help his brothers. This is the spirit of solidarity and mutual help!

In Harry's Hogwarts life, he didn't start to have that idea until the fourth grade. He fell in love with Cho Chang, and because he inherited her mother's kindness, he waited for the death of Cedric, Cho Chang's boyfriend. After getting married, they started dating in the fifth grade.

From Harry's perspective, Penello is just a girl with long curly hair. Most of the other female characters don't even have names, let alone descriptions of their appearance.

And Kate, a classmate from another college who may not be in line with Harry's aesthetics and who is four years ahead of him, is even less likely to be mentioned.

Even Ginny, Harry's official wife, is not described too much. The only coloring is based on the fact that she is Ron's sister.

If Ron were a woman, Ginny would probably have nothing to do with him.

Although Ron is directly described as tall and thin, with a long nose and freckles, these are just Harry's impression of Ron when he first met him.

Men change a lot when they grow up, and freckles are a very common feature among Westerners, and even a plus point.

Long noses are needless to say, those who understand will understand.

Tall and thin are even more of a plus point.

You should know that in the original book, Ron has a fan girl Lavender Brown who actively devotes herself to him. He is not as ordinary as the actor in the movie.

After all, he is Ginny's brother, and the Weasley family in the original book are all good-looking. Ron's brother Bill even conquered Fleur, a picky Veela half-blood, and Fred easily invited Angelina, the flower of Gryffindor in their class, to the ball.

Moreover, at the ball, although Ron was dressed ridiculously, Ron's dance partner Padma did not take the initiative to abandon Ron even though she had no interest because of this.

The Padma sisters were personally certified by Harry as being very beautiful, although Harry also secretly complained about her not having a perfect nose because of Parvati's tone.

Ginny also has a beauty that cannot be denied in the original text, even by the Slytherins who hate Gryffindor. It can only be said that because of the casting problem in the movie, everyone was indignant because the role of Ginny was given to Harry and Emma was paired with Ron.

As for Hermione, Emma was not wrong to play the role. After removing her rabbit teeth and tidying up her hair, Hermione was indeed very stunning.

Another character among the protagonists, the crazy girl Luna Lovegood, was also pretty in the movie casting, and the original book did not describe her appearance too much, but described her eccentricity and weirdness too much.

As for Pansy, it's really not that Ryan is blacking her, she is really not beautiful, and we can't forget the description of her appearance in the original book just because the movie casting conforms to the aesthetics of the Chinese people. Harry bluntly said that she was an ugly Slytherin girl who looked like a poodle.

Before he knew it, he had been bathing for nearly 30 minutes. In the magic painting opposite the bath, many gorgeous mermaids splashed in the water on the shore, signaling Ryan to soak for a while longer.

Ryan waved his hand to refuse, wiped his body, and prepared to start reading before bed at night.

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