Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 13: Shadowless Divine Sharpness

“It’s been three days since I went to Hogsmeade. On the second day, Kate somehow found out my address (the address Smith used to receive mail) and joined the mail chat group.

But this also let me know a lot of gossip that was not mentioned in the original book.

And there was another thing that made me happy. Kate told me that their trip to Hogsmeade was reported, but surprisingly, Professor Flitwick did not punish them, although there was no evidence for the person who reported them.

According to Kate’s investigation, the person who reported them was Percy, with red hair and the last name Weasley. This Percy always paid attention to Penelope, which was very strange.

And after Penelope knew it was Percy, he deliberately played a trick on him. Kate refused to tell him how she did it. , it seems that she also contributed.

In the original book, according to Penelope's character, when she feels lonely, she will probably leave the lounge full of books and read in the library. Percy probably talked to Penelope in this way.

But now, hahahahahahahaha. "

It was another busy day of reading, Ryan couldn't help but feel a little strange. Ryan flipped through

"Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration"

"Curse and Counter-Curse"

"Magic Theory"

"Standard Spells, Elementary"

"Standard Spells, Second Level"

"Standard Spells, Third Level"

"Standard Spells, Fourth Level"

"Major Discoveries in Modern Magic"

and other books, and found a very strange point. In addition to short spells and the way to wave the wand when casting spells, the books are all very idealistic things.

The strangest thing is Transfiguration, just one spell, translated into Chinese is "Change for me". The books related to Transfiguration are all precautions, consequences of dangerous operations and some theories summarized by predecessors.

And "Magic Theory" is full of contradictory words:

The spell is just a key, not important.

A magic may have multiple spells.

The most popular spells are easier to learn.

It is best to learn spells from other countries in their local area.

The spell with the shortest name.

In short, it is all about experience. Ryan actually had a hunch a long time ago, because it was reflected in the original book, but he didn't think it was so idealistic.

Just like the half-blood prince Snape's divine strike without shadow in the original book, there is only a simple sentence of divine strike without shadow, and nothing else, and it is written in the potion textbook.

And Harry Potter succeeded in casting the spell after he knew it and recited the spell. It's so strange, there is no magic net.

"Jack, find me some books about developing spells."

"Okay, Master Ryan."

About 10 minutes later, a pile of books was placed in front of Ryan.

"Hand in hand to teach you to develop your own spells"

"The Book of Spells"

"Magic Decryption"

"Stan Smith's Magic Teaching"

Teleport, create flames, separate water flows. We are all gods, holding omnipotent power to name our own power, called spells. Classify and name everything, spread it, it is called magic.

Ordinary people study magic, explore themselves, create phenomena, make wishes, name, spread.

So this is magic, no wonder a magic may have multiple spells, they are just different names, just like death has countless forms, wind has multiple titles.

The shadowless is just the name of the invisible damage phenomenon, but it was created with malice, so except for the creator, it is impossible to break the spell, after all, it is impossible to know what kind of dark emotion this spell was born from.

Just like George in the original book, Snape accidentally injured his ears with this spell, and Tonks and the Weasley family could only stare blankly, unable to heal.

Ryan couldn't help but recall that Snape treated Malfoy who was injured by Harry with the shadowless, and what kind of emotions and phenomena did the long string of strange singing-like spells represent.

"God of Swords" chanted the spell gently, and the invisible blade flew out. Snap, the cup shattered.

Ryan was in a state of great happiness at this time. He used the skill of detection to perceive that this spell was a strong regret and a desire to hurt and destroy someone. The skill of thinking was running. In the memory palace, the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" kept turning pages. Chapter 33 "The Story of the Prince":

James raised an invisible sword. "'Gryffindor, there is courage buried in the heart!' Like my father."

It turned out that Snape had also wanted to go to Gryffindor. He regretted going to Slytherin because of his ambition and separating from Harry's mother Lily. As for the person to be hurt, it must be James, Harry's father.

Invisible blade, no, invisible sword is more appropriate. This wound cannot be healed without removing the spell. The venom contained in it is the deep hatred for James, no, the four hijackers.

That's right. When Snape saw Lupin again after many years, Harry was greatly surprised by the twisted expression on Snape's thin, grayish-yellow face caused by looking at Lupin.

That expression was more than anger, it was hatred.

It was the expression on Snape's face almost every time he looked at him. That's right. If it wasn't for such obvious hatred, how could Harry, who had the skill of observing people's words and expressions, wrongly accuse Snape in the first film? Of course, this was also because Snape was good at concealing his emotions, and Harry was no longer cautious after entering the wizarding world.

Then Ryan suddenly remembered Harry's description of Malfoy's wound. Malfoy's face and chest were bleeding like a fountain, as if he had been slashed by an invisible sword. As expected, Harry Potter was too sensitive to magic. This could not be explained simply by intuition.

At this time, Ryan felt like he was connected to something, and a long string of strange, singing-like spells came out of his mouth.

Signaling Jack, who had failed to restore the cup many times, to stop, Ryan recited the spell to remove the curse, and then a short sentence "Restore to the original state!"

The cup returned to its original state. Charms lv2 (49)-lv3 (59%)↑

"I have mastered the most brilliant way to remove the curse," Ryan thought.

"But this is also because of my God's perspective. If I only use spells to remove the curse, the skill of detection needs to be upgraded a few more levels.

Especially when I just thought about analyzing Avada Kedavra, the intuition that I was going to die at any time made me give up this idea.

What is behind this magic?

It was in the summer when Voldemort was sixteen years old that he left the orphanage he had to go back to every year to find his relatives in the Gaunt family.

It should be around the fifth grade or the sixth grade. At the same time, in that summer, he also used the magic of Avada Kedavra and killed the Riddle family with the wand of his uncle Morfin Gaunt.

I originally thought that this magic was at this time Invented by Voldemort, and killed his relatives.

But after actually traveling through time, he had the skill of thinking, and some points that he had not noticed surfaced in Ryan's mind.

In 1717, the Ministry of Magic listed the Killing Curse, Cruciatus Curse, and Imperius Curse as the 'Three Unforgivable Curses'.

So, the Killing Curse must have been invented before 1717.

And Voldemort Tom Riddle was born on December 31, 1926.

Well, I need to read more books.

But then again, I just burst out, and the level of Charms is only lv3? "

Ryan clicked to check, lv3 (59%) Sharp Shadow lv5, Armor Protection lv2

So that's it.

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