Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Phoenix Incarnation

In fact, Helbo also has an unknown side. The reason why he only made one Horcrux was just for safety, not for immortality like Voldemort.

Even the method of making yourself complete again in "Secrets of Advanced Black Magic" was left by Helbo, that is, repentance, and you must truly feel what you have done.

After discovering that the Horcrux made his soul unstable and incomplete, Helbo researched a way to make himself complete again. He withstood the pain that seemed to destroy the whole person and restored his integrity.

More of Helbo's inventions are actually reflected in the magic of saving life, but these magics themselves are Helbo's taboos, and the way to save life is naturally almost unknown.

Instead, he deliberately spread out an obvious image of a dark wizard, so that some of the evil curses he created spread.

Ryan flipped through the information in his hand and pressed the Jingming acupoint. In order to find the ancient magic that suits him, Ryan has been in the library for almost half a day.

Magic books, or magic knowledge itself, carry magic, just like the invisible book of invisibility, which makes people unable to detect it. So what risks will books that record more terrible magic bring?

Ryan actually prepared to learn to use ancient magic from the beginning because of the nature of his magic. Ryan's magic was called Ouroboros by the genealogy of the Smith family, and his powerful recovery ability was almost endless magic.

But after Ryan found the corresponding books, he found that these books had very high requirements. The most powerful spell, which could summon meteor showers, even had to be recited continuously for nearly a day.

Every word was very difficult to pronounce, and some of them could not even be said to be sounds that people could make. And when using it, you have to hypnotize yourself as a god, use it to bring judgment to sin, and this emotion must continue, which is simply not something that humans or ordinary wizards can use.

And some books cannot be opened at all. The ancient wizards and magical creatures on the cover refused to open them for him to read as soon as they saw Ryan's appearance because he was not old enough. And these are the ancient magic that Ryan estimated he could use.

Some books without protective measures were considered by the ancestors of the Smith family to be books that even young wizards could not use.

After a long period of screening, Ryan finally found an ancient magic called Phoenix Incarnation.

The author of this book is Helbo, who created this magic to survive.

This magic requires the user to use a spell similar to bird calls. The meaning of the spell is a poem about phoenixes, that is, immortal birds.

This poem praises the greatness and nobility of the phoenix from 365 degrees without dead ends, and describes the characteristics and abilities of the phoenix in detail.

The length of the spell is not very long, only about 3 minutes.

Before using it, it is required to ignite a flame around the user, and the igniter must be phoenix feathers. After ignition, the user should remain in a state of half-sleep and half-sleep to recite it.

After reciting, the flames around the body will turn into immortal birds. As long as the user's body is not hindered, not afraid of starvation, and has enough magic power, the immortal birds transformed by the flames will not be afraid of being extinguished and sealed by magic. They can teleport like real immortal birds and will not die.

However, as long as the body is awakened by damage, the magic power is exhausted, or it wakes up purely from hunger, the incarnation of the magic phoenix will disappear.

However, this is only necessary for the first time. After becoming proficient, you can use the flames ignited by phoenix feathers without the flames in your mind. You can even use the flames you imagine in your mind to transform into a phoenix.

And there is also a comment from an ancestor at the end, using a wand with phoenix feathers as the core to assist in casting (most ancient magic is a long spell, without a wand), you don’t need phoenix feathers as ignition, it is more material-saving, just imagine the surrounding flames are phoenixes.

The reason why Ryan chose this magic is mainly for the phoenix’s teleportation and flying skills.

As for the gifted self, as long as he transforms into a phoenix once, the flying and teleportation skills can be lit up.

As for Nirvana rebirth, Ryan has also considered it, but he is not sure whether it can really be obtained by cheating after completion.

And the phoenix’s teleportation is farther and more stable than that of wizards. In this way, I can go to Hogwarts often.

Although Hogwarts was enchanted and could not Apparate, it could only defend against wizards. It could not defend against the Apparate of magical creatures such as house elves and phoenixes.

However, this was not a loophole. Normal house elves could not attack wizards, even under the orders of their masters. And phoenixes would not harm innocent lives. These creatures could be said to be on the whitelist.

With the incarnation of the phoenix, which was already a powerful magical creature, I would not be bound by the so-called chains with another identity.

And Ryan was even more excited when he thought of seeing Pei, ugh, no, Hogwarts, often. He kept taking notes, training his voice, and checking the pronunciation of uncommon characters with the "Magic Word Table", hoping to learn it quickly.

As a stay-at-home god, I must master it.

The moon and the stars were faintly shining in a very imposing castle. There were four silver-shining stoves, each of which had fiery red feathers burning and crackling.

A delicate and handsome boy sat on the ground in the center of the four furnaces. From time to time, he made sounds like bird calls.

"This is the third time. If it doesn't work this time, the feathers will be used up." Ryan thought while wiping the sweat off his face. Then he focused on sketching the shape of the phoenix in his mind, muttering something.

About 3 minutes later, a strong wind came from nowhere, and the four flames did not go out, but burned more fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, the unburned feathers turned into a liquid like ruby, and gathered together on the young man's head with flames, turning into the shape of a phoenix, as if wearing a crown made of fire.

Ryan felt a sense of attraction coming from above his head.

boom! boom! boom! The flames danced and the Phoenix opened its eyes.

A wonderful instinct filled Ryan's heart, spreading its wings and flying high. Joy, joy like never before, flying, how wonderful. The sky, the restricted area for humans, has now been set foot on by Ryan.

Ryan felt extremely happy and relaxed at this time. Along with a loud phoenix cry, Ryan saw his own figure completely outside the system and mirror for the first time. A young man with black hair and fair skin sat quietly with his eyes closed.

The wonderful magic power filled Ryan's current 'body', and Ryan rushed towards his body and sank into his heart.

A tattoo of a phoenix appeared on Ryan's chest, and a new and complete skill appeared on Ryan's panel.

Race: Wizard

Strength: 15 (normal human limit is 10)

Constitution: 29 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Magic: 21 (normal human limit is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.3 (32%) Body Transformation lv3 (61%) Alchemy lv3 (4%) Charms lv3 (79%)

Potions lv2 (4%) Transfiguration lv2 (64%) Gunfighting lv2 (5%) Martial Arts lv2 (9%) Investigation lv2 (7%)

Phoenix incarnation lv1 (50%)

The first time you succeed, you have 50% proficiency, but as expected, adding 3 more stoves will make it easier to get started. Ancient magic is simply not something that can be practiced by humans.

But next time, you don’t have to go to such trouble. Ryan clicks on the Phoenix Incarnation skill to look at it in detail. Flying lv1 (12%) Teleportation lv1 (2%) Nirvana lv1 (0.1%).

However, the Phoenix skills such as flying, teleportation and rebirth are all in the Phoenix Incarnation column.

"I've got the key to immortality, hahahahahaha."

Ryan thought in his mind, boom, accompanied by the breath of flames that spontaneously ignited without wind, Ryan flashed in the air in his own orchard, but there was no sound of strong wind around him, and a strange sense of relaxation quickly passed through his body.

You can still use your flying skills without transforming into a phoenix. Spells and complicated magic rituals are just the keys.

"Immortal, able to fly across the sky, this power, I am so excited, hehehehahaha."

"Split into pieces!" The power of the spell is indeed much greater. After completing the magic, Ryan can even be said to have got rid of the chains and is officially on a fair starting line with adult wizards.

In the future, I will add one more sport in the evening, flying and teleportation, just like this to improve the proficiency of Phoenix Incarnation.

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