Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 An unexpected meeting

In the dark castle, on the top of the Ravenclaw Academy's tower, a bright red color suddenly appeared.

"This is Hogwarts?" Ryan secretly thought.

The moon emerged from the clouds, and the bright moonlight fell from the sky. A beautiful and wonderful creature stood on the top of the tower. The bird, which was as red as blood but full of holy colors, tilted its head and looked at Hogwarts curiously with its delicate and narrow phoenix eyes.

Looking closer, it turns out to be a phoenix. In the magic world, it is known as the life closest to God, the most free, unbound, and immortal.

They may not be as good as some outstanding wizards in terms of harming other lives and causing destruction, but they cannot be bound by any magic and can reach any place they want.

Only a kind and righteous soul coupled with a superb wizard talent can be accompanied by it.

Even in the wizarding world, there are only two phoenixes that are called "domesticated" by wizards. Apart from Fox, there is only Spark. It likes young and energetic souls and now serves as the New Zealand Quidditch team Mottola King Kong. The mascot of the Parrots.

It is conceivable that Dumbledore, who has such high motivation and believes that his heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and that everything he does is righteous, will be very disappointed once he is liberated from the prison he set at Hogwarts. horrible.

Even Voldemort didn't dare to jump out when Dumbledore was alive, but Fudge and his minion Ulrimchi were ignorant and naive, and nearly forced him away twice when they came close, releasing the terrifying white demon.

In addition, the phoenix's close relative, the thunderbird, may be more powerful in magic and can be called a moving celestial phenomenon, a god in charge of thunder and lightning storms.

However, this development will cause the Thunderbird to lose its eternal life and be harmed and captured by magic.

Ryan stopped thinking in his mind.

"If you are not gifted, even if most people learn the magic of phoenix incarnation, it will just be an extra shadow clone. But I have gained real peace of mind, but Dumbledores who have always been with the phoenix, don't they Will some magic be developed for Phoenix, and gods."

Ryan secretly speculated in his heart.

Suppressing his unstoppable arrogance and wanting to have fun, Ryan looked at the castle in his dream again, a place that haunted him.

This is an ancient castle, and every brick and stone in it is filled with a magical atmosphere that ordinary people cannot detect. It is ancient and profound. The castle towers are lined with spiers, and the windows twinkle under the starry sky, reflecting the eyes of this beautiful creature.

This is the castle that only appeared in Ryan's dream, and Hogsmeade had briefly looked at it once before.

Ryan originally thought that he was just here for Penello, but now he realized that it was Hogwarts, a place that is haunted by dreams.

Yes, if it's for Penelo, wouldn't it be better to come in the evening.

The sparkling black lake under the moonlight, the calm and mysterious forbidden forest, and the surrounding mountains are like a beautiful fairyland in the Peach Blossom Spring.

A burst of warm magic suddenly emerged from nearly one meter away from Ryan.

"This feeling?"

"Phoenix? Fox?"

Fox looked curiously at this strange fellow, or another self. This kindred spirit contains its own magical aura, but is subtly different.

Could it be his own heir?

No, Ben Fox is still a virgin.

The question reached Ryan's ears along with the clear bird song.

"Magical breath?"

"Is it possible that all the feathers I bought are from Fox?"

"I asked Jack to drag the fresh phoenix feathers provided by Ollivander, all of which were taken from Fawkes? Dumbledore is so cruel, it's almost enough for three phoenixes."

"Isn't this why the Order of the Phoenix is ​​called the Order of the Phoenix? Fox's naming fee? The wool comes from the sheep."

"I asked where the money for the Order of the Phoenix comes from."

Fox was surprised why this fellow didn't answer and looked at him with pity.

Unfortunately, Ryan suddenly discovered that Fox's body was filled with another aura of magic. Use the perception brought by the investigation to experience it more closely. That aura is filled with almost demonic love. It loves others and loves all things, but does not love itself. It is more decisive than the nirvana of a phoenix, leaving no room for itself, just like a belt. Prisoners of justice in chains.

"Oops, it's Dumbledore! He's looking at me."

This should be another kind of magic similar to phoenix incarnation, or the blood circulation in the Dumbledore family.

Ryan couldn't guarantee whether the "White Devil" Dumbledore behind Fox could see anything. Dumbledores can be said to be the wizards who know the Phoenix best, let alone this being who is named after his surname more than all previous members of his clan. , those who didn’t know thought Dumbledore was his name.

So in Fox's eyes, this strange similar creature suddenly disappeared with a little red light.

On the other side, Ryan did not dare to directly remove the magic and return to the physical body. After all, a strange phoenix showing up at Hogwarts is much better than a strange wizard showing up at Hogwarts.

With the miraculous perception of the phoenix, Ryan kept teleporting to places he had never reached before.

Fox didn't come after him. Huh, maybe only Ryan, who personally transformed into a phoenix and obtained the phoenix talent through cheating, knew how terrifying the phoenix's perception was.

Unlike wizards, phoenixes can teleport to places they have never reached. This is because in their perception, they are the natural center. Within the maximum range of their apparation, all reachable places are within their within the perception.

Even if you dig a deep cave without any contact with the outside world, it can reach here out of thin air according to its own wishes.

Fox didn't come after him, which was the best news. Perhaps Fox understands the independence and solitary nature of Phoenix kin. Phoenixes generally do not see each other in pairs.

In Ryan's plan, he should go to Hogwarts unnoticed like a normal Smith, hiding silently among the crowd and studying his own things. Perhaps because of his handsomeness, he might attract more attention, but Ryan also only wanted someone to pay attention to his loveliness and appearance. Any other excessive attention was an accident in Ryan's plan.

Dumbledore's attention was not part of Ryan's plans.

And although Ryan has been reading newspapers and collecting information during this period of travel, what if he travels through the ancient Jingjiang Harry Potter fan fiction and encounters the real White Devil Dumbledore.

Although after being exposed to Dumbledore's magic, I found that the character should not be bad. Fortunately, because of my peculiar self-esteem, I was unwilling to admit that I was inferior to Harry Potter, so I developed the skill of detection. Otherwise, Dumbledore might have seen my underwear.

After teleporting several times, Ryan lifted the spell. Ryan, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and came back to his senses.

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