Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 The unexpected third child of prophecy

Ryan gasped for air.

"It's exciting."

"But this is also a good thing. By being exposed to Dumbledore's magic, his character should not collapse."

"However, the most common male potion in the Jingjiang plane, the magic pressure, a long section of the Slytherin Code, and the so-called platinum nobles did not appear, so it shouldn't be too outrageous."

"Furthermore, Dumbledore even sold Fawkes's feathers. There should be no such dirty tricks as embezzling Potter's inheritance in ancient female fan fiction. Moreover, the Potter family does not have any ancient house like in the fan fiction. , they have indeed invented shampoo, and there is a steady stream of gold galleons flowing into their warehouse. "

"In the original book, Potter was worried that he was just a mediocre person, but Snape's reason for being a grump is probably the same."

"Furthermore, according to my investigation after time travel, patents in the wizarding world are restricted by magic contracts. There is no validity period. As long as the corresponding technology is used, the money will be distributed."

Ryan couldn't help but feel a little excited. Although through all the data and information collected after time travel, combined with the original work, Ryan had long discovered that he should be in the original novel plane, but the most important person who could influence the entire magical world was Dumbledore. Lido has not yet been contacted.

As long as there is no contact for a day, the world after traveling will be 100% certain, and you will not be able to feel at ease.

Everyone is trying to overcome uneasiness and fear in order to live with peace of mind! Whether it’s for fame and fortune, to dominate others, or to make money, it’s all about peace of mind! Getting married or making friends is also for peace of mind! Working for peace is actually just making excuses for your own peace of mind.

Why do I still work hard when I am so talented? It is just to feel at ease, to identify the threats around me, and to keep getting stronger until I am truly the strongest. I don’t have to worry about natural disasters and man-made disasters, and can live freely according to my own ideals and desires. It's real peace of mind.

This accident may be a good thing from another perspective.

"Since Dumbledore is still the same as before, then these are the only things that threaten me."

Ryan opened the book recording the mythical stories in his hand.

There are only these wizards who can be called gods. Does the God of Death really still exist in the legend of the three brothers? However, the place of death, 'King's Cross', should exist. After all, this is mentioned in black and white in novels and movies. Passed.

It’s better not to release the strategy to deal with Voldemort yet, but to give it to Dumbledore. Although Voldemort is likely to be eliminated as a threat in advance, what if Dumbledore becomes a new threat later because Voldemort is gone.

Compared with Voldemort, the degenerated Dumbledore is obviously more terrifying. There are many ways to extend his lifespan and improve his strength through magical transformation. It's not that he doesn't know how to do it, but it's because he is bound by an almost strict morality.

Although it is confirmed that Dumbledore is the original one, it would be bad if there is an ancient wizard behind the plan.

And whether it is Voldemort or Harry Potter, who are the descendants of the second and third brothers respectively, will Ignotus Peverell be the name of the God of Death, and will the prophecy be born? It is for other, more bizarre and profound reasons, and according to Sybill Trelawney's prophecy:

"The one who has the ability to conquer the Dark Lord is coming... His parents have escaped from the Dark Lord's clutches three times... He was born at the end of the seventh month... The Dark Lord made him a mortal enemy in his ultimate showdown. , but he possesses abilities that the Dark Lord is ignorant of... One is destined to die at the hands of the other, because both cannot survive at the same time... The person with the ability to conquer the Dark Lord will be born at the end of the seventh month …”

Wait, I was also born at the end of the seventh month. My parents also escaped from the clutches of the Dark Lord three times. If I had not traveled through time, 'I' who possesses Smith's magic power would not be considered as possessing the Dark Lord. The ability of the head to be ignorant of it.

But with my system's ability to surpass this world, this is probably unfounded. The original me might really be the child of the prophecy. According to the original book, if Voldemort had not used Harry's life to resurrect him, with Harry's original ability and recklessness, he might really have died at the hands of Voldemort.

And Voldemort, who personally destroyed his Horcrux Harry Potter, may also have his skills greatly reduced. Next is Neville.

In the original work, Neville is obviously a late bloomer, harboring a mad hatred for his parents who were tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. In addition, Harry Potter resists the thunder in the front, and he is really in the back. It's possible that a series of coincidences could have taken down Voldemort who was still alive. Of course, if Neville also fails, the person behind will probably be the original Ryan Smith.

Lane Smith, a third son of the prophecy that maybe even Dumbledore doesn't know about, should be more obsessed with alchemy than obsessed with magic like me, holding the same completed Black Knight, or some other invention, and finally ending Voldemort , "I" may be the final trump card, but killing Voldemort with a black knight invented by Muggles that Voldemort despises may be closer to the original plot if the first two children of the prophecy died.

Moreover, Voldemort and Harry have almost been confirmed to be the second and third children in the legend of the three brothers. Will the blood inheritance of the eldest child be passed on to me and Neville? This is not impossible. Just close relatives.

In the alchemy hut, among the many wonderful inventions, several are all kinds of magic wands. Could it be that they are just to surpass their ancestors?

Is the strict and abnormal secretive style because of the boss's arrogance and the lesson he learned?

I hate the history books of the wizarding world because they record the shameful past of the old wand being lost.

My sudden arrogance and the glittering jewels, will I awaken the blood of my original ancestor, the boss?

Did Dumbledore know this news? According to the original plot, he had collected the three Deathly Hallows and investigated the Deathly Hallows. Does he know their descendants?

Did Smith's secretive style exclude my own news?

In the original world, he knew that Neville was also the son of prophecy. Then, even if I didn't know Smith, as the headmaster of Hogwarts, he must have read the names in the Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance one by one. Did he pay attention to Ryan Smith's name?

Even my dead father's last invention was also a magic wand, especially using the technology and appearance of Muggles that Voldemort looked down upon. Did he know the prophecy? Was his death also caused by a mysterious existence? After all, the parents of every child of prophecy did not have a good ending.

Harry's parents were killed by Voldemort, Neville's parents were tortured to madness and dementia by Voldemort's men, and my parents lost the opportunity to enter the alchemy hut to invent because of Voldemort, and finally died in an accident that should not have happened.

The anger was ignited. If there is really a god behind it, then wait, wait for my revenge, Ryan Smith.

It's really getting more and more interesting.

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