Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 172 Busy Harry

Every student, especially those who made mistakes, feared going to the office the most.

Although Hagrid dropped out of school in the third grade, in his own opinion, he had always been Dumbledore's student until now.

Dumbledore was still the person he respected the most. When his wand was broken and he was almost kicked out of Hogwarts, Dumbledore took him in and gave him a job.

In fact, due to his father's early death, Dumbledore was more like a father figure in his eyes.

But now, because of drinking, he leaked Fluffy's weakness.

When he came to the office and was about to tell Dumbledore, he already knew it.

It's over, Barbie Q.

"Why don't you come in, Rubeus?" Dumbledore's voice sounded again.

Although his voice was calm and gave people a feeling of spring breeze, for Hagrid now, it was like the death knell of death.

"Good evening, sir." Hagrid said timidly.

"What's wrong, Rubeus?"

"It's dinner time now, why don't you come here after you've eaten?" Dumbledore said again.

But Hagrid was not surprised at all that Dumbledore knew he hadn't eaten. Dumbledore always knew what he should know. Hagrid knew very well that he couldn't use his wisdom to guess the great Dumbledore.

The most important thing now was to tell him about his secret disclosure.

"Professor, I have something to say." Hagrid mustered up the courage to walk into the principal's office.

And Dumbledore sat at his desk, which was full of food. The most eye-catching thing was a plate of mint candies. Only Dumbledore could do this combination.

And all the documents that were placed on the desk in the past were placed aside.

"Ruber, do you want some?" Dumbledore picked up a potato with skin on his fork and said to Hagrid.

"No, I have something to say." After speaking, Hagrid's stomach couldn't help but sound the hungry horn.

He swallowed and focused on the portraits of the former headmasters on the wall of the headmaster's office. The old headmasters in the portraits on the wall were all awake and secretly eavesdropping on their conversation. A fat wizard with a red nose even took out a hearing aid.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, and the fat wizard with a red nose in the portrait smiled awkwardly, pretending to put down the hearing aid, but actually put it in the other ear.

"Professor, I leaked the news about Fluffy when I was drinking at the Hog's Head."

"Also, I think Quirrell may have been controlled by a curse, and he wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone." Hagrid didn't dare to act on his own, and mentioned all the information that Harry and Draco had said before, except why he let his guard down (more because of the dragon egg), he just roughly mentioned that it was because of alcohol.

"Oh, I have my own arrangements for Quirrell, that's all, Rubeus." Dumbledore looked unfathomable, and his light blue eyes stared at Hagrid indifferently.

Hagrid hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Harry, Ron and the Malfoy kid know about the Philosopher's Stone. They made me aware of the secret I leaked. Professor, I hope you can keep an eye on them to prevent them from being so bold as to break into the restricted area on the fourth floor."

"Well, Rubeus, I know."

"Why don't you stay and have dinner before leaving?" Dumbledore nodded and invited Hagrid. Without seeing him make any move, there was an extra meal on the table, and a huge chair that was difficult for ordinary people to sit on was also added to the table.


After Harry played a key role again and won the second victory, the players of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team began to feel for the first time that winning the Quidditch Cup was no longer just a slogan.

Harry's popularity in Hogwarts has become high again.

Now Harry's popularity, in the words of the entertainment industry, is like an old actor who has reached the top after many ups and downs.

This makes Harry have to deal with the entanglement of other students in addition to dealing with the frequently changing ladders in class every day. Fortunately, they all have the good habit of leaving home early, so it is estimated that being late for class is inevitable.

However, Harry did not receive all praise, but also slander along with the honor.

In addition to the shady means on the field, the Slytherin team has more tricks outside the game.

First, they created bad rumors about Harry, trying to influence him psychologically.

But this is useless for Harry, who is now full of honors.

In addition, they forgot about Rita Skeeter II Kate of Ravenclaw. Although Harry had offended Kate before, Harry was a student of Ravenclaw after all, and he was even Ravenclaw's hope to win the Quidditch Cup this school year.

So, before their "cyberbullying" Harry's action started for a long time, the identity of the mastermind behind it was exposed and spread everywhere.

Professor Snape was also particularly angry this time, and put these students in detention for a semester, deducting a total of 12 points.

According to Draco, this is not partiality. According to their dean's usual practice, it is estimated that they would only deduct one or two points and arrange a light detention. But this time, 12 points were deducted, and the confinement of these students was to deal with some disgusting potion materials.

This statement opened Ron's eyes. No wonder Slytherin won the house cup for 7 consecutive years.

In this way, Slytherin's consecutive wins are also related to the fact that Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff do not care about it, but Gryffindor cares about it. They have a strict headmaster.

As Ron, whose brothers are all Gryffindors, he has a deep understanding of this.

Professor McGonagall is almost the opposite of Snape. She deducts the most points from her own college, 7 or 8 points at any time, sometimes even 50 points. As for students from other colleges, she rarely interferes and always calls their deans to deal with them.

When Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout encounter such situations, they usually deal with them intensively. But Snape is shameless every time and does not deduct many points without shame, using detention as punishment.

What a good guy.

Second, Slytherins also like to make sneak attacks outside the stadium.

Although Harry has been with their first-year students all the time, plus his demonstrated magic level, and Snape's strict handling of previous incidents, it should not happen.

But Captain Johnny still specially arranged several senior students to take turns to accompany Harry to and from get out of class to prevent him from being left alone or being attacked.

Recently, Roger has also returned to the team. This time, his training is no longer just talk. Originally, among the three training sessions a week, tactical training is only the first training of the week, and the rest are actual combat exercises.

However, he refused the position of acting captain, and Harry felt very pressured.

Because, when it comes to the captain, including Roger, everyone else stares at Harry, and the meaning is naturally beyond words.

All of this also made Harry temporarily forget the Philosopher's Stone and the dragon egg.

In his opinion, the dragon egg is probably given to Dumbledore, which also made him not notice Draco who disappeared alone at dinner time every day.

After all, Draco is in another college, and they only have classes together in the Herbology class.

Just when Harry was immersed in learning and was pulled to practice Quidditch in his spare time, an unexpected thing happened.

One day during breakfast, Hedwig brought Harry another note from Hagrid. There were only four words on it:

Hatching soon.

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