Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 173 Hatched Norwegian Ridgeback

Today is Friday, and there is only one Potions class in the morning.

"Harry, why is Potions class today?

"It would be great if Professor Snape didn't call names like Professor Sprout, and the Potions class was as free as the Herbology class!"

"If we miss it - how many times in our lifetime can we see the little dragon emerge from its shell?" Ron said. His voice was deliberately lowered at first, but after he said it, he gradually couldn't hold it down anymore.

"Stop talking." Harry quickly blocked Ron's mouth with a sausage. "The key now is that the dragon egg is still in Hagrid's hand. Does this mean that Hagrid didn't tell Dumbledore about our concerns at all? Lido——No, it shouldn’t be.”

"Could it be that it was Dumbledore's instruction that we at Hogwarts want to get rid of Romania's monopoly on dragon breeding? Maybe Hagrid simply concealed the existence of dragon eggs." Harry frowned.

His friend Hagrid didn't expect that Harry could see so much in just one letter.

"Then Charlie will go back to the UK to work!" Ron said in surprise.

Although his other brothers were also kind to him, the Weasley twins pranked Ron when they saw him in a low mood and diverted Ron's attention by being embarrassed by the prank; Percy saw that Ron had no pets, so he deliberately Scabbers, who was brought up by him, was given to Ron; Bill and Ron were too far apart in age and had not lived together much.

But only Charlie is the best brother in Ron's heart.

He is Gryffindor's talented seeker, and if he hadn't studied dragons, he would have definitely represented the British team in the competition. As a Quidditch fan, Ron's status in his heart can be imagined.

And Charlie also values ​​his little brother very much. As a wizard's second life wand, Charlie was also willing to replace it, and deliberately left his intact old wand to Ron. In the original world line, if Ron hadn't hit the Whomping Willow in a flying car, this wand would probably have stayed with Ron for the rest of his life.

Harry didn't care at all about the joy in Ron's eyes at this time. His mind had been lingering on the dragon egg and the Sorcerer's Stone. This made Harry misinterpret Ron's expression, and he mistakenly thought that Ron was going to skip class. "Ron, you're crazy! We have to go to class, otherwise we will get into trouble, and people will find out what Hagrid did." He will be more unlucky than us..."

Ron is indeed Ron. Ryan, who was listening openly, did not expect that Ron would actually say this because of Harry's words, "Harry, you mean skipping class! That's right. Harry, you are Snape's favorite disciple. You just need to Say a few words and we can go see the dragon eggs!"

As for the outcome, Harry naturally refused righteously.

So in the Potions class, Snape saw this scene: Lily's continuation in his eyes was frowning, while the red-haired monster Ron next to him couldn't hide his excitement and looked very happy.

Then Ron was attacked by Snape's venomous words with an innocent face, "I think the Sorting Hat is broken with your splendens-filled head. Why don't you put it on again and go to Hufflepuff?"

"I don't think Hufflepuff will want him!" Dudley suddenly shouted. During the time Dudley was in Hufflepuff, he had already regarded Hufflepuff's honor as more important than his own face.

What Ryan found most interesting was that it was Snape who indirectly insulted Hufflepuff.

Dudley and the other Hufflepuffs took out more of their emotions on Ron.

After Dudley finished speaking, the other Hufflepuffs also looked indignant. Even Hannah and Ernie, who had spoken a few words with Ron and had a good relationship, looked unhappy.

While Dudley was making noises, Snape acted as if he didn't hear him. Perhaps in his mind, Dudley was a relative on Lily's side after all. He just stopped picking on Ron and turned to look at Harry, who was not in class and was still thinking about the dragon egg incident.

Harry came back to his senses under Snape's constant exaggerated and stiff compliments.

In his eyes, what suddenly appeared were Professor Snape, who was trying hard to squeeze out a look of concern from his yellow face, and his wronged brother Ron, who looked aggrieved.

This sudden incident made Harry almost stir the potion one more time. Fortunately, his superb potion skills saved him.

Otherwise, there will only be a small-scale explosion, and besides himself, the only one who will suffer is Ron next to him.

Finally, in this anxious atmosphere, the class finally ended.

Harry hurriedly found Anthony, who was the most prestigious among the first-year students besides himself, and told him that he would not lead them back to the lounge this time, and asked them to follow the senior students back to the lounge to avoid meeting Pippi. ghost.

Hermione actually has more prestige among the first-year students. The habit of being a teacher she brought from the Muggle world is like a good person giving porridge to hungry people in Ravenclaw.

But now Hermione is always with Ryan, and for some reason, he doesn't want Ryan to know.

Ryan is not an ordinary wizard. He may have the ability to take away the magic stone from the forbidden area on the fourth floor. Harry feels that he cannot take this risk. Human nature cannot stand the test. He does not want to lose Ryan as a friend and him. The mentor who hopes to get the resurrection stone in the future.

So, Ryan, who had no presence next to Hermione, smiled evilly and looked at Harry, who was hurriedly pulling Ron and running out of the castle.

How naive. As long as they were in school, Harry and the others would not be able to escape his sight, Ryan thought as he noticed Harry's little thoughts.

In Ryan's sight, Harry and Ron first left the castle, then hurriedly ran across the field, towards the edge of the forest forbidden area.

Hagrid greeted them, his face glowing with excitement.

"Coming out soon." He let them into the hut.

"Hagrid, close the doors and windows. Don't be careful about being seen." Draco's voice suddenly sounded from behind Hagrid, who was pressing his face tightly against an egg with a deep crack on it. .

It's a dragon egg! It was lying on the table, and something was moving inside, making a funny clicking sound.

Draco's appearance was not unexpected by Harry. When Harry knew that the dragon egg was still there, he already understood where Draco went after disappearing alone every night.

Although Ron didn't understand, out of curiosity about the dragon egg, he didn't question why Draco was here. He just sealed the hut firmly under the command of Hagrid, who had regained consciousness.

Then they all moved their chairs closer to the table and watched closely, holding their breath.

Suddenly, with a harsh scratching sound, the egg cracked.

A creature with spiny wings, black overall, and a long nose fluttered on the table.

This is the Norwegian Ridgeback. It looks like a wrinkled black umbrella, with white nostrils, horn bumps on its head, and orange-red eyes protruding outwards.

Then it sneezed, and a few sparks came out of its nose.

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