Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 192 The beating

Time, 5:35.

In the second-to-last room of the Hogwarts forbidden area, the parchment next to the bottle puzzled Harry and Draco.

It contained a riddle written by Snape.

This riddle is difficult for wizards who tend to be emotional and emphasize idealism in most spells, but Harry and Draco are now wizards with rational thinking.

"The first sentence explains that there are two potions in it that we need. After taking them, we can go forward through the black flame - to the last room, and return to the original place through the purple flame - maybe to the room of the troll, or directly to Fluffy." Draco said as he read.

"I think it makes sense. If the intruder only makes Fluffy and the troll faint temporarily, then they will be attacked the moment they return, which is in line with Professor Snape's temperament."

"The following paragraph explains that among the seven bottles of potions, there are two cups of nettle wine and three cups of poison, and the rest are what we need." Harry added.

"Harry, let's number them from left to right."

"The third clue at the back shows that there is no poison in the largest and smallest bottles, which are the sixth and third bottles."

"The fourth clue is that the second bottle on the left and the second bottle on the right taste the same, so the second and sixth bottles are likely to be nettle wine."

"According to the first clue, the poison is on the left of the nettle wine, which means that only the first, third, fourth, and fifth bottles are poison. Excluding the third bottle, it is one, four, and five."

"The second clue is that the first bottle on the left and the first bottle on the right are not what we need to move forward, and they are also different. Then the first bottle on the right, which is the seventh bottle, can only be the medicine that goes back through the purple flame!" Draco analyzed the bottles on the table.

"Then, the third bottle, which is the smallest bottle, contains the medicine that goes back!" Harry picked it up and looked at it. "Indeed, it has been drunk. There is only enough for one person to drink, less than a mouthful."

"Give it to me!" Draco said as he was about to grab it.

"What for?" Harry turned sideways and nimbly avoided Draco.

"Didn't you want to drink it yourself and leave me behind?" Draco said with a wry smile, touching the back of his head.

He saw from the puzzled expression on Harry's face that he had misunderstood something.

"This is the defense set up by Professor Snape! I think these could all be poison." Harry looked at Draco as if he was a fool.

"But hasn't this bottle of potion been drunk? If he is really the mysterious man, how could he make a mistake?"

"You don't want to divert my attention and drink it secretly when I'm not paying attention." Draco looked at the potion in Harry's hand, and kept the posture of grabbing it.

"If it's Voldemort, then is it possible that he has changed these potions to buy himself time?"

"He may even have cursed these potions."

"I want to check." Harry picked up the seventh bottle, put them in front of his eyes, and gestured with his wand to say something.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked.

"The magic to detect the potency of potions, my secret." Harry replied casually, while concentrating on the techniques he learned in the "First Year of Potions" in Atlantis.

"Very good freezing. Protection. Non-toxic."

"Here, Draco." Harry handed the seventh potion to Draco.

"Is it okay? No, I mean do you want to be alone? I've come this far! Don't tell me to find other professors or something like that. It will be 6 o'clock in 10 minutes. Goyle and Crabbe will do everything for me by then!" Draco's pale cheeks flushed slightly.

"Dumbledore left me a private message, saying just in case."

"To be honest, the defenses in the previous room all gave me a sense of child's play, even Professor Snape's was so simple. Maybe it's really the same as we guessed before - there is no Voldemort, Quirrell."

"This is just a test by Dumbledore, for me."

"Draco, go back to Ron. If it's back to Fluffy, go out to find the professor. If it's a troll, Professor McGonagall - no, by elimination, it should be Professor Flitwick's defense line. There is a flying broom there, you can also use it to fly out."

"However, we didn't take flying lessons together. If you don't have enough skills, you may have to try a few more times." Harry said with a smile, holding the potion bottle.

"You bastard, I'm Draco Malfoy, a Quidditch genius!"

"Let me join in! Or we can stay here and guard! Professor McGonagall's defense line just now was playing chess - it's so dangerous, this is probably not some shitty test, it's really Voldemort behind it!" Draco's eyes were misty.

"Professor McGonagall has always been a very serious person."

"Draco, don't you think the defenses of other professors are just for show? I'm afraid only Professor McGonagall is too honest and takes it seriously." Harry joked.

"If it is really Voldemort, what we are waiting for is him resurrected with the Philosopher's Stone. I won't be able to beat him then."

"Hey, it's gone. Now I have to go."

"Hiss--!" Harry took a gulp of the potion while Draco was not paying attention.

"It's not poison, is it?" Draco asked angrily and then worriedly.

"No--but it's like ice, freezing cold."

"I need to hurry up, it will lose its effect in a while." Harry said tremblingly, and then ran forward without looking back.

He didn't look back, he was afraid that he would have no courage at that time.

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He knew very well, his intuition told him that Voldemort was in front of him, his forehead was constantly "beating", like a living thing, his thinking, intuition, and even his body began to become flexible.

Like ice, the fireproof potion that penetrated his whole body seemed to have chilled his heart. He threw away the invisibility cloak, and the Deathly Hallows were left here. If he failed, he couldn't leave it to Voldemort.

He also used the Disillusionment Charm that he had been learning but never knew.

It was strange that this time it was as easy as putting his right hand on his butt.

His body became the same as the surroundings, he could no longer see the black flames licking his body, and he had no feeling at the same time - at that moment, he could not see anything,

there was only black flames in front of him - then, he successfully came to the other side and entered the last room.

Draco's voice was still echoing in his ears: "Good luck - be careful -"

Sure enough, Quirrell appeared in front of him, and his forehead, beating like a heart, told Harry that his enemy was just ahead!

Voldemort, just ahead!

"Periculum!" This time Harry did not recite the spell, he keenly felt that he should not do this, he silently recited the spell in his heart.

The warm power like a mother seemed to sense his danger, and the warm power flowed from every inch of his skin to his fingertips!

Then, the mutant red sparks shot out from the holly wand in the invisible Harry's right hand.

It was not the fireworks at the beginning, nor was it the red ray like the last time he encountered the troll. It was an effect Harry had never imagined!

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