Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 193 The reason why Dumbledore couldn't come

Time, 6 o'clock.

The last room of the forbidden area of ​​Hogwarts.

Quirrell, with a panic-stricken face and a thin figure, kept tapping a tall mirror with his wand, as if checking something.

While checking, Quirrell kept standing sideways, looking at the Mirror of Erised and the entrance with his peripheral vision.

But even though he was so careful, he still didn't have time to react.

A noble and peaceful voice suddenly sounded.

This phoenix flew too fast! And it was invisible!

"Phoenix! Dumbledore!" Quirrell shouted.

A fiery red, beautiful bird appeared from nothingness, and before Quirrell heard the sound, it pounced on the back of Quirrell's head and sank into it.

Blue veins appeared all over Quirrell's body, just like the unicorn that died tragically before.

He made a few untuned sounds helplessly, and fell on his back in front of the mirror.

Harry gasped and appeared from the black flames. He was no longer able to maintain the Disillusionment Charm.

He could not imagine that the red spark, a spell for help from a first-year student, would turn into a physical phoenix in his hands!

Quirrell had fainted, his body twitching from time to time, but Harry knew that the real opponent had not yet appeared.

He held his breath, staring in Quirrell's direction, without saying a word.

Finally, a cold and painful scream came from Quirrell's body, accompanied by the black mist that separated from the back of Quirrell's head - forming a human face, it was Voldemort!

"Harry Potter... Very good, you are very patient," Voldemort whispered.

Harry held the wand, ready to fire again at any time.

"It's been almost 11 years, and you were still a little boy last time." Voldemort said.

"What? You're still talking to me about family matters, are you asking for mercy?"

"Repent, Voldemort, before you end." Harry's wand tip was always facing the black mist that Voldemort had turned into.

"Harry, it's a pity that you can't kill me."

"I am also a victim. Look at what I have become because of you! Only shadows and vapors are left... I can only have a physical form when I share a body with others... But there are always some people who are willing to let me enter their hearts and minds... In the past few weeks, the blood of the unicorn has restored some of my physical strength... That day you saw Quirrell drinking blood for me in the forest... Once I get the elixir of life, I will be able to recreate a body of my own... You should understand my purpose... It's amazing, you probably knew that Quirrell was wrong a long time ago... But Quirrell was just forced, if you insist on fighting me, you will kill an innocent life... and you can't hurt me." Voldemort said intermittently.

"Oh, you want to threaten me with the life of Quirrell, a wizard who killed unicorns? After you killed my parents?" Harry said expressionlessly, "If that's all, let me see what you call invulnerability!"

"Well, Harry Potter, I thought you were just an ordinary baby who was lucky enough to be saved by your mother."

"But I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

"Why do you want to be my enemy for the life of a Muggle witch? Come, if you don't stop me from getting the Philosopher's Stone, I promise that after I'm resurrected, I will share the world with you... I can also give you the secret of my immortality... We have a common enemy - Dumbledore... He fears and suppresses wizards with extraordinary talents like us... He once threatened me by burning my toys when I was an orphan and showed extraordinary abilities... And when facing you - Harry Potter, he deliberately disappeared and wanted us to kill each other." Voldemort said in a low voice.

"Oh, why don't you call my mother Mudblood? People like you call my mother by that name. How come, facing a life threat, you don't even dare to call her by that name?" Harry laughed sarcastically, completely unmoved.

"No, I won't call her that, a witch who can give birth to a wizard as powerful as you... and harm me to such an extent... I don't really believe in the pure-blood theory... I'm just a half-blood... Harry, we imagine it this way." Voldemort said slickly, and his face made of black mist also revealed a flattering smile.

"It's disgusting." Harry looked disgusted.

But he didn't dare to really do it, he didn't know what Voldemort had back-up, whether Quirrell would really die because of his attack.

Draco might call him a fool, but he was still not ready to deprive a possibly innocent person of his life.

Harry gradually became a little anxious, but he still kept a poker face, he couldn't let Voldemort see it - it's been so long, more than ten minutes after six o'clock, why hasn't Dumbledore come yet?

Could it be that he was just like Voldemort, just trying to trick himself into dying with Voldemort?

As Voldemort continued to slander Dumbledore and invite Harry Potter from time to time, Harry did not notice that the mist representing Voldemort gradually began to thin out.

"Harry Potter... why don't you look here." Quirrell, who had just fallen to the ground, suddenly stood up, like a tumbler regaining its balance, but he had his back to Harry.

Quirrell raised his hand to untie the scarf on his head, and the scarf fell down. Where Quirrell's back of the head should have been, there was a face, a hideous and terrifying face.

The face was as pale as chalk, with red eyes emitting light, and below were two snake-like long nostrils.

Then, there were continuous crackling sounds, and Quirrell's hands and feet turned over directly. Voldemort, who was living in Quirrell's body, seemed to have become the real master of this body.

He raised his wand and pointed it at Quirrell's surprisingly small head.

"Harry Potter, I need you to do something... Otherwise, Quirrell's life will be... I know you don't dare to do it... I know you are just stalling for time... Don't wait, Dumbledore won't come, he may not come back until tomorrow... I have prepared a reason for him to not leave even if he knows my actions." Voldemort laughed harshly.

"Reason, what reason?" Harry raised his wand and continued to stall for time.

"Oh, you still want to delay time? You are as naive as your mudblood mother... If you use the same red sparks as you did on the troll, I'm afraid I can only leave... But you are too stupid... Still want to save Quirrell's life?... Now we have plenty of time... It's Grindelwald, I sent a wand into Nurmengard... Although I don't want to admit it, Dumbledore may think he is more dangerous than me." Voldemort looked at Harry sarcastically.

"Who is Grindelwald?" Harry wanted to repeat the same trick and delay time again.

Voldemort was obviously a little impatient. He pointed his wand at Quirrell's body, and then a huge wound appeared that did not affect Voldemort's actions.

"You can delay a little longer and see if Quirrell's life can withstand it."

At the same time, Snape, who was notified by Goyle and rushed over, was stopped by Dumbledore behind the black flames.

In the Mirror of Erised, the "Sorcerer's Stone" had already lit up, recording everything.

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