Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 20: Exploring the Mystery of Magical Runes

After sighing, Ryan started to read another book.

Magic Rune, the book "What is Magic Rune" introduces it as the ladder for mediocre people to learn magic.

Ryan was a little curious, why this is considered a mediocre person, but in Ryan's opinion, it is undoubtedly a fantasy for ordinary wizards to learn and create magic without a system by simply practicing casting spells many times.

Not to mention creating magic.

Except for those geniuses who can easily find their strengths, create phenomena, and name them.

In history, some ordinary people who are late bloomers can also invent magic spells.

And the most mentioned thing in the mouths of these mediocre people called by the author of "What is Magic Rune" is magic rune, especially rune.

Rune is rune.

Odin, the father of the gods, hung himself on a tree for nine days and nine nights, thinking about the mysteries of the universe, and was born.

Each rune represents the naming of a certain phenomenon.

Ryan found a book about rune, "Odin? The Secret of Rune", which Ryan can read at this stage.

The cover of this book is an old man with one eye wearing gorgeous armor. When I opened the preface, it was a poem. Ryan had seen this poem when he was still Zhou Yi. It was from the Poetic Edda "The Proverbs of the Master".

I hung on the tree swaying in the wind for nine nights,

I was stabbed by a spear; I was used as a sacrifice for Odin,

I sacrificed myself to myself, on a tree unknown to anyone!

There was no bread to fill my hunger, no water to quench my thirst.

I looked down and picked up the runes,

while picking them up and shouting, and they fell from the tree.

Hey, Ryan couldn't help showing a surprised look.

It seems that those experts in the previous life were still quite capable. The so-called "master" here is indeed Odin himself. This is his self-confession of creating runes.

The book tells about the magic of runes. The author even calls it the secret of the universe, saying that every wizard can find his own rune from it, sense it, discover his own understanding, and then he can cast unprecedented magic.

However, in Ryan's opinion, this is more like the wall of Fontsmith in the alchemy hut, which tests the magic nature of the wizard, but because his creator is too powerful, it is full of traces of his magic.

Ordinary wizards can use this key to feel the corresponding magic, learn, and create.

Just like finding a designer in the previous life, some of the lower ones usually give you a large number of pictures, let you choose your favorite, and then create.

And these magics created through Rune are just those low-level designers who re-create the pictures selected by customers.

It may be more powerful, but only Odin or the users of Rune later are powerful.

With the use of generations of wizards, the magic of Rune itself has reached an incredible level. This does not refer to power, but to the point that as long as the wizard who studies seriously can learn to create spells through Rune.

And the reason why other magic texts are not spread like Rune, according to the conspiracy theory.

It is very likely that the ancient wizards of those texts have not died out.

Odin, from Norse mythology, is the only myth with Ragnarok, where all gods die.

Odin, a powerful wizard who can be called a god, is probably dead.

And Ignotus Peverell, mentioned in the original book, may be the wizard of the god of death, and probably has his own magic runes.

Magic runes are really simple, although it is an elective course for fourth graders at Hogwarts. But this does not mean that it is difficult. According to Ryan's own thinking, the most likely possibility is that a stable political system does not need so many weird things, except that the creator has no magic to break the curse.

They are all unstable factors, and you cannot guarantee that what is invented is not necessarily black magic.

And a new, unknown magic is the spark hidden in the rice mill of peace.

And Hogwarts is originally a happy education, and not many little wizards can reach the point of learning it.

Ryan checked the textbooks for the magic course in the books "Ancient Runes Simple Introduction", "Runes Dictionary", "Magic Symbols", "Magic Pronunciation Table", and "Advanced Runes Translation". There was not a single sentence in them that mentioned the invention of magic.

They were all large volumes of sources, meanings, and things that people had to memorize by rote. It's okay for people who love reading to kill time, but it's almost a dream to really master it.

Advanced knowledge can be said to be hidden in the homes of pure-bloods. Hogwarts may have it, but without the recommendation of the professor, how can you guarantee that you don't find another popular science book of the same kind.

Ryan studied magic, and while he had a panel, he was gifted and knowledgeable, and more importantly, the skill of detection, which made Ryan even more powerful.

For ordinary wizards, learning runes is like digging a wall with a spoon, while Ryan was smashing the wall with a hammer.

Ryan suddenly thought that if Hermione, or Harry, who has the talent of magic perception, could learn this knowledge suitable for them, it would not be as hard as in the original book.

However, these books are hidden in the library of pure-bloods, and they themselves don't even value them, but pay more attention to gold galleons. Maybe pure-bloods like us, who are born in Ravenclaw, will be different.

In addition, after Dumbledore came to power, he consciously moved some books that he thought were dangerous back to the forbidden area. It is really difficult for Muggle-born wizards to make a name for themselves in magic.

Not only pure-bloods, but even the pro-Muggle Dumbledore has taken a series of actions to block knowledge for the sake of the current situation.

As expected of a Gryffindor, he pays more attention to spiritual purity and courage. If a Ravenclaw person becomes the headmaster, he won't do such a thing.

Let Dumbledore train students, as can be seen from Harry Potter.

He never thought of teaching him any magic at the beginning, but from Harry's growth environment, one test after another, to keep Harry's purity and courage, and give him the so-called love.

In Ryan's view, Harry, who has superb talents, is more suitable for the Ravenclaw path.

I don't know if others have noticed that Harry, who has not yet entered Hogwarts, is actually very inferior, but in this case he dares to say that his homework is very good, and this is when Harry does not get a good education environment.

Dumbledore is not a qualified headmaster, he can only be said to be a qualified politician, the kind who is not close to politics.

If Dumbledore had not had a strange political cleanliness because of his sister's death, that is, he was unwilling to have power, there would be no Ministry of Magic in the fifth part, he would have become the minister and fought Voldemort, and Voldemort would not be able to get ahead even if he was resurrected.

This is also the reason why Ryan has not been ready to give the strategy to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore is always willing to give others a last chance, and he is always indecisive. If this strategy is given to Dumbledore, what if something goes wrong because of his strange cleanliness?

Ryan put down the book in his hand and couldn't help but fall into the remote criticism of Dumbledore again.

Alas, even if the thinking is upgraded, it is still disadvantageous. It is too easy to go astray.

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