Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 21 Ravenlock's Tower

The reason why this skill of thinking is so is that Ryan deliberately cultivated it in this aspect. After all, genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

Ninety-nine percent of the sweat is nothing with the blessing of talented people, and even the inspiration can be overcome by brushing the proficiency.

But he thought that it was different from relying on proficiency in the past. Ryan consciously wanted to connect his skills together so that one plus one is greater than two.

Another perspective, at the stone monster on the eighth floor of Hogwarts.

"A pile of cockroaches," said a tall, powerful man who looked like a brown bear at first glance. The stone monster jumped aside, and the wall behind it split in half, revealing a moving spiral staircase behind it.

The man stepped up, and as the stairs circled around, rising higher and higher, and finally came to the door of Dumbledore's office with the brass knocker.

The man knocked on the door.

"Come in." It was Dumbledore's voice.

"Good evening, sir." The man said and walked into the principal's office.

"Ah, good evening, Hagrid. Sit down," Dumbledore said with a smile. "I think you came to me because of the news about the unknown phoenix, right?"

"Yes, sir, I searched all over the Forbidden Forest, and even asked Aragog and Bain. You also know Bain's bad temper, but whoever calls him is more effective among centaurs, otherwise I will ask Faerun Just ze." Hagrid's black beetle-like eyes sparkled with excitement under his hair.

"Hagrid, don't get excited, maybe it was just passing by" Dumbledore reassured.


"Or what?" Hagrid asked hurriedly.

"No, nothing? This should be just a legend. I originally thought Fox would have a new companion. Although its species has always lived alone, Fox shouldn't have only an old man like me to accompany him."

"No, no, no, professor, how can you be considered old?"

What Ryan on the other side didn't know was that no one knew about the magic of phoenix incarnation after it was developed by Haierbo. He was too cautious.

This also caused Ryan to never go to Hogwarts through the Phoenix incarnation for a period of time.

If it weren't for letters and Penello's insinuations, especially the news coming from Hagrid, a big mouth, Ryan would probably never show up as a phoenix at Hogwarts again.

Late at night, in the empty Ravenclaw common room, Penello was flipping through books alone, waiting for the time appointed by Ryan in the letter and the image he called unimaginable.

The Ravenclaw common room was a large, circular room that was more ethereal than any room seen at Hogwarts. Elegant arched windows hung on the walls, hung with blue and bronze silks.

During the day, you can see the surrounding mountains and the scenery is beautiful. The ceiling is domed and painted with stars, and the dark blue carpet below is also covered with stars. There are tables, chairs, bookshelves in the room, and a tall white marble statue stands in the niche opposite the door.

This is Rowena Ravenclaw, and next to the statue is a door that leads to the dormitory above. The stone statue has a teasing smile on its face. It is beautiful, but a little intimidating. On top of her head is a delicate ring replicated in marble, with tiny words engraved on it.

Extraordinary intelligence is mankind's greatest wealth.

Suddenly, a beautiful creature appeared silently at the arched window on the wall.

This is Ryan, and after many practices, Ryan can already control the banging sound of teleportation when in Phoenix form.

Ryan gently knocked on the window with his beak. I have to say that Ravenclaw is really a clever wizard. Even in Phoenix form, Ryan can't enter without someone opening the window. This place is full of Ravenclaws. The magic under Klobu has lasted for thousands of years and will last forever. If Harry Potter had rested in Ravenclaw's tower after breaking his hand in Part 2, Dobby probably wouldn't have been able to show up to meet Harry, because after all, Dobby was not a kid at Hogwarts. Elf, unless Dumbledore uses his authority as headmaster to open a back door.

Penello looked at the time and it was exactly 12 o'clock. At this time, the sound of small stones hitting the glass window attracted Penello.

That's the phoenix, the phoenix! ! !

"Could it be the principal's phoenix?" Penello thought to himself.

After the excitement, Penello discovered that there was a blue ribbon tied to the Phoenix's right paw.

"It's Ryan!!" Penello stood up in surprise and opened the window for Ryan.

In the letter, Ryan said that there would be no classes tomorrow morning. At that time, he would meet Penelo in an unprecedented appearance in the common room of Ravenclaw Tower at 12 o'clock in the evening. At that time, he could wear the blue ribbon identify.

Penello was very surprised and couldn't help lowering his voice and asked: "Is it an Animagus? How could it be? How could it be a magical creature?"

Ryan pecked Penello's head with his beak, and said in Penello's heart with his mind: "It's not this magic, this is my incarnation, you can say it's another me."

Penello, who was holding Phoenix, blushed slightly, "It's so amazing."

"This is my unique magic." To be precise, it should be two magics. The skill of mind communication was developed in 10 days to prevent communication with Jack in case of language barriers. The next time you meet Fox, you won't be unable to understand anything. Moreover, the Phoenix incarnation is different from the Patronus and cannot speak.

If you don't have this skill, if you want to meet Penello in the form of a phoenix, would you still have to communicate by writing on the ground and condensing magic power? That would be so troublesome.

"It's amazing," Penello exclaimed. On the other side, Dumbledore, who was communicating with Hagrid, seemed to have discovered something and smiled mysteriously.

At this time, a short figure emerged from under the sofa.

"Humph, it's you Ryan," the short figure pointed at Phoenix and whispered.

The moonlight shone on her face, revealing a sly smile.

"Kate!" Peneno said in surprise.


Hearing Ryan's voice ringing from her heart, Kate couldn't help but be surprised even though she had been prepared.

"Kate, what are you doing? Haven't you gone to bed early?"

"Penello, you are so unusual today. You went to bed at 10 o'clock. There must be something fishy."

"Ah ah ah, I mean how do you know that Ryan is the Phoenix? You peeked at my letter!!!——" Penello could hardly suppress his voice.

"I don't need to peek. I was right behind you when you were in the library. You didn't pay attention. Originally, I just wanted to scare you."

Ryan on the side couldn't help but be surprised. From now on, Kate won't be there every time I go on a date.

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