Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 22 The Magic of Love

Nottingham Forest, the largest primeval forest in the UK.

In a tall castle, Ryan turned over impatiently.

What came into view was a pink room full of girlish atmosphere. This was Ryan's room, which was specially decorated by Ryan's mother.

Ryan was not going to make any changes now. After crossing, it was hard to say whether he was Zhou Yi or Ryan Smith now.

Last night, I met Penelope and Kate and chatted for a while. We exchanged our daily lives. For some reason, time passed quickly.

It was late, looking at Penelope who was trying to resist sleepiness, and Kate was getting more and more energetic for some reason.

Unconsciously, Ryan suddenly realized that Kate had actually got a lot of information from him. Ryan, who was afraid of his age, went back early.

However, even if he returned home at two o'clock in the morning, he was almost close to the level 4 body transformation. This abundant energy made Ryan wake up at 6 o'clock, speechless.

This is when Ryan was training to keep the function of sleeping. Otherwise, with Ryan's current level, he would have gotten rid of the function of sleeping long ago.

But even so, not sleeping is just eating a little more for Ryan now, or even not eating, and using magic instead. Especially for Ryan with the Ouroboros magic, this consumption can be restored in one breath.

Sleepless, fasting, flying in the clouds. These are all basic operations for Ryan.

But in this magical world, the use of magic is closer to idealism. Sleeping and enjoying food are a kind of relief for the soul.

And love, the greatest magic in Dumbledore's mouth, strong love in Lily's hands, can even rebound Avada Kedavra and make Voldemort fall to the street.

It has been several months since I came into contact with Penelope and Kate.

The Joyful Spell and the Happy Spell are spells that can only be learned in the third grade of Hogwarts. To be honest, Ryan has mastered it well with his talent.

But after meeting Penelope and Kate last night, the silent joy caused this spell to undergo a qualitative change. Joyful Charm lv3-lv4↑

Race: Wizard

Strength: 17 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Constitution: 30 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Magic Power: 25 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Skills: Thinking lv.4 (1%) Body Transformation lv3 (92%) Alchemy lv3 (15%) Charm lv4 (1%)↑Potions lv2 (13%) Transfiguration lv3 (4%) Gunfighting lv3 (3%) Martial Arts lv2 (23%) Reconnaissance lv2 (45%)

Phoenix Incarnation lv1 (77%) Telepathy lv1 (27%)

Even Charm has been upgraded to lv4, which is the pinnacle that an ordinary wizard can reach in his normal study throughout his life, that is, the level of a 7th grade student at Hogwarts who studies hard and graduates normally.

Most of the 7th grade students at Hogwarts only master a few lv4 or lv5 spells, and most of these spells are the common spells learned in class, and the overall skill of spells is around lv3.

However, I rely on the happiness that comes from the bottom of my heart without a trace of dirty thoughts to make the Joyful Spell reach lv5, and even make the spells stay in the realm of lv4.

So, the reason why Harry Potter can fight against Voldemort is all because of love, courage and other illusory things?

Although Ryan has already known this, he is still a little speechless, but his Black Knight has a fast shooting speed, plus this physique, combined with gun fighting skills, even a wizard like Harry will probably not have time to explode.

It seems that if there is a duel in the future, it is better to talk less trash. Those who are mentally weak enough to be disturbed by trash talk don’t need to waste saliva. And those wizards with beliefs will not be disturbed by these emotions, but will give them time to gather their beliefs.

Speaking of which, when Harry Potter was going to death in the last part, his Patronus Charm can be seen from the original description. The Patronus Charm is no longer necessary for Harry. The Patronus in his heart can already prevent Harry from being disturbed by Dementors.

When he was going to die, Harry Potter kissed the Golden Snitch that hid the Resurrection Stone.

The legacy that Dumbledore left to Harry was truly revealed when Harry was ready to die.

The dead relatives appeared one by one, turned into invisible patronus, and accompanied Harry to death.

Dumbledore, this bad old man, is really bad. According to Snape:

"I was a spy for you, made up lies for you, and took fatal risks for you. All this is said to be to ensure the safety of Lily Potter's son. Now you tell me that you raise him like a pig to be slaughtered-"

The words are a bit off. Although it is also because of the Resurrection Stone, Harry Potter's Patronus Charm at this time is estimated to have reached an unprecedented level 6.

Dumbledore had already obtained the Resurrection Stone before his death, and he also went to death in the Resurrection Stone or his own plan. He clearly knew the magic of the Resurrection Stone, and how happy Dumbledore was when he knew that Voldemort used Harry's blood to resurrect and deepen their connection.

Voldemort took Harry's blood and used it to reshape his flesh and blood! Harry Potter's blood flowed in his veins, and Lily's spell existed in both Harry and Voldemort's bodies! As long as Voldemort was not dead, Harry Potter's life would not end!

Under Dumbledore's plan, the spell that should have disappeared from Harry's body at the age of 17, the spell of love called Lily Potter, continued in Harry and Voldemort's bodies.

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And because the love potion was born, and even because the birth of this natural and acquired monster that took his mother's life, Voldemort could not feel love at all. The invisible chain bound him deeply at the moment when Voldemort was resurrected.

If Dumbledore encountered this situation, he would be able to detect and destroy it quickly, but Voldemort could not.

In Dumbledore's plan, letting Voldemort destroy his last Horcrux with his own hands was the last gift to him, his student Tom Riddle.

Unfortunately, the plan was not as good as the change. Snape, who was supposed to kill Nagini, died from the snake's kiss. Neville, the second child of the prophecy, killed Nagini.

It destroyed the bad taste of Dumbledore, the old man.

Dumbledore actually prepared two plans. One was to follow his own old path. If Hermione, who was a little stubborn and didn't believe in fairy tales and things not written in books, and Ron, who had no opinions and followed Hermione unconditionally, didn't persuade Harry. Collect the three Deathly Hallows, use their magic to cooperate with Snape, the spy, to drive away Voldemort and restore peace.

The second is to destroy the Horcruxes under the advice of two friends, die generously after learning the truth, and finally defeat Voldemort.

7 books, 7 invisible trials, Harry Potter's courage and soul have long been forged into a sword to kill Voldemort.

Even after the 5th part, Voldemort no longer dared to deceive Harry Potter through contact like before. In Dumbledore's words, he couldn't stand a pure and healthy soul.

Voldemort was too busy destroying his soul. In the 5th grade, he made a Horcrux with the death of Myrtle and drove Hagrid away.

Ryan had actually looked for love, the oldest magic, but the books such as "The Magic of Love", "Protecting Family", and "The Bonds Between People" were all about some spiritual chicken soup, or I could no longer feel these from the perspective of a child.

The spells recorded in them were just average in power, and love was the most important component of it.

Unconsciously, Ryan, who was reading and thinking, found that it was already 9 o'clock. Crackling, Jack appeared at the desk.

"Master, your letter."

Oh, it turned out to be a letter, which was really a bit troublesome. Because of the habits of the Smith family, or the protection of magic, the owl could only send the letter to a high tower in the distant canyon that was specially used to receive letters.

If there were no house elves, it would take about 3 hours to walk there.

But it was because of this that Voldemort's three invasions were blocked. Not long ago, I went there in person to see that there were still some dead bodies of Death Eaters and several intact wands under the canyon.

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