Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 212 Family or Justice

It was 1:30, and the atmosphere in Professor McGonagall's study on the second floor of Hogwarts was extremely anxious.

"Is this the evil tendency of Dudley Dursley in the previous report? Harry, you don't know it?" Sirius looked at Harry dubiously. After being awakened by Harry's words, he read the entire report. Said so.

"No! I like girls!" Harry blushed. Professor McGonagall on the side knew that he should leave and give them some space, but now he suddenly couldn't bear to leave.

After all, eating more melons is a beautiful thing.

"Which girl, tell me, I was very popular when I was young, I will check it for you." Sirius looked gossipy. He was now like an old father, ready to look at his daughter-in-law, with a kind face, which made his somewhat lackluster skin glow red.

"Not yet." Harry dug his head, but found that he didn't pay attention to these women at all. He couldn't really be - no way!

Ron puffed up his chest confidently. He had a crush on Hermione Granger, but how long had it been since he had noticed Hermione? He suddenly discovered something to his horror - after becoming friends with Harry, Harry was the only one in his life besides eating, drinking and having fun!

Could it be possible that he really did? Ron tightened his chest and showed a doubtful expression.

Among the trio, only Draco is the most confident, he is the most mature, he has a male-female crush on Pansy, and he is straight!

The kind look on Sirius's face disappeared. He was not blind. He found his godson Harry and Ron the Weasley family, both of whom looked like self-doubts. But fortunately, the Malfoy brats were very normal, and he could barely accept Potter and Weasley. If it were Malfoy, it would be a nightmare!

"We are still children!" Harry suddenly realized that Sirius's expression was getting worse and worse.

"Child? Okay, I can barely make sense." Sirius smacked his lips, "So the news about Rita Skeeter is all fabricated. Why do I think it's quite reliable?"

Then, Sirius inadvertently glanced at the report that Professor McGonagall did not recommend him to read, "I take back what I said before! Rita Skeeter is simply a fabricator!"

"Snape wrote in a previous letter that he was a hero. It was all for Peter Pettigrew and his old mother. Peter Pettigrew was not allowed to betray him. The arrogant James Potter was suspicious of his friend Sirius and thought that With his background, he is very unreliable." Sirius gritted his teeth and read the report.

This was a rare thing for him, and what he hated most was reading it out while reading.

"Damn snot-nosed man! - 'Unknown enthusiastic reader', tsk tsk, I can smell the smell of hair oil!"

"No! I also have a mother! Why am I not afraid? This is for James!"

"He is just a coward who follows others! He secretly hangs around people who are much more powerful and influential than himself! He always likes friends who are more powerful than him so that they can take care of him, disgusting rat! It has always been us before, Me and Lupine, and James, and then the mysterious man!"

"James doesn't believe me! I was the one who suggested the substitution! It's me! It's all me, a fool!" Sirius said regretfully.

"Sirius, why did you choose Peter? He has an obvious weakness - his mother." Professor McGonagall interrupted.

"He is a member of the Order of the Phoenix! Isn't it normal to sacrifice for justice! I am always ready to die!" Sirius said impatiently.

"No! Family is also important! My mother didn't join the Order of the Phoenix just because of us!" Ron suddenly stood up. To be honest, he saw his own shadow in Peter Pettigrew. He does not have a God's perspective and does not know that in the original world line, Peter Pettigrew's original words were Sirius, Sirius, what can I do? That Dark Lord... you don't know... his weapons are unimaginable... I was scared at the time, Sirius. I have never been as brave as you, Lupin, and James. I never did it on purpose...He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named forced me..., which shows that Voldemort surrendered before he even threatened his mother.

And Ron felt that Peter Pettigrew was like him, willing to die for his friends, but if his family was involved, he might betray him, but after the betrayal, he was different from Pettigrew, he would choose to die with Harry.

Unlike Peter Pettigrew, he ran away and was eventually killed by Sirius.

"You're still a child!"

"In terms of sacrifice, my brother Regulus died, maybe because of me. My stupid brother, too weak in temperament, stupid idiot - he joined the ranks of Death Eaters. He was not killed by an Auror Yes, he was killed by Voldemort. Or, more likely, he was killed under Voldemort's instructions."

"I know him, he's afraid to do bad things, but he's in it so deep, and then he's scared of what he's being asked to do, and he wants to quit. Well, you can't hand Voldemort a resignation letter and be done with it. Either work hard for the rest of your life or die." Sirius looked at Ron in surprise. He thought Ron was just like Harry's follower, but he didn't expect him to be so courageous.

Then he talked calmly about his brother's death.

"You're crazy, he's your brother." Ron said indignantly.

"This is his choice. I have advised him to come to us, but before Voldemort revealed his true face, many people thought that his views on some things were correct, and so did my parents and Regulus."

"They all agreed to maintain the purity of wizard blood, get rid of Muggle-borns, and let pure-blooded people take power."

"But in the end they all regretted it. When they found out that Voldemort would do anything to gain power, they were timid and retreated."

"I think my parents must think that Regulus is a brave little hero - he joined the Death Eaters as soon as he graduated." Sirius finally said sarcastically.

"Regulus, your brother might be trying to protect your family." Harry suddenly interrupted. He always used to think of a person in a good place. This was the case with Quirrell and Regulus.

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter. I'm sure Regulus is a good boy, and what you said is possible."

"But Wormtail, that is, Peter, he is not a good guy. Harry, you may criticize my attitude towards Slytherins, but at that time Slytherin had a bad reputation, and almost no one would take the initiative to join him - except for the Death Eater reserve. At that time, I often made trouble for them, James for your mother, Lupin for us, but Pettigrew felt happy because of it - from bullying people weaker than him." Sirius said seriously.

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