Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 213 The Hateful Snape

Family and justice are extremely important, and everyone has a different understanding.

For Sirius, who was incompatible with his family, he had no feelings for the Black family after witnessing his close family members being expelled. To him, James was much more important than his family.

In terms of his choice after graduation, Sirius joined the Order of the Phoenix not so much for justice, but for James.

Justice, or friendship with James, is what Sirius values ​​most.

But Harry and the others all felt that family was also very important.

During the brief embarrassment, Sirius talked about why he was in trouble with Slytherin and what kind of person Peter was.

Harry read the newspaper, and he didn't agree with Sirius's words. He had been on the side of trouble since he was a child, and it was difficult for him to understand why he would provoke others for no reason. In this regard, it was easier for Draco to understand Sirius.

"Is it true what Rita Skeeter said about Professor Snape in her article? Do you often make trouble for him? Isn't he my mother's friend?" Harry asked doubtfully after checking the newspaper.

"Me? To be honest, I do it more for James."

"Because he was your mother's friend, and he was a Slytherin, and not only that, but he also hung out with a bunch of bad guys in Slytherin - they all later became Death Eaters, and Snotlout also Even Snape, but according to Dumbledore he was a spy."

"James fell in love with your mother at first sight, and your mother remained friends with Snape, even after Snape's friends played some creepy pranks on your mother's friends. The relationship has not been affected.”

"So James had a sense of crisis. He liked Lily and hoped that Lily would not be with bad guys. So his pranks on Snape became more and more extreme." Sirius paused and looked at Harry and Michael Professor Ge looked incomprehensible, "Don't look at me like this. Professor, you should understand that Snape is not a victim. He also resists. It takes four of us to deal with one of him. He knows a lot of black magic."

"Oh, can't you resist when being bullied?" Harry mocked coldly.

"It seems that Lupin still can't control you." Professor McGonagall sighed.

"Professor, this has nothing to do with Lupine. We were all arrogant little fools at that time."

"Harry, we were still children at that time. We stopped doing this after we turned 15." Sirius said, but looking at Harry's unbelieving expression, he still couldn't bear to lie to Harry, who had James's face, "Okay , that was all because Snape and Lily had a falling out, and James felt that he needed to have a good image - for Lily."

"Before the age of 15, it is no boast to say that at that time James and I were the best in every aspect. Everyone thought we were the best. We just lacked self-control sometimes."

"But Lily doesn't care about this. She hates us, for a little monster who only focuses on dark magic! You must know that James can do everything Snape wants to do - he is very popular, and he is good at playing Quirk." Strange ball, he's good at almost everything."

"This is the main reason why James often teases Snape and other students."

"How could she marry him?" Harry said sadly, "She hates him!"

"Didn't I say that James won't be so arrogant in the future, and he won't even play pranks on Sudden anymore." Sirius said.

"Including Professor Snape?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"That's all because of Snape himself. He never misses an opportunity to curse James. James has to resist."

"And later on, James wouldn't even resist in front of your mother. James kept insisting like this. It wasn't until the seventh grade that Lily finally agreed to date James."

"We may have all misunderstood Snape. After all, he is Dumbledore's spy, but to be honest, he is indeed a nasty guy. We have conflicts with him. It was Snape who first mocked James and wanted to kill him. Llanffindor, say 'If you'd rather have brawn than brains -'" Sirius said, frowning.

Harry turned his head towards Professor McGonagall.

"Well, James Potter did have fewer violations after fifth grade. It's like changing from Fred and George to Percy. If you are interested, I can show you his violation records." Professor McGonagall said, and then Harry believed it.

"Then I'm going to go first, Harry. I want to fight for one thing." Sirius took a deep breath and showed anxiety, "We have talked so much, and I know that you don't approve of my previous behavior. Today I After doing so many stupid things, maybe you don't want to...but I still have to fight for the chance. Of course, if you are willing to live with your aunt and uncle, I will understand. But...well...think about it. Well. If you want a... a different home..."

"What - living with you?" Harry said tremblingly.

"I understand, then I won't go -" Sirius mistook Harry for rejection.

"You are so confused!"

"I swear on Harry's best friend's behalf - he's happy!"

"I don't think Mr. Potter meant that." Draco, Ron, and Professor McGonagall said this one after another.

"Is it true...Harry?" Sirius knelt down and looked directly at Harry.

"Are you crazy? Has Azkaban messed up your head?" Harry said, his voice suddenly hoarse like Black's. "Of course I do! Do you have a house? When can I move in?"

"I'm going to find Dumbledore!" Sirius stood up suddenly and turned his head, but it could be seen from his choked tone that he was crying, "You can ask Draco, I inherited Black With all my family’s inheritance, I want to give you a ‘prince-like life’”

After a while, Sirius disappeared, and his happy footsteps slowly became louder and quieter until they disappeared.

At 3 o'clock, on the way outside the castle, Harry kept thinking about Sirius' words.

"I finally thought about where the sentence behind Sirius Black came from!" Ron suddenly jumped up, then pinched his throat and said in the voice of Rita Skeeter he imagined: "'In the wizarding world In everyone's eyes, his childhood should be treated like a prince'."

"Come on, Ron, you always have a good memory in strange places!"

"If you could put all your energy into studying, you would still worry about your grades and the mysterious man fooling your parents." Draco sneered, and then he imitated Ron's tone and said: "Dad Mom, my bad grades in Potions and Charms are all because of the mysterious man. Harry and I want to stop him from taking the Philosopher's Stone!"

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