Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 214 Conversation at the Black Lake Pier

On the way to the outside of Hogwarts Castle, Ron and Draco's conversation did not attract his attention at all.

Harry's mind was buzzing, he was leaving the Dursleys.

He was going to live with his father's best friend Black... He felt dizzy... What would happen when he told the Dursleys that he was going to live with his godfather!

He had thought about this scene thousands of times, but for some reason he felt a little reluctant - was it because Dudley was no longer bad? Or was it because Dudley became a wizard, and he wanted to see how his aunt and uncle treated their little baby Dada - a wizard.

He was leaving the Dursleys!

He remembered that every morning when he woke up and looked up at the bottom of the stairs, there would always be one or two spiders hanging there. In those days, he still knew nothing about his true identity, he had not figured out how his parents died, and he didn't understand why those strange things often happened around him. Harry still remembered those dreams that entangled him back then: chaotic dreams, flashing green light.

He felt confused. He thought of Aunt Petunia. She actually knew Professor Snape. According to her, Professor Snape was even a friend who grew up with his mother!

For some reason, he suddenly remembered his previous guess that his father and Snape were also friends, but they parted ways because of his mother's death.

He suddenly felt as if his stomach was constantly churning. He thought of a terrible thing, which made the corners of his mouth that were unconsciously upturned droop again.

Snape was a spy sent by Dumbledore into the Death Eaters. So, was he still a spy when he was a student!

Is this why he has been playing with the Death Eater reserve of Slytherin, even if they did bad things to his mother's friends? Could it be that he and his mother parted ways because of this?

Although Sirius said they were friends, is it possible that Snape and his mother were a couple before, and his father always thought that Snape was a bad guy and wanted to break them up. After Snape broke up with his mother because of Dumbledore's mission, his father took advantage of the opportunity and then they became a couple.

Voldemort is a guy who doesn't care about the so-called pure-blood theory. Harry discovered this in his conversation with Voldemort.

Professor Snape is a master of potions, and now he has become the dean of Slytherin. Snape is good enough. So if mom and Snape had been together, would mom have survived!

No wonder Professor Snape didn't like him at first and wanted to ridicule him. Did Snape suddenly change his attitude because he had the same green eyes as his mother, and he was good at potions - the same as his mother.

On the lawn not far from the Black Lake Pier, Harry worriedly expressed his guess.

"I think you think too much, Harry. How could Dumbledore let a student do these things?" Ron said firmly.

"Isn't it me? Didn't Dumbledore arrange for me to stop Voldemort? He just won't force me to do it!"

"Dumbledore respects everyone's choice. Even if I don't go to the fourth floor in the end, he won't force me to go. Professor Snape may be like me. He became Voldemort's undercover for justice. It's more likely because of my mother! My mother is a Muggle, and he will also think about overthrowing Voldemort for my mother." Harry said excitedly.

"I think you think too highly of Dumbledore, Harry. This is your bad habit, just like Quirrell and Peter Pettigrew."

"I don't think Dumbledore has the so-called respect. He upholds justice. Apart from justice, your free will, like Harry, is not important. He just makes you think you have a choice."

"For example, when we went to the Forbidden Forest, we were caught on the rooftop. Maybe we were careless and forgot the invisibility cloak. But he clearly knew the existence of the mysterious man, and he arranged for us to go to the Forbidden Forest. Harry, your forehead hurt so much at that time that you couldn't even stand steadily. If the mysterious man attacked you at that time, it would be so dangerous!" Draco said. He has always been wary of Dumbledore. How could a wizard who could defeat so many dark wizards and sit firmly in the position of headmaster despite his father's targeting be a white lotus?

"Forehead, yes, this must be Dumbledore's kindness to me!"

"In the Forbidden Forest, I was in so much pain that I couldn't stand up when facing Voldemort, but I didn't feel any pain at all afterwards."

"On the contrary, my forehead was like a second heart at that time. With its help, I even used the Disillusionment Charm!" Harry said. Harry's words also reminded Ron of something. As a fan of Dumbledore, he always believed that all of Dumbledore's actions must be just.

But there was one thing he didn't understand, why Voldemort was led to the school, that was Voldemort!

But now he understands!

"Dumbledore let Quirrell continue to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, it must be to draw out and hone the power in Harry to defeat the mysterious man!"

"You see, at the beginning, Harry was so ordinary, and his extraordinaryness could only be seen from the fact that Peeves didn't dare to approach him."

"But later, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, after close contact with the mysterious man who should be sleeping, his power bloomed for the first time, and he knocked down Quirrell who was possessed by the mysterious man, and twice!"

"The second time, Dumbledore came to teach us and observed your power closely, Harry. I guess he realized at that time that your power was not perfect enough."

"So he arranged for you, Harry, to meet with a mysterious person who was awake but weak enough to absorb unicorns to restore his strength. At that time, your strength was unstable, and you even suffered for a while."

"But as time passed, your strength was finally perfected, and you defeated the mysterious person who had recovered some of his strength in the first three days. Aren't these all arranged by Dumbledore? That's it!" Ron stood up and said while circling around Harry and Draco.

"That makes sense." Harry touched his chin, and Draco nodded.

"Harry, can you still operate that power freely?" Ron asked curiously.

"I'll try." As Harry's voice fell, a ray of light flashed from the wand in Harry's right hand, and a beautiful, noble, and sacred life was born from the light.

It is different from an ordinary phoenix. It is not red with a noble golden edge like blood, but misty, like a rainbow blooming from the sky after rain, dotted with beautiful and charming rays of light.

Along with this beautiful creature came the holy, high-pitched voice.

Then, a crimson bird suddenly descended from the sky, as big as a swan, with a golden tail and claws as long as a peacock's tail.

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