Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 216 Half-Blood Wizard Dean

Ryan is not a gossipy person, but he is different from normal wizards. His thoughts have already reached an incredible level. Even if Ryan himself did not control it intentionally, he could clearly sense even if a dead leaf fell from a tree in the deep forbidden forest outside the castle.

Then how could Harry, who was the focus of his observation, not be noticed by him in every word and action.

To be honest, Harry Potter's brain circuit is really interesting.

Snape was indeed a spy for Lily Evans. Harry guessed it right, but he mistakenly thought that Snape was a spy when he was a student, which is really interesting.

The most interesting thing is that Harry Potter may not have discovered that Sirius Black seemed to think so.

This is why he couldn't help but speak fair words for Snape.

In this way, Snape was whitewashed in their hearts. This is the fun of changing the original direction of the world and watching it develop naturally.

What's more interesting is the change of Harry Potter. Lily Evans's spell has really become a part of Harry Potter, in the form of the phoenix incarnation that Ryan learned before-is this a coincidence?

This means that even if Harry Potter has grown up and there is no Voldemort card bug (he absorbed the spell through Harry's blood, so that the spell disappeared, but the power is still in the bodies of both of them), the power will not retreat.

This spell was actually cast by a talented witch with her life. It is like the continuation of Lily Evans, another living her.

In theory, this spell should not disappear after Harry Potter has grown up, but in order to maximize the protection of Harry Potter and make the power of this spell stronger, Lily Evans took the initiative to cast a limit on it-protecting him until he grows up.

But Dumbledore's discovery and arrangement-discovering that this spell will be active around Lily Evans's blood relatives, arranging Harry to live with his uncle and aunt, plus part of Ryan entering Harry's body, which makes the spell on Harry Potter have a stronger spirituality than the original world line.

There is a kind of cold that makes your mother feel that you are cold. Since Harry Potter entered Hogwarts, he has felt the presence of the enemy Voldemort. Ron Weasley guessed correctly that he did gradually wake up in contact with Voldemort.

Finally, at the Black Lake Pier, Harry thought to himself, as if talking to his mother-I am safe now.

And the talisman like Harry's mother would naturally refute-No, you are not safe.

Then the talisman read the part of Harry infected by Ryan, and remained in Harry Potter's body forever in the form of a phoenix incarnation.

However, Harry, who has no plug-in, will naturally not gain immortality like Ryan.

He can only summon it when needed or in danger, and he can't even use it as a phoenix incarnation, and he can't see the mark left in his heart as a phoenix.

That energy is of the same nature as the energy of love studied in the Hall of Love in the Department of Mysteries. Ordinary wizards can't feel it, and so can Harry Potter.

"But the letter should have worked." Ryan thought so.

On the other side, the Hogwarts Great Hall was noisy.

At the Gryffindor table, Fred and George were chatting happily with Lee Jordan. It seemed that Gryffindor's failure today did not make them feel disappointed. They were all warmly congratulating Slytherin's failure. Dean Thomas, who was a few seats away from them, had red eyes for some reason, which made Harry very confused. Dean could be considered his friend, and he knew very well that Dean didn't like Quidditch very much.

At the same time, at the Slytherin table, Draco was chatting with the girl named Pansy, and Crabbe and Goyle were feasting.

And here in Ravenclaw, Harry was surrounded by others, being asked about the Phoenix and the rumor that they broke into the restricted area of ​​the corridor on the 4th floor.

Fortunately, Ron was there. He was like Harry's agent, answering all the questions and changing the protagonist of the story to himself.

The phoenix that just appeared at the Black Lake Pier was said by him to be the Ravenclaw phoenix, the one hidden in the Astronomy Tower. It was leaving Hogwarts with its invisible beast friend, and it came to thank them before leaving.

The other phoenix was Dumbledore's phoenix Fawkes. They were friends, and it also came to see off the Ravenclaw Tower phoenix.

As for the story of the restricted area in the corridor on the fourth floor, he kept his mouth shut and remained unfathomable. "This is top secret," Ron said.

"Dean Thomas, and Harry Potter, please come here!" Professor McGonagall suddenly shouted.

"Dean? What's going on between him and Harry?" Ron asked in confusion.

Dean looked like he had known it for a long time. He wiped his tears and walked along the passage between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables.

Harry was very confused. He could feel hundreds of eyes staring at him, as if every eye could not be a searchlight.

The buzzing discussion became louder and louder.

It seemed like a whole hour had passed before he finally walked up to Professor McGonagall. Was it about Sirius?

But what did this have to do with Dean?

Fortunately, although it was dinner time, it was not the end-of-term dinner yet, so the other teachers were not there and there were not many students staring at him.

"You go through that door," said Professor McGonagall, without a smile on her face.

Harry and Dean walked towards the staff table.

At this time, there was no one up there, as if the other professors were busy doing other things.

Harry and Dean walked through the door and out of the hall, and found themselves in a small room with portraits of wizards on both walls.

In the fireplace opposite them, the fire was burning brightly, a cold flame that gave off a chill that brought a hint of coolness to the hot summer.

As they entered, the faces in the portraits all turned to look at him and Dean.

He saw a wrinkled witch scurry out of her frame and into the frame next to it, which showed a wizard with a walrus beard.

The wrinkled witch began to whisper to him.

It was Sirius! He was chatting with another wizard in a purple top hat, and Sirius seemed very excited.

He had seen that wizard before!

Once in a shop when Harry was a child, he bowed to Harry.

This wizard seemed to be called Digger, who greeted Harry again in the Leaky Cauldron.

But this time, Digger did not look at Harry first, he looked at Dean with a particularly pitying expression.

"You should have received the letter, Dean. My name is Dedalus Digger, your father's friend. Your father did not abandon you. He was trying to protect you and your mother from being killed by the Death Eaters." Digger said in a nostalgic tone, and then took out a Gringotts key, which belonged to Dean's father.

Dean's father was Hadwin Jones, who was also a student at Hogwarts, from Gryffindor College.

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