Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 217 New Pure Blood Theory

Dean Thomas is a guy who can barely be considered a friend to Harry.

If they were not in the same college, I am afraid that their relationship would be closer.

When Dean and Digg whispered to each other, Sirius seemed to see Harry's doubts, "Hadwin Jones, I am a classmate of the same class."

"He left the wizarding world as soon as he graduated and chose to live in the Muggle world, but later I don't know why he returned to the wizarding world and finally died because he refused to join the Death Eaters."

"Digg is Jones' friend, just like me and James, but even he doesn't know the existence of Dean and his mother. It seems that Jones really cares about them. Can you believe that Dean thought he was a little wizard of Muggle origin before receiving the letter, and his mother didn't know it!" Sirius sighed.

"Care? I don't quite understand." Harry said.

He didn't understand that he had to hide his marriage from his friends. If he got married one day, Ron and Draco would definitely know. And according to Sirius, even Dean's mother didn't know his father's wizard identity.

Hiding things from your family, can this really be considered love?

Why do you need to hide things?

"Harry, you haven't experienced that period. At that time, the power of the Death Eaters had spread to Britain. Their first step was to use force to ask some outstanding non-Muggle wizards to join them. At that time, some wizards chose to hide in the Muggle world, and Dean's father Jones was one of them."

"As the power of the Death Eaters spread further, they targeted pure-blood wizards living in the Muggle world. If they married Muggles, they would give priority to killing the Muggle partners of their hunting targets."

"At that time, you were a wizard and couldn't protect your Muggle family. You could only choose to stay away from them, and it would be best if they didn't even know the concept of wizards." Sirius said with lingering fear.

"How was Dean's affair discovered? Did his father leave a letter for Di Ge?" Harry asked curiously.

"That's a coincidence. Jones must be guiding Digger."

"Digger is a guy who likes to hang out in the Muggle world (Harry said: He used to bow to me in the store). He is a very crazy guy. It is said that he created a meteor shower in Kent after Voldemort fell from power. It seems that it was even reported in the newspapers of the Muggle world. It's a pity that I missed it. Of course, I was chasing Peter at that time."

"I seem to have gone off the topic. You should understand what kind of person Digger is, Harry."

"A few days ago, when he passed by Plymouth in Devon, he was resting in a bar in the Muggle world and saw his friend Hadwin Jones on the old newspapers used as wallpaper. . Jones in the newspaper seemed to be some kind of fishing champion who caught a 7-foot-long, 183-pound blue shark. In an interview, Jones also lamented that it was a pity that this was a blue shark and he couldn't take it home to share with his wife and children. "

"In this way, Digger knew that Jones had a wife and children, and how easy it was for a wizard, especially an unruly wizard like Digger, to find someone."

"In less than 2 days, Digger found Jones's wife who had remarried, and was even more surprised to find that Jones's child was a wizard and an excellent Gryffindor!" At this point, Sirius couldn't help but waved his fist, as if to vent Harry's depression that he was not a Gryffindor.

"However, this incident also gave some stupid guys evidence." Sirius said gloomily.

"What evidence?" Harry asked, Sirius' sudden frustration made him decide not to complain about Sirius's attitude of looking down on Ravenclaw College that was vaguely revealed in his words just now.

"Most of these guys are from Slytherin College, and they are an unwelcome part of Slytherin."

"They believe in the new Slytherin pure-blood theory." Sirius said this word with a gloomy look on his face.

"Harry Potter! I didn't notice it just now, we met again!" The excited Digg said shrilly, "This is Dean Jones, my friend's son!"

"We are friends." Harry looked awkwardly at Dean who was wiping his tears aside. He seemed to have regained his composure, but his fingers were tightly holding the key, slightly white.

"It must be Merlin! James' son and Jones' son have become friends again. What were you talking about just now?" Digg finally managed to regain his composure.

"Sirius said what new Slytherin pure-blood theory." Harry replied.

"I know this, they are pretty good guys. They believe that there are no mudbloods in this world. The ancestors of the so-called mudbloods must be wizards. They are just compatriots who accidentally left in the Muggle world." Digg said. Sirius on the side couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Harry, don't think that they don't look down on Muggle-born wizards just because they believe in this theory. They are the ones who take Muggle-born wizards seriously and regard them as opponents."

"Harry, I have done my homework on your games. For example, Terence Higgins, the Seeker of the Slytherin team in your second game, is the son of a guy I know. His family believes in the new pure-blood theory. Like Terence Higgins, before you played against him, did you think he was a gentleman and never said anything contemptuous like other Slytherins?"

"As far as I know, Harry, you made him use his tricks, right? That's how the Higgins family is. They are honest and polite on weekdays. But when it's necessary or when they face someone who deserves their tricks, they will play dirty. You know, a dog that bites doesn't bark!" Sirius warned Harry and Dean.

"Di Ge, I haven't finished talking just now. What else are you going to do in Hogwarts besides looking after Dean?" Sirius asked curiously.

"I'm going to take Dean back to the Jones family's ancestral home for the summer vacation. I've won his mother's permission. I want to ask Dean in person again." Di Ge said happily, but Sirius couldn't help frowning.

"I'm similar to you. I also want Harry to be with me. But not just for the summer vacation. I want him to live with me in the future, but Dumbledore refused me!" Sirius said in a tone that was almost roaring.

"I've read Rita Skeeter's report. I don't believe anything else, but I agree with that woman's statement on Harry's adoption."

"I also applied to adopt Harry, but Dumbledore rejected me as well." Digg said depressedly.

"Well, I should go, Harry." Sirius looked lost, as if he was avoiding something. He thought he could live with his godson in the future, and told him in advance. But now he has disappointed Harry, which is why he kept talking about other things when he first met Harry.

"What about the summer vacation? Dumbledore can't let me stay at the Dursleys' house even for the summer vacation." Harry said with a little anger.

"I didn't ask." Sirius turned back suddenly, smiling bitterly.

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