Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 221 I bought it

The Malfoy family is just like their surname. They always tend to choose to be loyal to the side that is more beneficial to them, far from danger and blame. They do not necessarily hold a value unswervingly. They are born opportunists.

The same is true for the choice between pure blood and non-magical groups.

The first Malfoy, Armand Malfoy, like the ancestors of many other noble British families, arrived in Britain as a member of the Norman invasion army following William I.

Although the Malfoy family at this time also said that they were pure blood, they still preferred non-magical groups, that is, Muggles.

Armand Malfoy also received an excellent land grant in Wiltshire for his unknown and hidden services to William I, and built Malfoy Manor here shortly after 1066.

The same is true for the descendants of Armand Malfoy. With their magic, they have seized a lot of wealth from the behavior of catering to non-magical groups. They manage and expand their own land in Wiltshire by annexing the land of neighboring Muggles, flatter the royal family to increase Muggle treasures and artworks, and continuously expand their collections.

On the other hand, in the wizarding world, they also quickly integrated into it by using their wealth to please the rich and powerful upper class.

In the Muggle world, they also fully integrated into the upper class of British Muggles around 1692, and successfully participated in the currency market transactions and asset transactions of Muggles.

At this time, the Malfoy family can be said to be a double blossoming of wizards and Muggles.

But after the forced passage of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, they cut off all ties with the Muggle society and showed a face that had never been friendly to Muggles.

This incident made the Malfoys understand one thing: it is not enough to have money, but also power.

So, in the following years, the Malfoy family used the wealth obtained from the Muggle world to win over the newly built British Ministry of Magic.

By the time of Draco Malfoy's grandfather Septimus Malfoy, their years of hard work finally paid off, and their power reached its peak.

In the late 18th century, Septimus Malfoy even made his puppet Unchies Osbert the Minister of Magic.

And it was Draco's grandfather Abraxas Malfoy who helped Nobby Lurch, the first Muggle-born Minister of Magic, to leave his post prematurely.

But since the Malfoy family invested in Voldemort, that is, the generation of Lucius Malfoy, they were like Mercury retrograde. First, they were fined a lot of gold because of the Death Eaters, and in the selection of the Minister of Magic, Dumbledore's fan Fudge ascended to the position of Minister of Magic.

Fudge's victory was actually normal. At that time, almost everyone wanted Dumbledore to become the Minister of Magic, but Dumbledore directly refused.

During the election, Fudge kept talking about Dumbledore, and repeatedly said that he would write to Dumbledore for his opinion on every decision.

And he did so in his daily work.

In this way, Fudge became the Minister of Magic with a lot of letters with Dumbledore.

Malfoys could only swallow the bitter pill and lick their wounds.

But in any case, Malfoys have not shown much friendliness to the Muggle society for hundreds of years, let alone wearing Muggle clothes and picking people up at the train station like a Muggle.

The Malfoy family never appeared on this side of the platform with many Muggles. They were all on the inside and finally used the portkey to go home.

Only wizard families who were pro-Muggle or hated portkeys waited outside for their children to pass through the wall.

At this moment, the appearance of Lucius Malfoy and his wife outside the platform made many wizards dressed as Muggles stunned, especially since they were standing next to their nemesis, the Weasley family.

All of this happened because two days ago, Rita Skeeter was in her room, trembling slightly at the hot photos that had just been developed in her crocodile leather handbag - now, even Dumbledore couldn't stop her!

As for Lucius Malfoy? After her boss saw a few photos and the text she wrote later, he didn't have to worry about it.

If it was Septimus's time, or when Voldemort was still alive, her boss would still be afraid of the Malfoy family.

But now, the previous concession was only because there was no more authoritative argument later, and her readers were eager to see arguments like photos.

As the most awesome ace reporter of the Daily Prophet, she didn't have to stay in the small room of the Daily Prophet in London like other small reporters in addition to going to work.

And she only needed to lie on her own dragon leather sofa. Except for the space dedicated to writing, the rest of the table was filled with snacks such as pineapple candied fruit, and a bottle of clear sherry could be taken out from under the table.

She didn't even need to write by herself, her most precious and cherished peacock feather automatic pen would perfectly write down the words in her mind, but this also made her fingers thick and fat, not at all like a reporter who works with words.

At this moment, she was lying on her dragon leather sofa, with a roll of parchment spread out on the table beside her. She reached into her crocodile leather handbag again, took out a long, dazzling green feather pen with her thick and fat hands, and put the tip of the green feather pen into her mouth, sucking it for a while with relish, as if kissing a lover's lips.

Then she put the photos in front of her eyes, and the quill on the table stood vertically on the parchment, with the quill tube standing on the tip of the pen, trembling slightly.

She snapped her fingers, and the soft music began to play. The pen moved whizzingly on the parchment accompanied by the beautiful music, and lines of sharp words appeared on the blank parchment.

"I almost fell asleep. Next, the whole wizarding world will know the little secret between Harry Potter and his two friends, and my name will also-haha!" Rita Skeeter stood up and stretched, put on her jeweled glasses, picked up the parchment on the table and looked at it carefully. When she showed a satisfied smile, she picked up the green quill that had fallen on the table and sucked it.


"I'm sorry, Rita, I'm afraid we can't sell this article?" A fat bald wizard looked at the news and photos that could bring huge sales to their Daily Prophet.

"Is it that idiot Fudge? Is he going to temporarily lean towards Dumbledore to attract popularity?" Rita Skeeter raised a thick eyebrow.

"No, I think not." A slender hand picked up the photos.

"Sirius Black? Why are you here? In the Daily Prophet?" Rita Skeeter shrank her neck. She still remembered the scene of Sirius laughing crazily in front of the Muggles and the remains of Peter Pettigrew.

"I bought it." Sirius opened the wine cabinet as if no one was around and took out a bottle of red wine.

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