Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 222 Black's Fortune

Who is the richest person in the wizarding world now? It must have been Malfoy a few hundred years ago. They were the wizards and Muggles.

However, with the promulgation of the Secrecy Act, the Malfoy family has long been unable to make ends meet. Although it has also replaced some wizarding industries, with their pursuit of power and the fact that Voldemort was hacked more than ten years ago after he was defeated, they still have Money, but already, not in the richest bracket.

The Smiths had money, but their fortunes were as unknown as the men themselves.

In addition, in Ryan's generation, he has rebuilt a one-to-one Smith Castle. Smith is not the richest now.

No one, including Fudge, might have imagined that the richest family was the Black family. ,

To be honest, the Black family doesn't have much business acumen. Logically speaking, they shouldn't have so many Galleons. But that doesn’t stop their family from being old enough and they happen to be engaged in the real estate industry.

This real estate is not Muggle real estate, they are not actually selling the house, but they have ownership of a large piece of land, and most of it happens to be in a prime location.

The rent for these areas is actually not high, or even almost non-existent. It is stipulated by the magic contract and automatically flows to the Black family's treasury.

Unlike other properties of the Black family, the gold galleons earned from these lands will only be left to the Black family owner, and cannot be used privately without the permission of others.

Because the Black family was so old, the gold galleons earned from the land accumulated in small amounts, and since they were almost never used, it was almost an astronomical figure.

There is currently no other living heir in the Black family who can be recognized as the head of the family, only Sirius.

In addition, even if a wizard breaks the law and is captured in Azkaban, it will not affect their Gringotts vault. The gold in it cannot be seized by the Ministry of Magic, and the goblins will not steal it.

Goblins, wizards and even humans have different values. In their eyes, they don’t have to get your gold Galleons, as long as it is in their treasury - Gringotts, they will not steal it, or even It will prevent others from taking it.

Sirius is also different from the original world line. He also inherited some physical industries that can be seized by the Ministry of Magic.

This is also why Sirius Black has the money to buy the Daily Prophet.

So, Rita Skeeter handed over the photos under the temptation of promotion and salary increase, which caused Sirius to pause the cleaning of the house (Harry was coming over for the summer vacation) and quickly contacted his godson's two lovers. The parents - Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy.

This is also the reason why the four of them are standing outside King's Cross Station with livid faces.

On the other side, finally, the train stopped at platform 9? of King's Cross Station.

It took Harry and the others a long time to get out of the platform.

A wizened old guard stood guard at the ticket gate, and only two or three people were allowed through at a time, so that they wouldn't come out of the solid walls in large numbers at the same time and attract the attention of the Muggles.

"You must come to our house this summer," said Ron. "Both of you - I'll send an owl to invite you."

"Thank you," Harry said, "I'm going to Sirius' house first, and then I'll come to your house with him."

"Ron, I'd also like to see your dad and his great workshop, but my dad's place -" Draco said gloomily.

"Isn't there your mother?" Ron looked at Draco as if he were an idiot.

"I almost forgot. I hope your family will welcome me, especially your two brothers." Draco curled his lips.

As they walked toward the exit back to the Muggle world, people kept pushing past them.

Some of them shouted: "Bye, Harry!"

"Goodbye, Potter!"

"Phoenix Guardians!"

"You're still so famous." Ron said, grinning at him and talking about other things.

"What are the Phoenix Guards?" Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Needless to say, it must be the title in Ron's recent story." Draco said.

He knew very well that only Ron could make up such a shameful title.

He, Ron and Draco went through the exit together.

"How could it be? Where is Ginny?" Ron frowned, showing a worried look.

He knew that Ginny liked Harry the most. Knowing from the letter that he and Harry were friends, she would definitely pester her parents to come with her, and his parents would be happy to bring her over.

But now, Ron has an ominous premonition.

"Father, mother?" Draco also stopped. He looked at his parents in Muggle clothes and was shocked.

What circumstances would make them like this?

Was he the one who stopped the mysterious man from using the Philosopher's Stone, and his parents were about to fall to the Muggle side?

Or was it because he and Luo E had become friends and they wanted to ease their relationship with Ron's parents?

It wasn't that Draco was being crazy, no, they were both on the same page as Ron's parents and weren't going full force.

"Sirius?" Harry looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Sirius seemed to have just arrived, as he did not greet Ron's parents or meet his cousin, Draco's mother.

At this moment he put his arms around Uncle Vernon's neck "affectionately".

Uncle Vernon, he still had the same purple face and the same big beard, but he no longer glared at Harry with angry eyes.

Instead, he used a humble, flattering look that he would only show in front of the big boss who bought their company's drilling rig.

And Aunt Petunia was unexpectedly absent. As the pioneer who doted on Dudley, how could she be absent? Dudley had been away from her for almost a year and stayed in the magical world that she thought was very dangerous.

Ron, Draco, and Harry looked at each other. They vaguely felt that all these differences seemed to be related to the same thing.

Sure enough, after Sirius appeared, Ron's parents and Draco's parents walked towards Sirius stiffly.

Mr. Weasley broke the deadlock first. He was a thin, tall, bald man. He adjusted his glasses, stretched out a hand, and walked towards Uncle Vernon, "Ah - I guess you are Harry's uncle!"

Mrs. Weasley, the short and fat little woman, kept looking at the wall, as if waiting for Fred, George, and Percy behind her.

Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, held his head high, as if he wanted to learn from his old enemy Arthur Weasley to greet Uncle Vernon, but he couldn't say anything. He snorted coldly and looked at Draco.

"Yes, I am. Um - we still have to wait for Dudley."

"Harry, come here with your friends, this is your godfather." Uncle Vernon said to Harry in an unprecedentedly gentle voice.

"We must be crazy!" Harry and his two friends said this at the same time.

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