Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 27: The Science of the Wand

Looking at Hagrid's skills, Ryan was initially sure that Hagrid was the descendant of the King of Monsters.

Ryan looked at Hagrid's cabin with boredom. The cabin was made of wood. Through the window, he could see that the cabin had only one room, with ham and pheasants hanging on it.

In the middle of the room was a huge wooden table with a stack of leftover ferret sandwiches on it.

In the corner was a large bed with a quilt made of rags. There were several copper kettles hanging from the ceiling, and a bunch of long, smooth and white hair.

In the brazier in the opposite corner, a copper kettle was boiling water.

Pumpkins and lentils were planted in a field behind the cabin.

A pink floral umbrella was leaning against the wall.

In front of the gate was a crossbow and a pair of rubber overshoes.

It is really luxurious in the midst of desolation. The white hair hanging casually is the hair of a unicorn. According to Horace Slughorn, the professor of the sixth potion class, the price of a unicorn tail hair is 10 Galleons.

You know, Harry's wand is only 7 gold Galleons.

And Hagrid just thinks that the unicorn tail hair is very strong and can be used to bandage injured animals.

You have to understand that unicorn tail hair has many uses.

First, unicorn tail hair can be used to make potions, such as beauty potions. Unicorn tail hair can be purchased in the pharmacy in Diagon Alley at a price of 10 Galleons per bag. However, the amount of a bag here is only less than one of Hagrid's unicorn hair. They are processed and trimmed, and they look more in a bag. However, when you think about it, it is used to make beauty potions. There is a reason why witches' cosmetics are sold at a high price.

Second, unicorn tail hair can be used to make wands. Wands made of unicorn tail hair can produce the most stable magic, rarely subject to fluctuations or blockages. And the most loyal, whether its first owner is an outstanding wizard or not, it will maintain a strong connection with this person. This kind of wand also has disadvantages, it is difficult to use it to use dark magic. They will not become the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate for this deficiency). At the same time, just as its owner is only in contact with girls, unicorn tail hair can easily become melancholy if not handled properly. This means that this tail hair has "died" and needs to be replaced.

Ryan suddenly felt a little fortunate that his wand was not made of unicorn tail hair, although the wand wood can compensate for the shortcomings of unicorn hair wands. But compared with dragon and phoenix feathers, it is still a little insufficient. You can use good wand wood for your unicorn tail hair wand, but dragon and phoenix feathers can't be used.

Aspen wood, an outstanding wand wood, has made up for the shortcomings, plus my wand is made of unprecedented unicorn heartstrings. According to what I asked Jack to find out later, this wand was made by Ollivander in his early years. He rejected more than one wizard who later became outstanding because of lack of talent. It can be seen how powerful it is.

However, unicorn hair is already one of the three most magical materials in the eyes of Ollivander, the wand master, besides dragons and phoenixes. Unicorns are a bit like phoenixes. The only parts of them that can be used to make wands are usually the hair on their bodies. Unlike dragons, all parts of dragons can be used to make wands, such as the nerves and heartstrings of dragons.

Unicorns look noble and sacred, but their other parts carry strong curses that entangle a wizard for life. The hair with the weakest magic can be used as the core of the wand. Phoenixes have many feathers and often shed their feathers. Although they cannot be caught, feathers can always be found in their habitats. The most powerful of the three, dragons, are so useful and fertile that even Dumbledore specially studied the 12 uses of dragon blood when he was young.

Even the breeding of dragons, pure-blood wizards have specially legislated to prohibit wizards from privately breeding, and have specially built dragon farms in Romania to monopolize.

And another child of prophecy, Harry Potter, his wand combination can be regarded as an extraordinary combination. As Ryan learned more about the wand, he knew why Ollivander couldn't put it down in the original book.

Holly wood, phoenix feather, flexible, eleven inches long.

Holly wood is a rare wand wood. Only those who are usually considered to have defensive properties like those who need to overcome their anger and impatience. They will also follow those who often choose to engage in some dangerous behaviors and advocate spiritual pursuits.

The performance of the holly wood wand depends largely on its core, and it is a wood that is quite difficult to match with phoenix feathers, because its instability will conflict strangely with the phoenix's detachment. However, in special circumstances, this match will also happen, and then no one and nothing can stop them.

And its owner, Harry Potter, also fully demonstrated these qualities.

Harry Potter is very good at controlling his emotions, and even has a bit of inferiority complex. After entering the magic world, he gradually became confident and full of courage, and was willing to sacrifice himself and fight at critical moments.

He is also best at the Patronus Charm, which extremely reflects the defensive properties of holly wood and drives away hundreds of Dementors in one breath. Even in the seventh part, when facing the enemy of the master, it actively releases an unprecedented and powerful spell to repel Voldemort.

An interesting point is that in the superstition of wizards, the owner of the holly wand and the owner of the oak wand are incompatible, and they cannot be together, and Hagrid is the oak wand.

This is because the oak is called the king of the forest from the winter solstice to the summer solstice, and its wood can only be collected during this period. Holly replaces the oak as the king of the forest when the daylight becomes shorter again, so holly can only be collected in the second half of the year, which is why they are incompatible.

In Ollivander's wand shop, there are only about a dozen such extraordinary combinations since 382 BC, and most of them have never met their owners. Ollivander will only cherish them and let the little wizards try them one by one after testing them many times.

However, this may also be the reason why most wizards do not attach importance to wand learning. Most of them think that it is enough to make do with it.

Muggle-born little wizards will take the initiative to buy wands at Ollivander, and some wizards only choose Ollivander because it is the best. Some would rather go to second-hand wand shops to buy them, saving money to buy other things that they think are more important, such as potion materials, clothes, etc.

The vast majority of those who did not go to Ollivander to buy wands inherited their relatives' wands.

Ron and Neville both used their relatives' old wands. Ron inherited Charlie's unicorn hair wand because he was poor. It was loyal to its first owner, which led to Ron's mediocre performance in the first grade. Neville used his father's old wand until the fifth grade because his grandmother did not pay attention to this.

One point that many people did not notice is that Lucius Malfoy's elm dragon nerve wand was also inherited from his father, Abraxas Malfoy.

It's a pity. The power of a well-matched wand can be proved by Harry's performance in the original book. The reason why Neville performed so poorly in the original book was also because the wand was not in tune. It was not until the end of the fifth book, Order of the Phoenix, that he went to Ollivander to get the wand on the eve of the sixth grade because the battle wand was damaged.

Interestingly, this is also the last wand sold by Ollivander before being kidnapped by Voldemort, cherry wood and unicorn tail hair.

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