Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 28 Classification

A Sniffer appeared out of nowhere and emerged from a hole in the ground, attracting and disturbing Ryan's thoughts.

Not far away, Hagrid put on his rubber shoes, picked up the stone bow in front of the door, and walked into the depths of the Forbidden Forest. Yaya followed Hagrid timidly, and the Thestrals gradually dispersed.

Ryan didn't plan to show up. Although his current appearance looked the same as the real Phoenix, Ryan was not familiar with the Phoenix's demeanor and movements. In front of Hagrid, an expert on magical animals, well, forget it, today's The purpose has been achieved.

"Is this fate? The Forbidden Forest has welcomed its master's descendants."

Ryan watched Hagrid enter the Forbidden Forest and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

From Ryan's magical perspective, the magical tide of the entire Forbidden Forest accompanied Hagrid's entry, as if cheering for the new master.

Ryan suddenly disappeared from the spot. Ryan, who has gradually become familiar with the phoenix form, no longer needs to be accompanied by flames that rise without wind. In layman's terms, there is no need to add special effects, although it requires a little more magic power.

The wizard's apparation can actually eliminate the crackling sound, but this magic itself is used to travel, why waste more magic power, what if you don't pay attention and cause separation.

Ryan, whose consciousness returned to the castle, once again lamented Hagrid's great affinity with animals. Such a simple and seemingly ordinary skill could actually support a kingdom composed of magical creatures.

Hagrid's current Charms skill level is actually level 4. Level 4 is not an ordinary number, it is the overall level.

The average Ministry of Magic employees and poor Aurors are almost at this level, and a small number of them don't even have a level 3 spell. Level 4 is already a relatively good level. As for level 5, Ryan has only detected it on Scrimgeour who appeared briefly. No wonder he was the one who came up after Fudge stepped down. It seems that he is not only a style, but also a strength.

In Ryan's view, Charms is the foundation of a wizard and the most direct skill. Transfiguration is so difficult that it is not a spell. Defense against Dark Arts is nothing more than teaching how to use spells to fight against black magic.

Ryan actually made a summary based on the data obtained from his investigative skills and the spell levels on the panel, but things like transfiguration and potions were both vague and difficult to compare.

Just look at the mastery of magic spells:

Level 1 is the level at which you can barely use the spell accurately, the level of a first-year student at Hogwarts.

Level 2 refers to the skillful use of spells, accurate spell casting, and clear articulation, the level of a second to third year Hogwarts student.

Level 3 means that the willpower can reach the level of silent spellcasting, the level of 4th to 5th grade Hogwarts students.

Level 4 means having your own understanding of a curse, the level of Hogwarts students in grades 6 to 7.

lv5, this depends on talent, ordinary wizards need to study carefully for many years to achieve it.

Level 6 is a field that only geniuses can enter. Ordinary wizards may only be able to touch the edge after a lifetime of hard work, luck and inspiration.

However, the level of students of different grades mentioned above does not refer to the level of the entire magic or transfiguration studies, but the level of lv3 or lv4 of the magic and transfiguration that are usually taught in class and practiced regularly.

Most students at Hogwarts will probably only have level 3 in Charms after graduation, and those at level 4 are probably very rare.

If you want to improve the overall level, only those who concentrate on studying magic can achieve it. Otherwise, you can only rely on a few lv4 magic spells to become a combat genius, and your level of magic spells is still lv3.

However, it is understandable. Hagrid cast spells many times in the original work. There is a lot of obvious evidence that Hagrid's wand has always been hidden in his girlish pink umbrella. (Of course, this color is not limited to witches in the wizarding world, and is different from the Muggle world)

Although Hagrid's wand was expelled and broken in the third grade because of Voldemort's report.

The broken wand was originally unusable, but you must know that Dumbledore owned the Elder Wand, one of the three legendary Deathly Hallows.

It can be incredibly powerful and can accomplish some incredible feats.

In the original book, Harry's holly wand was also damaged and "dead", but as the owner of the Elder Wand, Harry simply repaired it and the wand came back to life.

The secret behind Hagrid's wand, and the many times he apparently cast spells with it, was that Dumbledore fixed it for him.

Hagrid's grades are pretty good, plus he has been studying magic and living in Hogwarts, a place with such deep traces of magic since he was expelled. When he is free, he can go to the library to borrow books, and even Dumbledore may tell him about it. Had some private lessons.

If he hasn't reached level 4, it's probably because he's not focused on it. For example, his magical biology is at level 5.

As for why such an outstanding Hagrid was expelled, it actually has nothing to do with Voldemort's report. He is just an enhanced version of Newt Castleman. Without this incident, sooner or later he would end up in Hogwarts like Newt. Say goodbye early.

Since he entered school, he has been getting into trouble every other week. He has raised werewolf cubs under his bed and sneaked into the Forbidden Forest to fight trolls.

He was clumsy and trouble-making, causing headaches to the headmaster of Hogwarts at the time.

After the third grade, he even raised an Acromantula, a man-eating 5X level magical creature.

The Ministry of Magic's Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures classifies all known animals, humans, and ghosts.

These classification levels provide a guide that allows us to recognize the danger of an animal at a glance.

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The five classification levels are as follows:

XXXXX Animals known to kill wizards/impossible to tame or domesticate

XXXX Dangerous/requires specialized knowledge/can only be dealt with by skilled wizards

XXX Competent wizards can deal with

XX Harmless/can be tamed

X Annoying

It can be seen how bold Hagrid is. Raising a giant spider is enough to get him expelled.

The headmaster at the time expelled him not because he killed Myrtle, but Hagrid's behavior itself was enough to get him expelled, and by the way, it made others think that the risk of killing Myrtle had disappeared with Hagrid's expulsion, killing two birds with one stone.

Seeing that Hagrid had reached the level 4 of Charms by living in Hogwarts for many years, Ryan thought of a long-shelved plan.

Go to Hogwarts and practice spells. According to Ryan's summary, compared with other places, Hogwarts, in layman's terms, is a 10% faster progress in magic and a 10% lower difficulty in getting started.

Practicing spells there can be said to add a BUFF, which is even more amazing for Ryan, who is already a cheat. For the Avada Kedavra spell, there may not be enough traces there.

But for common spells such as blazing flames and clear water like springs, there must be a lot of corresponding traces there.

The reason why Hogwarts textbooks have not been changed may be because of this, although they may not be aware of this. However, after finding that the new magic book has been changed, the students can't keep up with the progress, so they will think that the new textbook is not suitable, and then change it back. The final result is that the same textbook has been used all the time, especially the spell class.

I can use the Phoenix version of Apparition. I just need to find a hidden place in the Forbidden Forest and start practicing secretly. With the Phoenix's 365-degree all-round vision without blind spots and reconnaissance skills, I am not afraid of someone getting close. It can't be that Dumbledore brought the Phoenix here.

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