Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 94: Heroes of the Order of the Phoenix

Arthur Weasley and the Director of the Department of Magical Law in the Ministry of Magic may never be equal in the eyes of some young Ministry of Magic employees.

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is the largest department in the British Ministry of Magic, and may also be the most important one among many departments.

Except for the Department of Mysteries, all other departments must obey the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Arthur Weasley is only the director of the Office of the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts, which has only two people.

Although he can participate in the writing of laws, he is just a marginal figure.

But as long as he is a little older, he will think that if there are no other considerations, he can be the Director of the Department of Magical Law.

After all, he is a hero of the First Wizarding War and a pure blood.

Especially his mother is a member of the Black family, and his wife is the only direct descendant of Prewett, one of the twenty-eight holy families. Her two brothers are war heroes who died on the way to resist Voldemort.

The reason why he can't be the director of the Department of Magical Law, in addition to his own intentions, is that he is a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

The Order of the Phoenix did a better job than the Ministry of Magic in fighting the Death Eaters. The Ministry of Magic would not fully acknowledge his contributions for the sake of face, and even marginalized him.

But because of his contributions, Arthur Weasley could even write laws and set up a department specifically for him.

And now, Arthur Weasley was the Director of Magical Law at the time, and many knowledgeable people thought that Dumbledore must have contributed to it.

Fudge's resignation might also be because of him.

After all, in the eyes of most people, there is no such person who lets his subordinates contribute to society but does not fight for their deserved benefits afterwards.

Arthur Weasley was like that before, but he just wanted to accumulate qualifications.

But no one thought that Dumbledore was really such a person.

He refused power, so he also refused to use his influence to fight for the interests of his subordinates.

Therefore, the hero's credit was taken by the insects, and the hero himself was marginalized.

Alastor Moody, stigmatized as Mad-Eye, regarded as a lunatic, left the post of Auror.

Remus Lupin, has been entangled in poverty, and has no food to eat.

Dedalodigo, as a loafer, hangs out in the Leaky Cauldron all day long.

Alice Longbottom and Frank Longbottom have become madmen and have been staying in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

Not to mention those who have become corpses, because they have no descendants, and their property has been taken away by the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore seems to have forgotten that heroes also need to eat.

After the First Wizarding War, the Order of the Phoenix was disbanded, and their efforts and merits were also divided up by insects.

At the church desk, Riddle whispered to remind them of this.

He is like the serpent in the Bible that deceived Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

They did not lie, but the truth is indeed the most hurtful.

Seeing Percy, who was completely different from before, and Riddle's words, even Dumbledore couldn't help but doubt whether he really did the right thing?

Familiar faces appeared in his mind.

For the first time, he felt that maybe he should take power, or at least let the heroes get what they deserve.

He has the strength and influence.

Maybe I was really wrong. Dumbledore sighed.

Riddle next to him smiled with satisfaction.


This is what his opponent, the most feared person, should be like. If the Order of the Phoenix does not disband and becomes a powerful political party in the Ministry of Magic.

How can Voldemort rise again?

Ryan in the audience also listened to their conversation and couldn't help thinking that this was why Dumbledore in the original world line was so easily brought down by Fudge.

That's because he is too noble, and those who follow him have to be noble.

It even seems that even fighting for the rights he deserves is considered unnoble.

Who dares to speak for such a Dumbledore? Except for his diehard fans and those who are willing to give everything for justice.

This world is always dominated by normal people.

So no one dares to run for Dumbledore and speak.

In the audience, the Weasley family also had red eyes after hearing Percy's words.

As the saying goes, children from poor families grow up early.

When the Weasley family was still small and the family environment was good, Bill and Charlie, like their father, chose to pursue their own dreams.

In the face of a difficult family environment, Percy chose to study hard, strive to get a high position in the Ministry of Magic, and climb to the top step by step.

The Weasley twins wanted to make a lot of money as soon as possible and fulfill their dreams.

Ron was inferior.

Ginny was the most favored. Although her family conditions were not good, she also developed the appearance of a normal child.

Now, the Weasley children are all crazy!

Fred was almost out of breath by Percy's hug, and George was also picked up by Ron, who was a head taller than him. Ginny was the most reserved. She hugged Harry, as if to share her joy.

Not far away, Malfoy at the Slytherin table couldn't help but applaud for his idol to get his due position.

He applauded so loudly that those who didn't know would think he was also a child of the Weasley family.

Goyle, Crabbe, and Pansy all clapped for Draco's sake.

At this moment, the hall was filled with applause, discussions, and the happy laughter of Harry and the others.

However, none of the professors at the staff table stopped him. Even Professor McGonagall, who was usually the strictest, had red eyes.

Yes, perhaps it was because her status as the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts and the dean of Gryffindor was too prominent that others overlooked that she was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

After about ten minutes, the hall finally quieted down.

Percy and the others returned to their seats.

How did Percy know about his father's promotion? Ron, who came to his senses, asked hoarsely.

You were saying loudly that you couldn't do your homework without your father's reply.

How did you notice that the piglet flew to Percy? Ginny rolled her eyes and said.

I told you, its name is Zhu Weijun.

It only recognizes this name. Hearing this, Ginny couldn't help but sneered softly.

She always regretted that when the piglet just came home, she didn't dare to name it because it was Sirius's owl.

How could it be possible!

My father is not such a person!

Even if he got promoted, he still cared about Muggle things the most!

How could he forget to reply to my letter? Ron lost his dream.

But the next second he became alert again. It must be in the letter to Percy.

He probably ran away after reading half of it!

But when Ron wanted to run to the Gryffindor table, Dumbledore stood up.

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