In this dreary rainy season, an incident happened that drove away the depression in the hearts of all students in Hogwarts.

That is, Myrtle regained the color of her life. Except for her transparent body, which showed her identity as a ghost, she was no different from a living person.

She also broke into the male dormitory of Ravenclaw.

It is said that she can now touch real materials like a living person.

Harry Potter, the savior of the British wizarding world, is a strong supporter of this rumor.

He himself said that he was touched hard by Myrtle.

But no one believed that Harry Potter was only touched.

You know, Myrtle has been lonely for a long time, so she is willing to just be touched?

As for why only Myrtle was like this.

Everyone thought that maybe it was because she was the youngest among all the ghosts and ate the most at that time.

So she was the first to regain the characteristics of a living person.

And she was able to enter the Ravenclaw Tower because of this.

So, in the following days, Harry was always looked at with sympathy by others.

Ginny didn't know how many pillowcases she had soaked with tears.

Other little wizards in the school were also worried about losing their most precious things.

However, some people saw some kind of omen in this incident.

So, in the Ravenclaw common room, little wizards who thought they were very charming would often approach Ms. Grey.

This was just the most famous of all the bizarre things that happened in Hogwarts.

It seemed that there was no boundary between the living and the ghosts.

As the incident intensified, Professor McGonagall and other professors inspected and improved the common rooms of each college.

This inspection revealed that Myrtle's entry into the Ravenclaw common room was just a special case, and only once.

The reason why she could enter was that she had the characteristics of a living person, and secondly, she was still a Ravenclaw student who had not graduated when she died.

After she touched Harry and ran away, she was once again regarded as unapproachable by the magic in the Ravenclaw Tower.

Once this news was announced, the smell in Hogwarts became much better because almost no one dared to take a bath before.

But some people said that he saw disappointment on the faces of Crabbe and Goyle from Slytherin.

They dared to take a shower when they didn't know whether Myrtle could still break into the dormitory, which is also a strong evidence.

Then, time slowly came to Halloween, which was also the 500th anniversary of the death of Nearly Headless Nick.

The hall was decorated with live bats as usual.

The huge pumpkins planted by Hagrid were carved into lanterns, big enough for three people to sit in.

Everyone's face was filled with warm smiles, ready to participate in Halloween.

Harry, why don't we go to the hall yet? I want to see what the hall looks like first. You know, we have to attend Nick's death anniversary dinner. Ron anxiously circled around Harry.

No, you know it.

Recently, many students are eager to attend Nick's death anniversary dinner.

Do you really think I don't know that they are trying to get close to the beautiful ghost.

One by one, they are pestering me.

Really, how can Nick push everything on my head and say that only with my permission can new living guests be added. Harry frowned.

But when he thought about seeing Helena again, his heart became active again.

It was those damn guys who made Helena rarely go back to Ravenclaw's tower.

But this is good, she would not participate in activities like the Deathday dinner with many ghosts. But because of the harassment of others, she felt that the Deathday dinner became quieter.

Finally accepted the invitation to the Deathday dinner.

Nick thinks you are more influential!

By the way, Harry, do you know why Hermione's temper has been bad recently?

Is it because of Luna? Ron gossiped.

For this witch of the same age who she had a good impression of at the beginning, he has always paid occasional attention to her.

No, Hermione made a bet with someone, it should be with Ryan.

The content of the bet is whether the Deathday dinner will be held in a vacant classroom in the basement as usual, or in the hall.

And Hermione chose the hall. Harry recalled.

Alas, if I had Ryan's face, I would definitely be the next Lockhart! The kind that didn't go to jail!

But God also cursed him to be easily ignored.

If this curse was on me, I would probably go crazy! Ron, who likes to be noticed, sighed.

I almost didn't notice it. Hermione's choice was too outrageous. How could it be held in the hall?

You know, it is said that ghosts other than Hogwarts will attend the Deathday dinner! Ron said after he got out of his half-envious and half-sympathetic mentality.

Ron, Hermione would have won.

But the matter of Myrtle made Professor McGonagall veto the original plan to hold Nick's Deathday in the hall.

It is said that Dumbledore was very disappointed.

For this reason, he planned to invite a skeleton dance troupe in the hall to entertain everyone.

Now, Hermione is probably the person who hates Myrtle the most besides me. Harry showed a mask of pain.

He began to think of the cold hand that touched him uncontrollably

No, there is also Ginny.

I heard from Luna that Ginny is trying the magic in The Quibbler that is said to kill ghosts.

But, Harry, were you really just touched?

You can whisper to me, I'm your best friend. Ron's face was full of doubt.

Shut up! Ron!

I was just touched! Harry said loudly.

This voice made many Ravenclaw students who consciously stayed away from them turn their heads.

They also became more and more convinced that Harry Potter must not be just touched.

Harry obviously understood this, and he stood up tremblingly.

They began to walk in different directions towards the Deathday dinner, like a walking corpse.

Along the way, Harry in this state also blocked others from approaching.

Because no one dared to approach such a Harry, who looked like he would draw his wand and give an Avatar if someone approached.

Behind Harry, Ron, who didn't dare to get too close to Harry, also half-confirmed their guess.

The hall was decorated with lights and candles, and there were golden plates on the table, which was very tempting, but Harry and the others still walked towards the underground classroom.

Harry didn't want to sleep, but Ron didn't dare.

Draco, who had just approached, looked puzzled.

After a few minutes, he finally couldn't help asking Ron: What's wrong with him?

Nothing, it's still about Myrtle. Ron pulled the corners of his mouth unnaturally and showed a stiff smile.

Harry is really too kind. I think he should write a letter to Mr. Weasley and ask the Ministry of Magic to restrict Myrtle's activities to the bathroom on the third floor. Draco showed a sinister expression.

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