Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 110 Deathday Dinner

In the dark basement, Draco's words did not attract Harry's slightest attention.

Because it's too cold.

In the aisle leading to Nearly Headless Nick's party, the temperature continued to drop with almost every step Harry and the others took.

And that's not all. Nick, who was almost headless, seemed to have forgotten that there were still living people coming to the banquet. The candles lit in the aisle turned out to be dark, thin candles that shimmered blue when burning. of light.

This light has little effect on illuminating the darkness.

Moreover, their light shone on the faces of Harry and the three of them, making them look particularly eerie.

Even Ron, who was so arrogant, couldn't help but tremble when he looked at Harry and the others' faces.

It was so good, I almost forgot I was a wizard. Ron looked at Harry gratefully, and a sun flew out from the tip of Harry's wand, illuminating the surrounding darkness and dispelling the coldness.

Come on, Ron.

Although you are a Ravenclaw, except for the spells taught in class, except for some jinxes, you do not learn anything else.

Like a spell to dispel the cold, you will probably only rely on the blazing flames. Draco couldn't help but complain to Ron.

So will you? Ron refused.

I really know how to do it, my parents once considered letting me go to Durmstrang.

It was cold there, and I learned the spell to keep the cold away.

Let me teach you, raise the hand holding the wand halfway above your head, don't move your elbow, turn your wrist twice, then say "Cold and Warm", and then touch yourself with the tip of the wand. Draco managed to lift his pointed chin.

I don't want to learn some bullshit cold-repelling charm from you, Harry's is even cooler.

There is a sun floating above your head, how handsome! Ron pointed at Harry, who looked like Apollo under the magic sun.

It's cool, but what next?

Can you learn it?

My anti-cold spell is much simpler.

In Durmstrang it is like a fluorescent lamp. However, Draco had to admit that Harry was obviously much more handsome with this curse.

Ron, Draco, don't you recognize it?

This is an alternative use of my dark spell.

As you all know, the spell I created was based on the story of the wolf Sköll devouring the sun.

Now I am just letting the sun come out of the devil wolf's belly. Harry explained.

He thought it was outrageous that Ron and Draco hadn't thought of it.

It's all your fault, Harry.

You gave this spell the inconspicuous name of Dark Curse.

If you call it the Sun Swallowing Curse, I can think of it. Ron chose to beat him up.

We have been standing here for a while, we have to move forward quickly! Draco chose to divert his attention.

Draco regretted it, though. He was the first to walk in front when a heart-wrenching sound occupied his ears.

It was like a thousand fingernails scraping against a huge blackboard.

This is music! ?Ron followed closely, covering his ears, and then Harry.

It seems that after spending a long time without contact with the material world, the ghosts chose to use this unbearable sound to find the feeling of being alive. Harry's face was twisted, but he couldn't help but say.

My dear friend, he said with infinite sadness, welcome, welcome...I am so happy that you can come...but why do you come so late? I told many ghosts that Harry Potter will join me. Death anniversary dinner. Nearly headless Nick regains his liveliness after putting on a show.

He stood in a doorway, draped in a black velvet curtain. He took off his feathered hat and bowed to invite them in.

Harry had never imagined that there would be so many ghosts.

Especially when they all looked at him in unison.

He is Harry Potter.

The magical wizard that Peeves dare not approach.

As expected, the Potter family is all carved out of the same mold, a very familiar face.


However, Harry, who was watched and discussed by the ghosts, understood the reason why he attracted so much attention in the next second.

In the center of the underground classroom, there is a huge cake floating in the shape of a huge tombstone, spinning slowly.

Although it is transparent, you can still see the words spelled out in tar-like frosting:

Sir Nicholas Deminsey Porpington

Died on October 31, 1492

The other side is the main reason why Harry is getting so much attention now. There are also words painted on it:

Welcome Peeves' nemesis Harry Potter and his living friends

The hundreds of milky-white, translucent figures packed into the underground classroom must have been looking at it hungrily before this.

Okay, now it’s my turn to speak. The number of people is satisfactory. The crying widow came all the way from Kent... But I know very well that your coming to attend my death anniversary is also related to ghost food. I guess you It's been noticed that some of us already have a bit of a living color, and there are more obvious ones, but she offends my friend Harry Potter.

You may be wondering why I put Harry Potter's name on my death anniversary cake. It's not just that his presence banished a guy who had an invitation to this dinner that we didn't welcome. It is because of him that the Ravenclaw Diadem came to life, and Dumbledore reproduced this wonderful magic through the great Ravenclaw's ghostly diadem. We also have the almost headless Nick at tonight's dinner. Said after floating up.

Finally, he waved his hand, and the band on the stage covered with black cloth, with the terrible and trembling sound of thirty musical saws, the ghosts began to dance the waltz.

Why haven't they started eating yet? Ron, the dry eater, asked curiously.

At the same time, Ron was also looking around the room, hoping to see opaque food.

The Headless Hunters haven't come yet? I think Nick must be waiting for them. Harry shrugged.

But why?

I see that the other ghosts are not paying attention to dancing at all, they are all staring at the cake and drooling! Draco asked curiously.

What he didn't understand the most was why the other ghosts were so cooperative.

You don't know?

By the way, you were at the Slytherin table at that time. It's like this, Nick wanted to join the Headless Hunters, but because his head was not completely cut off, he was rejected.

Nick must want to humiliate them through these ghost foods this time.

You know, because the head is cut off, the food will leak out. Harry was confused at first, and then he suddenly realized.

I understand. The reason why these ghosts are willing to cooperate is probably related to ghost food. Draco nodded.

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