Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 123: Triwizard Tournament—Voldemort?

The next second, as if watching a movie with a frame skipped, Ryan appeared in front of the horn, and the invisible magic covered the huge gray spiral horn like a spider web.

As expected, there is a magic that can blow up the whole house.

Fortunately, the venom in the horn that contains explosive power has almost dried up.

Although the power has not decayed, it will not explode at the touch.

Otherwise, Luna's father would go to accompany his wife before Ryan found it.

And Luna would be called aside by the professor in class one day, and sadly told the bad news.


This tiny sound is not obvious in this noisy room that serves as a living room and studio.

But it represents the decay of the explosive power in the horn.

The appearance and even the inside of the horn are exactly the same as before, but under Ryan's near-nanometer control, the volcanic and hot power inside it has almost disappeared.

Now, even if Luna forgot or didn't care about Ryan's words, the explosion caused by the horn would only make people look dirty.

This is better.

Thinking of the dirty little Luna, Ryan couldn't help curling his lips.

Ryan took a deep breath and looked at the room where the horn was placed, which was Luna's living room.

This room gave Ryan a strong sense of déjà vu, a room where things were hidden in the Room of Requirement, and it was just as messy.

But this one was much smaller and in a standard circle.

There were piles of books and papers on every surface.

There were exquisite animal models hanging from the ceiling, all of which were magical creatures that did not appear in Newt's "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". The Scimitar-Horned Snorlax was one of them. They were all flapping their wings or moving their mouths.

And the one that kept making the sounds of clacking and ping-pong was a printing machine.

This machine should be Xenophilius Lovegood's exclusive invention, which was wild and unrestrained, and completely different from the machines on the market in the magical world and the Muggle world.

It is made of wood, and it runs on gears that are completely inconsistent with existing scientific laws, making noises and full of magic.

Xenophilius, Luna's father, is in front of this machine, checking the copies of "The Quibbler" it spits out.

Seeing little Luna's father, Ryan finally understood why Luna looked so unkempt.

Xenophilius Lovegood is actually a handsome wizard. He is not bald like Ron's father, and he does not have a small belly under his robe like Lucius Malfoy.

But like Luna, no one can shift their attention to his appearance after seeing him.

His long white hair, like Luna's, is dirty and messy, and he is barefoot and wearing a stained robe that looks like pajamas.

He should not be so sloppy on weekdays, maybe because his daughter goes to school, and his wife has passed away long ago.

But it is probably not much better. His dressing style is probably considered weird among wizards.

Ryan sighed, stretched out his pearly white, transparent, slender fingers, and a drop of pearly white, transparent liquid that looked like blood floated out from Ryan's fingertips.

Then it slowly fell into the center of Xenophilius's eyebrows.

Hiss, what happened to me today? I came up with another good idea. This report should be changed to be more interesting. Xenophilius pulled out a brand new parchment from under a pile of books and papers and wrote furiously. To be honest, this is Ryan's main purpose.

That drop of blood is a revision of the anchor that Ryan studied Harry's absorption of his own magical characteristics.

First, it can ensure the safety of Xenophilius's life. He is rich now and likes to buy strange things randomly. It is inevitable that he will buy another thing similar to the horn of the poisonous horn.

Second, it is to ensure Luna's living standard. Although "The Quibbler" has become a little popular, its content is still just absurd and interesting, and the revision of the anchor that Ryan gave to Xenophilius has added the function of stimulating his inspiration.

In this way, The Quibbler will get better and better, and little Luna will not have to live in poverty.

Alas, why doesn't Luna want to spend my money? Speechless! Ghost Ryan couldn't help but smacked his lips and disappeared.

On the other side, the lights in the headmaster's office of Hogwarts were still bright.

Owls kept flying in and out, delivering and sending letters.

But Dumbledore, who was still writing furiously on the long table, didn't feel tired at all.

This was the first time in his life that he felt full of energy.

The British magic world operated and changed according to his ideas under his letters.

The ugly and bad habits that people thought they were hiding in the ivory tower and dared not look directly at were corrected one by one by him.

One by one, the unjust, false and wrong cases were overturned under his order.

Wizards no longer stick to their old ways and began to learn Muggle things and combine them with magic.

I heard that a new movie theater was recently built in Diagon Alley, which was the work of Skywalker Alchemy Workshop.

Dumbledore had taken time to go there. The decoration was very similar to the cinema in the Muggle world, and even closer to Tom's Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

The movies it played were not just modified projectors to operate in a magical magnetic field.

That movie was more like using a pensieve, making people feel as if they were really entering a memory, giving people an immersive feeling.

However, this is not good. The adult scenes in the movie are too realistic.

At that time, Dumbledore really regretted that his nose was not as sensitive as other old wizards.

After that scene, Dumbledore clearly smelled the scent of heather from the next seat.

It would be fine if he didn't know who the wizard next to him was.

But unfortunately, as the headmaster of Hogwarts, at his age, plus his good memory, he can say that he knows 90% of the wizards in the British wizarding world.

Seeing the serious students in Hogwarts in the past blushing in the dark really gave him, a centenarian, a great shock.

Well, the Triwizard Tournament?

Initiated by Igor Karkaroff. Time next year?

Well, there is another school, Beauxbatons?

Next year? He is also a Death Eater. Will Tom change his target? Does Tom want to revive with Harry's body tissue?

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and wrote the word "agree".

This is not impossible. Harry's body tissue is actually easy to get.

Tom can get things like hair and nails by controlling any young wizard Harry is familiar with.

Moreover, there is also the Elder Wand here.

Dumbledore touched the green wand placed in the most conspicuous place on the table. It was the Extraordinary Guide? Elder.

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