Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 124: Testing

The principal's office is an office in Hogwarts Castle, where the then principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry works and lives.

This office is located on the eighth floor of the castle, with a gargoyle at the entrance.

It is responsible for guarding the entrance to the principal's office. Only when the correct password is given to it will the gargoyle jump aside.

In this way, the wall behind it will split in two, allowing people to enter through a spiral staircase hidden behind that moves slowly upwards.

This also makes it impossible for even the professors of Hogwarts to enter the principal's office without a password.

And today, as the clock rang, symbolizing that it was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, two figures stopped in front of a huge and ugly stone monster.

Wow, Severus, long time no see. The handsome young man who looked more like a student turned his body sideways and blocked the middle-aged man with a sallow face and a deep hatred.

Hello. The middle-aged man with a sallow face looked restrained and his eyes were empty, as if the person in front of him was air.

Blowing bubble gum! The handsome young man raised his eyebrows and stuck close to the sallow-faced middle-aged man who went straight upstairs because of the stairs.

What? Are you afraid to talk to me?

Or because of guilt?

Betrayed your master? The handsome young man pretended to be angry and said as he went upstairs.

The sallow-faced middle-aged man was silent.

We're here. In front of a shining oak door with a brass door knocker in the shape of a griffin, the middle-aged man called Severus spoke.

The muscles of his lips twisted together fiercely, as if after a hundred years, a little gap was barely revealed.

The handsome young man wanted to speak, but a steady and gentle voice came from behind the door, Come in, Severus and Tom.

Dumbledore! I don't know why you want me to come here with this person at this time? As soon as Snape entered the door, his face regained his vitality and complained to Dumbledore, his demeanor was like a child who complained to his mother after being bullied by his father.

Yes, Severus obviously still cares about being with his old master. The handsome young man Riddle walked in slowly.

I want to ask you about Karkaroff in your eyes. Dumbledore crossed his hands and looked very serious.

He? A speculator, a guy who takes advantage of every opportunity.

Like Lucius, but his luck is a little worse. What? The guy called Voldemort is targeting him again?

Well, did Arthur Weasley's actions alert him? Riddle was careless at first, but then he became serious. He was very curious about the whereabouts of Voldemort's loser.

In my eyes, Karkaroff is a coward. He regards me, who also doesn't like to go out, as a like-minded person. He even mentioned me when he accused the identity of the Death Eater. Snape frowned and said directly.

Then, they both looked at Dumbledore.

Very good, Tom, your guess is right, I think so too.

Igor Karkaroff suddenly wrote to me, saying that the Triwizard Tournament will be held again next year, namely: Hogwarts, Durmstrang, Beauxbatons.

In my opinion, Voldemort has occupied Karkaroff's body just like he did with Greyback.

It is also easy to maintain the temporary body for more than a year. After all, potions are very cheap now. In addition, Karkaroff is the headmaster, with a high salary, and can also purchase some expensive potions. As long as he uses it carefully, he will not collapse as quickly as Quirrell. Dumbledore adjusted his half-moon glasses. By the way, Severus, write a letter to Karkaroff to test it, if your relationship is really that good.

And you, Riddle, always sense whether Voldemort has resurrected.

However, the most important thing is to look at Harry. If there is really a problem, he should react. Dumbledore looked at the two of them seriously.

Time, 9 o'clock in the evening, at the Quidditch field.

Come on everyone! I think we all realize the importance of training. In the previous match, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Okay, Qiu Zhang, you need to practice to dodge the attacks of the Bludgers. You may be fast, but you are too direct. Henry, you are a veteran, but as a hitter, your aggressiveness is still a little lacking. As for Roger and Phoenix, you two should keep up. Bradley, Richard, you two need to keep working hard. I suggest that you two can practice with each other privately. As a hitter, Bradley, you attack, and Richard, the goalkeeper, you practice more defense! Finally, the training is over! Harry shouted while training himself.

When everyone went back to the castle, Hagrid stopped Harry and Ron on the side.

What's wrong, Hagrid? Ron asked first when he saw that Harry's voice was hoarse.

I want to prepare some interesting magical creatures for a game, and I want to ask your opinions. Hagrid said in a low voice, as if someone was eavesdropping.

What game? When?

And, Hagrid, when will you ask us questions about magical creatures? Ron's eyes widened.

Harry took out the magic-chilled pumpkin juice that he had put in his bag with the traceless expansion spell and took a big sip to calm down.

What do you mean I won't ask you? Well, it was Dumbledore who said that I couldn't estimate the danger of magical creatures. I could see it from what happened to Aragog and the others. Hagrid shrugged helplessly.

What kind of competition is it? Harry asked in a hoarse voice.

Well, I should be able to tell you this, after all, Dumbledore asked me to ask your opinions.

Moreover, the captains of the Quidditch teams should also know about it, such as Wood and Flint. Hagrid said mysteriously.

Hey! Why? If it weren't you, Hagrid, then it would probably be only Harry and the captain of Hufflepuff who didn't know! Ron waved his fist in dissatisfaction.

If I were Dumbledore, I would do the same.

There will be no Quidditch games next school year, which means one thing for Wood and Flint, this year will be their last Quidditch game. Hagrid became serious.

He knew how important Wood was to the Gryffindor team.

What? Harry was so surprised that he couldn't breathe.

Ron's eyes widened.

Because there will be something more important next semester than Quidditch.

That is, next school year, our school will be very honored to host an event that has not been held for more than a century, the Triwizard Tournament. Hagrid was so excited that even though his beard covered most of his face, it couldn't hide the blush on his face.

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