Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 174: Occlumency

Chapter 398 Occlumency

"That's really hard."

"But inhumane?"

"Did you just mention relying on others?" Harry said with interest, touching his chin.

"Yes, you weren't led astray by Ron."

"What I just said is how I learned Occlumency. Mediocre people - people like you, including those recorded in the book, rely on others."

"Rely on someone you trust the most to rudely invade your brain and peek into the memories you least want others to know, so that you can develop resistance."

"By the way, it's best not to invade too frequently. For impulsive people like Ron and you, it's best to be invaded once a day."

"In addition, you should exclude all emotions before going to bed every night - keep your mind blank and calm, and recover blood." Ryan said directly.

"Hey! What do you mean by mediocre!"

"What did I lead Harry astray?" Ron cursed.

"I'm impulsive?" Harry, who claims to be a qualified Ravenclaw with calmness and wisdom, was confused.

"As impulsive as you are, Harry is still impulsive now, but he will obviously restrain himself, which will always let him find out what I mean."

"As for mediocre people - isn't it the same as me?" Ryan did not answer Harry's question himself.

Harry's words, in Ryan's opinion, were just a little surprised for a moment.

Whether Harry in the original world line was impulsive or not, naturally needless to say.

Harry now, Ravenclaw's Harry can still see his emotional side. In the last school year, he broke into the bathroom to try to save Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle who were surrounded by trolls.

In the secret passage facing the corridor on the fourth floor, Harry insisted on facing Voldemort alone.

At the Black Mansion, he went to the place where Voldemort hid the locket with Draco and others.

If it weren't for the influence of Voldemort's soul fragments and Ron and others, he would probably be like Hermione, wavering between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

"This witchcraft is completely incompatible with me." Ron shook his head with self-knowledge.

He was going to use that magic to make money, so it didn't matter if he didn't learn the brain block technique.

And he also knows about Legilimency. Generally speaking, as long as he doesn't look at the caster or get hit by the other party's wand, the memory in his brain is safe.

"Ryan, should I learn it?" Harry looked at Ryan.

He thought he should ask Ryan.

On weekdays, study, Quidditch, and Ryan's training all occupied his energy.

And in the past three months, he also had to drink potions to transform his blood.

If he added brain occlumency, he didn't know if he could do both.

"You and Ron can try the steps before going to bed."

"As for learning, wizards are also human beings. Human beings in their teenage years will have emotions as their bodies grow."

"You should wait until you are 17 years old." Ryan looked at Ron and Harry, and then said.

"By the way, can my emotional magic only be added to the lighting spell?"

"I have thought about adding it to the fog spell, so that my fog with my memories and emotions can be stored and then sold."

"The buyer only needs to inhale the fog through his nose." After listening to Ryan's advice, Ron immediately threw the brain block technique behind his mind and asked about his business.

"As long as you don't use offensive spells such as fire and weather spells, healing is also possible."

So, on the third day after the Christmas holiday, in the courtyard of Hogwarts Castle, Fred and George stood on a wooden table made of chairs, holding several glass bottles filled with fog in their hands.

"Everyone, come and take a look. This is a revised version of the magic that knocked us to the ground by Ron a few days ago!"

"You can experience the journey of Ron Weasley, one of the three musketeers of the Savior Team, that is, our brother, to the Forbidden Forest."

"You can also eat as much as you want without guilt. One bottle and one silver sip, you deserve it" Fred and George shouted loudly, and the audience was already full of curious students.

Ron and Harry were standing not far away, watching this scene.

"Ron, you didn't go yourself!" Neville looked at Ron in disbelief.

This is his product, his magic, so he can be in the limelight, but he didn't go!

Is this still Ron!

"Professional people do professional things."

"Yesterday, Fred and George convinced me that they have a good reputation among Hogwarts students - by selling the gadgets they made themselves."

"If I go, it's not impossible, but I might as well spend this time on producing products." Ron tried his best to stay calm and control his peripheral vision from glancing at the center of the crowd.

In fact, he didn't say what he really thought.

He really wanted to stand there, even if he didn't make money in the early stage.

But his two brothers didn't follow martial ethics.

He could only reluctantly let Fred and George go on stage to sell.

"Is that so, then Ron, leave me some more smoke from your food."

"I want to lose weight." Neville touched his pocket distressedly, and the gold galleons and silver Sickles in it were probably all spent on Ron.

"I want it too. I want the memory of you breaking into the corridor on the fourth floor. I want to see Harry!" Anthony, a die-hard fan of Harry, exclaimed.

"I say, although this thing has been examined by Professor Flitwick, what if--" Justin Finch-Fletchley, who had curly hair, popped out from behind Harry.

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He is a Hufflepuff student, born in Muggle, and is said to have almost entered Eton.

"Come on!"

"Ron hasn't said he'll sell you yet!" Michael squeezed Justin with his shoulder.

"It's not that I don't trust you - Harry, you should know that our products must be registered before they can be used, and Ron's -" Justin stuttered.

"I don't know, and Ron, you've asked Mr. Weasley to apply for a patent, right?" Harry said sarcastically.

Perhaps because he had been drinking potions for several days in a row, when facing classmates he was not familiar with, his words were always a little angry.

"Okay, Justin." Dudley held Justin's shoulders and said lightly.

He looked at Harry deeply and frowned.

"Professor Flitwick said it's okay, this is more useful than any registration." Ernie Macmillan, who had chatted with Harry and others in potions and flying classes on weekdays, persuaded.

"I have to go to class." Justin walked back to the classroom angrily.

The Hufflepuffs walked into the castle. They were in Charms class and had just had a break.

"I finally understand why you asked me to register, Harry."

"Obviously no one can imitate."

"It's just that there are too many people like Justin." Ron complained.

"Okay, we have to go too."

"Although we don't have classes."

"But Ron, don't you think that there are a few people in the crowd with Fred and George who look very familiar?" Harry reminded tactfully.

He noticed the witches who had a blind date with Ron.

Although he hadn't seen them in person, they were too nice.

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