Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 203 Tonks Finds Draco

Chapter 427 Tonks Finds Draco

"Have the grudges and Dementors disappeared?"

"Azkaban is no longer a prison anyway?" Harry's pupils dilated slightly when he heard Draco's words.

Dementors cannot be killed and can only be expelled by the Patronus Charm. They are a kind of negative emotional polymer that cannot be considered life - non-existence.

They are magical phenomena similar to fungi born from human emotions.

The only way for Dementors to disappear is not to cause long-term and uninterrupted deaths in dark and dirty places.

But even if the grudges, the hotbed of Dementors, were turned into firewood by Voldemort's magic, those Dementors would not disappear so quickly.

You know, the Dementors that were born in the 15th century because the evil wizard Axtis tortured and killed the Muggles he captured still existed in the 17th century when Damocles Rowle was elected Minister of Magic.

Moreover, the framework of Tartarus magic comes from the concept of Azkaban as a wizard prison, and Rowles, as the descendants who contributed to the birth of this prison, can borrow it.

Even if the Dementors and the grudges are gone, the framework should still be there.

But in Draco's words, the wizards in the British wizarding world still believed that Azkaban was a wizard prison, and the framework disappeared.

You know, even if the entire island is destroyed, this cannot be done.

Harry could never imagine how Voldemort did this.

"Voldemort must have obtained the secret of Rowles' magic."

"Didn't you notice that no Rowle has joined the Death Eaters." Ron said.

Ryan, who was reading a book with Luna in the common room, nodded.

Indeed, in the original world line, when Voldemort was resurrected again and occupied the entire British wizarding world, the Rowle family had a Thorfinn Rowle who joined the Death Eaters.

"Wait, could it be that Voldemort is being resurrected, and he is now Azkaban."

"Before, he might not have been able to master the entire magic of Tartarus, because he is not Rowle."

"But now, because he has no body, he has adopted Dementors, grudges or something else as his body."

"The disappearance of the island of Azkaban may be that it has become equivalent to a part of Voldemort!"

"This makes sense. Azkaban is not the name of a castle now, but a part of a living thing." Harry suddenly said.

"How is it possible?"

"It's an island." Ron and Draco said separately.

"I wouldn't have thought of this."

"But isn't Hagrid the best example now?"

"You may not feel it, but from my perspective, Hagrid is the Forbidden Forest." Harry took a few steps forward excitedly.

"How is this a good development?"

"Won't Voldemort be stronger in this way?"

"Look at Hagrid, he is obviously different now." Ron still didn't quite believe it.

"They are expecting Voldemort to be resurrected!"

"You may not know this, but only a resurrected Voldemort can be truly killed." Harry said as he drew out his wand and waved it.

They immediately became silent, the sound of the wind, the rustling of leaves, and the faint sounds of fighting in the distance all disappeared.

"Is this true?" Draco looked at Harry, who was using magic to prevent their voices from leaking out.

Ron also widened his eyes and even couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Yes, Voldemort relied on an evil magic to transform himself into a state worse than a wandering spirit and force himself to stay in the world."

"As long as he doesn't resurrect, no matter how long it has been, thousands of years, Voldemort has the possibility of resurrecting again."

"Everything Dumbledore and the others did was to make Voldemort truly resurrect."

"Take advantage of the fact that we have all the advantages now."

"Will the resurrected Voldemort be very strong this time?"

"But what about us?"

"Dumbledore, Hagrid, young Voldemort, and the unprecedentedly united Ministry of Magic, which controls the Daily Prophet, the mouthpiece of the British wizarding world." Harry explained.

"This is an open conspiracy, and Voldemort must know it, but he can't help it, can't help but activate this ritual that will make him more powerful after resurrection." Draco continued.

He was convinced, and he also thought that Harry's guess should be correct.

"Developing in a good direction" means that Voldemort is resurrected.

"Well, Draco, didn't you say there is one more thing?"

"I hope this is a good thing." Ron couldn't bear the pressure.

In his opinion, everything is moving in a better direction.

But if what Harry said is true, Voldemort might be resurrected when he opens his eyes tomorrow.

By then, his business, his relationship with Lavender, and his peaceful school life at Hogwarts might all be gone forever.

"Should I change the time?" Draco noticed that something was wrong with Ron.

And even Harry was acting a little weird.

"You better tell me." Harry sighed.

Voldemort's resurrection is obviously in conflict with his and Ryan's appointment to get the Resurrection Stone next year.

Now, even the worst news can't move him.

"You all know it, I've said it before."

"This wedding banquet is more like an engagement banquet than a pure-blood banquet for the entire British wizarding community."

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"For Squib, who is about to return to the family, many wizard families who have no contact with each other or have different ideas attended this banquet."

"My mother's sister, Tonks, the daughter of Aunt Andromeda who was expelled from the Black family tree, attended this party."

"She found me on Sunday, the night at the end of the party." Draco sighed.

"Does Tonks' family object to him being with Lupin?"

"It shouldn't be."

"Tonks' mother found a Muggle wizard just for love."

"So what if Lupine is a werewolf."

"And isn't Lupine's lycanthropy cured now?"

"Lupin also has a decent job - associate professor at Hogwarts." Harry's expression immediately changed.

"Not Tonks and her family."

"It's Lupin's side."

"He doesn't want to see Tonks again."

"So much so that Tonks even found me."

"She hopes to meet Lupin through me." Draco's tone gradually became a little angry.

Obviously, this was aimed at Lupin.

"But he just promised my sister on Saturday - to get along well with Tonks." Ron was confused.

"Maybe Lupine has been busy recently."

"After all, he just learned Fennir's incarnation."

"Maybe after some time, we will receive news of Lupin and Tonks' engagement." Harry said with a forced smile.

However, his intuition told him that he was wrong.

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