Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 204: Herbal Medicine Class

Chapter 428 Herbology Class

Harry never thought that his intuition was right.

In the following period of time, Lupin even began to avoid them.

He seemed to know that Tonks had asked Harry and the others for help.

In the match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor on Saturday, Lupin, who always took time to participate, was also missing.

They thought about tracking him, but Lupin's mobility, who had trained Fenniel's incarnation, was far beyond their imagination.

Even Harry couldn't catch up with him. He often saw his back in the last second, and he disappeared in the next second.

After all, Harry's body transformation magic mainly strengthens life and the excavation of heart magic.

In this regard, Fred and George, who were caught many times after Filch disappeared for half a month, also deeply experienced it.

Filch's mobility and his familiarity with the secret passages of Hogwarts made him a nightmare for all students who violated school rules in Hogwarts.

They also tried to write to Sirius, but obviously, Sirius stood on Lupin's side.

"You are still too young, Lupin's decision is correct," Sirius replied in the letter.

"They are all bastards!"

"What do they think of a girl's feelings!" Ginny and Lavender, who had been on good terms with each other, said hand in hand.

They glared at Harry and Ron, as if they had done it.

"I can actually understand Lupin."

"Voldemort is about to be resurrected, so it's hard for him to make a promise at this time." Ron said privately when Ginny and Lavender were away.

But Ginny still knew this from somewhere.

Harry's innocent face.

"What about our mother?"

"During the First Wizarding War, our mother was still married to our father." Ginny was very angry at the time.

So much so that even Lavender had to ignore Ron for almost a week for Ginny's sake.

In this strange atmosphere, summer quietly came to the grounds around the castle. The sky and the lake turned into a light blue with purple light, and flowers as big as cabbages bloomed in the greenhouse.

In the Herbology class, Professor Sprout arranged for everyone to prune the Abyssinian Shrinking Fig.

Harry put some dead branches on the top of the compost and happened to meet Draco.

"Hi, Harry."

"Have you seen Lupin recently?" Draco greeted him.

Tonks, who regarded him as a life-saving straw, often wrote to him.

He had to use other words, "The disappearance of Azkaban is related to Voldemort. Lupin has been busy with this recently."

However, for some reason, Tonks, as an Auror, contacted Mad-Eye Moody, an Auror who had retired for many years and was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

In the last letter, she seemed to know something.

Recently, he hasn't received a letter from Tonks for a week.

You know, before that, he received it almost every day.

Harry shook his head.

Draco came over to work on the same fig tree with Harry and Ron.

"Maybe we shouldn't have been involved in this matter from the beginning," Harry said as he broke off the dead branches, "Maybe Tonks thought we were unreliable and wanted to join the Order of the Phoenix through Moody."

"I think it's very likely that Lupin can avoid us, but he can't avoid the gathering of the Order of the Phoenix."

"And Tonks also agreed to the conditions for joining the Order of the Phoenix - after all, she is an Auror with a clean family background." Ron accidentally pulled off an Abyssinian shrunken fig.

"I say, can this be eaten?" Ron looked cautiously in the direction of Professor Sprout.

He didn't want to be deducted points. This kind-looking woman didn't seem so kind when facing her lovely plants.

"The shrinking fig is a magical plant, and the best specimens grow in Abyssinia."

"The flower of the shrinking fig grows inside the fruit, and is purple like the fruit. It is a deciduous plant that loses its leaves in autumn, leaving only bare branches in winter. However, due to its strong root system, the plant can survive even in the snow."

"Its leaves have medicinal properties. After peeling the fig fruit, a purple liquid is produced, which can be used to make potions such as shrinking potions." Harry poked Ron with a dead branch.

"I'm asking if it can be eaten?" Ron lowered his voice, he didn't want to be discovered.

Because some Hufflepuff students like to pick plants and take them home for midnight snacks, Professor Sprout always uses an unknown magic to check them.

No matter how deep you hide the fruit or flowers, she can find their traces.

And if you throw this accidentally torn fruit in a corner, you will be deducted points when you think you are foolproof and come to the Herbology class many days later.

And eating them is said to be the only way to avoid being discovered.

Dudley did this before. He once escaped punishment by swallowing a jumping toadstool raw.

"You still don't like Potions class." Draco curled his lips.

"And Herbology class."

"This year we learned a total of four plant poison tentacles (mentioned), Mandrake, Jumping Toadstool, Abyssinian Shrinking Fig in Herbology class."

"If you pay attention, Professor Sprout will always remind you which plants cannot be eaten without leaving any trace."

"Like the jumping toadstool, which is one of the main ingredients of the Buffy brain-stimulating potion, the Abyssinian shrinking fig, which is one of the only ingredients of the shrinking potion, can also be eaten."

"It tastes good." Harry shrugged.

"Hey! It tastes good!" Ron, who was about to swallow it directly but chewed it because of Harry's words, looked bitter.

"You idiot!"

"You really didn't listen to the class."

"Sprout's original words were, 'The taste of dried figs is good, but the taste of its juice - I dare say you will regret tasting it!'" Draco grinned.

The silly Ron undoubtedly made him get rid of the anxiety of not receiving Tonks' letter.

"Wait, Harry, what did you say?"

"Why didn't you remind me earlier!" Ron looked depressed.

"Remind you of what?" Even Harry sometimes still didn't understand Ron's brain circuit.

"Shrinkage potion - can shrink the drinker or transform into a younger form."

"Old witches often drink it at the risk of becoming smaller, hoping to become younger."

"Buffy Brain Refresher - a potion that can make people smarter for a period of time after drinking it, and even after the effect of the potion ends, the brain's thinking will be slightly enhanced."

"Why didn't you remind me that the plants learned in the Herbology class this year are so important!"

"These are all gold galleons!" Ron's face was full of bitterness and regret.

Draco and Harry looked at each other, and at this moment they didn't know what to say.

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