Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 205: Neville Becomes Strong

Chapter 429 Neville Becomes Strong

After a long silence, Harry said, "Ron, do you know in which school year we came into contact with the shrinking potion?"

Looking at Ron who was stroking the back of his head and grinning, he continued, "The third school year."

"This means one thing, it is very easy to master."

"Listen to its operation steps, 1: Process the daisy roots, chop them into equal sizes."

"2: Peel the shrinking figs."

"3: Slice the caterpillars."

"4: Add five slices to the crucible Slice the caterpillar and heat the cauldron until the potion turns red. ”

“5: Add the peeled shrunken figs until the potion turns yellow. ”

“6: Heat the potion until it turns purple. ”

“7: Add a small piece of mouse spleen to the cauldron. ”

“8: Add chopped daisy root until the potion turns green, then add five drops of leech juice. ”

“9: Add more shrunken figs, this time until it turns pink. ”

“10: Add a chopped caterpillar. Add hemlock essence. Finally, heat until it turns green. . "

"It's very simple, right? I won't mention the specific number of times to stir and when to stir it. "

"Ron, you want to make money from the shrinking potion? It's impossible to make money from those old people. "

"Because it's too simple, and this potion is only useful when it is boiling. "

"Once it cools down, it will lose its effect and need to be boiled again to be useful. "

"And its effect is divided into two types, which depends entirely on luck. If you are lucky, you will become younger, and if you are unlucky, you will become the size of a thumb. "

"Plus it lasts for a long time, unless you drop the anti-shrinking potion to remove the effect. "

"Obviously, this is very dangerous. The famous pharmacist Zygmunt Budge who invented it once gave the shrinking potion to the Tertius brothers. As a result, they all shrank to the size of beetles and hid under the cupboard for several days to prevent being pulled out and eaten by their cats. "

"Combined with these, you understand that the profit from selling it is not as high as you think. "Harry stretched out his right index finger and swung it left and right, indicating that this was unreliable.

"Isn't this easy to solve?"

"My Aunt Muriel used to do this. Before taking the shrinking potion, she stood on a low chair with a small pot of anti-shrinking potion under the chair. If she became smaller, she would jump into it."

"If she hadn't liked raising cats later, I guess I would have always seen the young and beautiful Aunt Muriel." Ron said, his eyes blurred, as if he was thinking about something.

"That's why you put Aunt Muriel's photo under your pillow." Draco said sarcastically.

"Shut up!"

"Apply your fertilizer!" Ron said as he threw the fertilizer to Draco.

Draco threw the fertilizer bag into the trash can in the corner, and the trash can swallowed the garbage bag and burped loudly.

Ron looked at Harry again, looking at him with hope, "What about the Buffy Brain Refresher?"

"It? You might as well buy a bag of Dragon Claw Powder. After taking this, you can improve your memory and your brain will become particularly sharp within a few hours."

"Although the Buffy Brain Refresher is just as effective as this, it can also permanently improve your brain's thinking."

"But it's too difficult. And it's difficult to prepare. Hogwarts doesn't even teach it."

"Because once it is prepared incorrectly, the potion will be harmful to the brain. The most important thing is that it is not like other potions, where you can distinguish success or failure by color and smell." Harry shook his head.

"But Harry, you are different. How could you fail?"

"Jumping toadstools are also easy to get." Ron said to Harry in an almost flattering tone.

Draco on the side pretended to vomit.

"You'll know the formula if I tell you: Runesbow eggs, dragon claw powder, jumping mushrooms and frog brains."

"Instead of preparing it, it's better to eat dragon claw powder directly."

"And it also consumes Runesbow eggs, which is also expensive."

"It's a thankless task."

"You have to understand that there is a reason why a potion is not widely sold on the market." Harry said to Ron earnestly.

"Merlin's beard!"

"Why is it so difficult for me to get rich?" Ron was like this because the market for his smoke bottle was already saturated.

Although the profit was stable at around 100 gold galleons per month, it was still not enough for Ron, who even used dragon skin for magic tape.

This made Draco, who claimed to be extravagant, couldn't help but give Ron a blank look.

Just as Harry and the others were talking, Neville carried a jar of Abyssinian shrunken figs and passed by them, walking towards Professor Sprout, very relaxed.

"When did Neville become so strong?" Ron couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

He then realized that Neville's round face gradually showed some outlines, and his round belly had become flat.

"Why didn't I notice it?" Harry was so shocked that he dropped the dead branch in his hand.

He completely forgot that he used to get up at 6 o'clock every day to take digestive potions, and spent his spare time with Ginny and looking for Lupin.

In early spring, the thick clothes under the robes would also make the changes in body shape less obvious.

"Could Neville have learned Fenir's transformation by contracting lycanthropy?" Draco guessed.

Some students in Slytherin had taken leave for half a month before and practiced this magic.

This magic has a particularly obvious effect on the physical improvement of wizards.

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"That's impossible, Neville didn't ask for leave." Ron shook his head.

Although Neville has become unsociable for some reason recently and is often not found.

But Ron, as his roommate, still knows his whereabouts.

"What are you looking at?" Anthony, who was interested in what Harry and the others were discussing, came forward.

"Look at Neville again, he's much stronger." Harry said bluntly.

He felt that he saw the traces of Dudley in Neville.

Neville, like Dudley, suddenly became like this from a fat man.

"You don't know?" Anthony looked surprised.

"He has been training recently." Michael popped up.

"He got an unopened iron sword from nowhere and practiced outside the castle all day."

"Most of the time, he mostly sits on the grass in a weird posture, puts the sword on his legs, closes his eyes and doesn't know what he is doing."

"Maybe he has read too many knight novels." Terry complained.

He likes astronomy the most on weekdays. After applying to Aurora Sinistra, the astronomy teacher, he was attracted by Neville in a corner of the castle bushes in his spare time after watching astronomy with a telescope.

"I said Neville has lost weight, do you want to--" Anthony looked at Ron and teased.

As a loyal fan of Harry, Anthony has always wanted to replace Ron's position beside Harry.

At this moment, because he has made money recently, in addition to eating, he often buys snacks and his body has become a little fat, which has become the focus of his irony.

After all, Harry has also become much stronger recently, and has also started to exercise and has some muscles. Anthony, who thinks he has more topics to talk about with Harry at this time, thinks so.

Thanks to Pu Pu Qia Qia for the monthly ticket and the recommendation and subscription of other classmates!

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