Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 206: Death Eaters Who Lost Their Wands

Chapter 430 The Death Eaters who lost their wands

"What are you looking at?" A voice that shouldn't be heard in a magic school in this country suddenly sounded.

It was Kate. She was wearing a white wizard robe and holding a cherry wood wand. She was sitting cross-legged on the sofa and looked at Ryan, who had been staring at the stone wall not far away, not knowing where he was looking.

"I just find it boring. Harry Potter and the others have just discovered Neville's changes now." Ryan shrugged, and then, "Fuck you!"

"Lying grass? これも日本语ですか (Is this also Japanese)?" Kate blinked her big eyes.

"Why are you suddenly speaking Japanese?"

"When did you learn this?" Ryan was startled.

"When you asked me to call you Lane Sensen."

"Don't you still play Japanese songs? I still remember 'Fate's Destiny's のルーレット贴してずっと君を见ていた.'" After Kate said that, she stood up and started singing.

"Wait a minute, your clothes, the wizard's robe from the Japanese Magic Institute, and your cherry wood wand-"

"You should know the meaning of white robes in the Japanese wizarding world, right?" Ryan stroked his forehead, looking speechless.

"All wizards in Japan come from magic schools. The magic school is also the one with the smallest number of students among the 11 internationally recognized magic schools. It is like a palace, located at the highest point of South Iwo Jima, Japan's volcanic island. It is built entirely of mutton-fat jade. It looks like a gorgeous and exquisite pagoda.”

"It is different from other magic schools. It admits students who are over seven years old, but they do not start boarding until they are eleven years old. During day school time, wizard children will ride on the back of giant petrels to and from home and school every day. "

"The wizards here all wear magical robes that change size as the student grows older, and change color as the wearer's knowledge increases."

"From pink at the beginning to gold only when you get the best grades in all subjects."

"The white color represents that the wizard has betrayed the Japanese Wizarding Code, committed illegal acts, or violated the International Statute of Secrecy," Kate said.

"Why are you talking about such a long list?"

"Also, since you understand that white represents criminals -" Ryan was about to continue, he saw Kate biting her finger, "Okay, don't you like it? このcriminal を Punishment してください,検Cha Official~~~ (Punish me, the prisoner, Mr. Prosecutor~~~).”

An hour later, Ryan sat upright and looked at Kate, who was sitting on the sofa that had obviously been cleaned by magic and changed into her original clothes.

"You haven't said yet why you just introduced the Magic School. Don't you like Wagadu the most?" Ryan coughed a few times and brought up the serious topic.

"I don't know you yet, if I don't say this long first."

"You will definitely play the teacher-student game again and slap me for questions."

"I still think the prisoners and prosecutors are more fun." Kate licked her lips.

"Don't worry about the details."

"Where is Penello?" asked Ryan, who could get specific information with just one thought.

"Her aunt doesn't know how to become a wizard, and she's writing to recommend suitable books to her aunt."

"After all, you know, the teaching materials we are learning may not be very useful outside of the magical environment of Hogwarts." Kate saw that Ryan was already in sage mode. He was not going to play any more PLAY, so he was normal. replied.

"Yes, it's really strange. How can a squib become a wizard?" Ryan said pretendingly.

"Don't think I don't know!"

"The magic published in The Quibbler must have been done by you, for that Luna!"

"Die!" Kate turned into a black shadow and rushed over.

Finally, the subject of what he was looking at was left unexplored.

Otherwise, Kate would have noticed the gift Hermione received through Neville's changes.

Kate is so troublesome if she doesn't play mind games all day long.

Because not long ago, it was discovered that the Squib could become a wizard through the incarnation of Fennir, which made Penello's aunt become a wizard.

And Penello stopped playing games all day long and began to focus on her aunt, whose magic was completely blank.

Her aunt was said to have been very kind to her when she was a child.

And Kate naturally returned to reality.

That's why he's been so content lately.

There is no reason to do anything more.

However, this is also related to the recording of "Death Eaters in the Wild".

Besides Kate, Penello also enjoyed watching it.

It is really difficult to edit interesting content from these months of boring scenes.

Especially when Ryan deliberately limits himself and works with a mortal state of mind.

Moreover, Ryan also needs to ‘occasionally’ make macro-controls to make the show more interesting.

In previous episodes, all the Death Eaters happened to forget to use magic to preserve the food stored in this prison.

With all the food rotting and spoiling, they had no choice but to fish.

In the latest episode, Bella, the only heroine in this series, because she cannot use magic casually, "accidentally" slipped from the reef while fishing, and broke the magic weapon that Voldemort brought to Azka. The last wand in the class.

This means that in the following days, they must make fishing tools by hand instead of relying on various props conjured by using magic opportunities once a day.

And under Ryan's plan, in the next episode, the little Mulciber who hates Muggles the most will find a book from the Muggle world, "100 Questions on Desert Island Survival", in the corner of the former Azkaban Castle.

What will he choose?

Please see the next episode for analysis.

"Kate, what do you think little Mulciber will do?"

"One, burn all the creations of the Muggle world as he did before?"

"Two, succumb to the reality of suffering and read humbly." Ryan asked with a smile.

"It depends on you."

"No matter how I answer, it will be wrong."

"If I choose one, then it happens that no one else is around him, and there is a fireplace in the prison, so the book will be burned."

"If I choose two, then the most realistic, perverted Travers who just likes to kill people will suddenly come to him for reasons such as going to the toilet and stop him."

Kate rolled her eyes.

How could she fall for the same trick she had already been fooled by!

Last time, it was about the guy accidentally breaking his wand.

She chose old Mulciber who often fell when walking.

But the result was that, because of the reality of suffering, Bella, a skilled fisherman, grew muscular.

This was obviously Ryan's doing.

Because according to their behavior pattern.

On that day, the Mulcer father and son and Travers should have used the wand.

But, because Bella's period came early for "some reason", she needed to use Transfiguration to make a sanitary pad, so she took away the wand.

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