Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 44 Neville, the boy who survived many disasters

After shaking his mind, Ryan resumed his original thinking mode without anyone noticing.

Although Ryan was thinking about other things before, he was still browsing the castle with Kate at the same time. The switching of memory and thinking mode did not have any effect or difference.

At this time, Ryan and his party came to the 4th floor, which seemed to have entered another world. The entire floor could be said to have solidified the traceless stretching spell, and the style was very inconsistent with the entire castle.

If it goes according to the plan, it should be a place that tourists will come into contact with the next day. The designer probably knows the Muggle world very well. The entire floor is full of various seemingly natural climbable rock walls.

At first glance, they are all towering rock walls, the highest of which is about hundreds of meters high. Only through the rock wall can you reach the fifth floor.

Unlike Muggles, there is no protection rope, but the ground is the best and unreplicable "protection rope". You can climb boldly and safely. Even if you fall, you will not be injured because the protection spell is cast on the ground.

"Mr. Ryan, Ms. Kate, if you are in a hurry to go to the fifth floor, there is a 2-meter-high rock wall on our left, in the corner, and the foothold is also very simple." Salvatore introduced immediately.

Kate did not have any special expectations for watching dragons, but she liked this fourth floor, which was supposed to be unauthentic.

Salvatore saw that Kate was very interested in this place, and clapped his hands. A bar appeared out of thin air on the ground in the middle, filled with all kinds of drinks. Except for tea and water, other things were charged extra.

Both gold galleons and Muggle currency were accepted, and Ryan secretly rolled his eyes.

At the same time, Salvatore also went to the third floor and rested in his coffin, leaving Ryan and the others alone.

When leaving, he emphasized again and reminded that if the currency was placed on the bar, the corresponding price of the drink would automatically glow, just pick it up, and the change would be returned.

Ryan doubted that this guy had a commission to take.

Ryan had never been exposed to rock climbing in his previous life. Natural climbing is deadly, and artificial climbing costs money.

Ryan, a student, had no chance or energy to play this game, but now the opportunity came.

Without the light bulb, Ryan still only maintained the physical fitness of a normal human, which was more fun.

"Wuhu!" Kate, who climbed up about ten meters of the rock wall and then jumped down with a backflip, made a joyful sound.

It seems that this floor is not just for rock climbing, jumping from a high place seems to be a part of entertainment, but it seems understandable why the bar is built in the center, so as not to fall on it when jumping down.

Monkey Kate was born. For an afternoon, the sound of Wuhu kept rising and falling, ten meters, twenty meters, and even the highest 100 meters. Kate kept climbing and jumping like a flexible monkey.

Ryan couldn't help his curiosity and started rock climbing.

On the steep rock wall, Ryan kept changing his body movements. He was challenging the 100-meter-high rock wall on the right. Looking down, Kate, who was tired and drinking water, was just a black dot in normal vision.

Ryan, who climbed nearly ten meters again, could no longer see the bottom. There were white clouds all around him, and his hands felt wet.

Ryan felt a little bored. He had long gotten rid of gravity and didn't think these scenery was rare. Although this cloud layer was also made by magic, people couldn't stay there, just like normal clouds.

Ryan continued to climb up and finally reached the top. Above his head, a door slowly appeared from the air. Ryan pushed it up and it was the fifth and last floor.

Ryan closed the wooden door, let go of his hands, and fell down in a lying position.

Whoosh, whoosh, the sound of the wind sounded in his ears, passing through the clouds. For about five seconds, a strange feeling of falling into a quagmire came from his back, as if he had been lying on the ground from the beginning and jumped from a high altitude, as if it was just an illusion.

If Neville jumped here, would he awaken his magic ability in advance and not be regarded as a dud by his family?

This interesting idea suddenly appeared in Ryan's mind.

His uncle Algie had done this many times, such as pushing Neville off the Black Lake Pier, almost drowning him.

It was not until Neville was 8 years old that he was no longer regarded as a Squib by his family. It would probably take a few more months. Now it is July, and Neville's birthday is July 30, one day earlier than me and Harry.

In fact, soon after Neville was born, he could use magic to wrap himself tighter with a blanket, but no one saw Neville's unusual magic display and talent in childhood, and the midwife only thought it was Neville's father.

In addition, Neville's parents were tortured crazy by four Death Eaters with the Cruciatus Curse. Neville grew up under the severe reprimands of his grandmother, Mrs. Longbottom. Since Neville was a child, she required this poor grandson to be proud of this crazy pair of parents, and must think that his parents "sacrificed their health and reason, not to make their only son ashamed of them."

Neville was more inferior than Harry, and his grandmother told him many times in person that he was "a good boy, but not as talented as his father."

Neville was also a boy who survived a disaster, but it was caused by the harm of his family.

When Neville was 8 years old, his uncle Algie came to have tea, and he even hung Neville from the upstairs window with his ankles up. When Neville took a piece of meringue handed to him by Aunt Aini, he lost his grip and did not hold it firmly.

Then Neville bounced up by himself - flew across the garden and fell on the road.

It's really speechless. It can be seen that the so-called pure blood values ​​magic. Although physical injuries are easy to treat for wizards, Quidditch, a crazy sport, also comes from this.

However, after Neville was eight years old, the persecution of his life also ended.

Ryan sighed and walked to the bar. Kate's little face was still flushed with excitement. As a result, they started talking again with a cup of black tea.

"Kate, when did you discover your magical talent?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Well~ It seems that I was 5 years old. I cut my father's beard in front of him, and he didn't notice it." Kate frowned and thought.

"How do you know he didn't notice it?"

"Hehe, I cut it in front of him! When he was eating, I cut it openly!" Kate blushed and emphasized.

It seems that this is something Kate is proud of. She is really a natural assassin. In addition, she knows how to hunt vampires. It won't be a family that specializes in hunting vampires!

"Kate, what did your ancestors do? Are they vampire hunters?" Ryan asked curiously.

"What vampire hunter? Only half-vampires can do that, although it's cool!"

"Our family is wizards! Why do we have to do something? Wizards can live alone!" Kate asked in confusion.

Ryan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Wizards are different from Muggles. They don't have to do anything to survive. Food, clothing, housing and transportation can all be done by magic. No wonder the Ministry of Magic has never had a sense of existence.

A wizard family with a stable career is considered a great existence in the magic world, such as Ollivander.


Time flies, and before I know it, it's time for dinner.

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